par-;e : Decs:.;': or, 1C40 -"X •• ' X'', -' ■■■. dmLfiliilllliJIilMMxn OiOSSJ ? Vvliat about "Hag" 7;ichards spending the Than.ksgiving holidaj^s on a house partjx Sone party i Aiid about Beth Sager turning her boy-.rriGnd' s picture to the wall.—P.S. She heard fro.i hi..'i toda^y so it’s back around. IBien Penny Hiller, iithelyn "Pick", /um T'J'ebb, and Thelna Corperdng went on their house-party not so lo.-».ig ago, they "vvent over to this cabin iThere sone boys were and said, "Hay we coine in?" So, they went in and stayed for hours', (so vre hear) That girl from "ihigland" has got v/hat it takes What has the army got that Jacque laibbard wants? It for av/hile that Jewel Houck wasn't going to get that letter from Jim, but it came. Luke certainly loioivs how to out watches, doesn't he, Madelene Hearn? How's Brooks novf, Catherine Wilkinson? ■■.Oiy so pale, Virginia Heath? Is .Harvey a two-tinor? Nancy C-leator., are you still cheering for D\ike, or is it Gastonia r.ov/? We vronder v;hoso Lee Edwards ’ hi ring you’re wearir.''x /vm Fishburne? Johnette Griffin, are j'-ou still a loj/-al adiTiirer of George ■'.Washington? We thought so. Prances ''furrah, how long has it been since Billy sent you his love? Hot lo?i,g. we hope. '■lihj is Beryl Evans i.nterested in Chanel Hill? WiO was the "uniform" Patti. Fitzgerald had the other day? X IhfHf E\u;ice I.IcCo?aas wtfb4®rried about the :fidelity of her Joe, but she feels (better ,uow, since he sent .her his picture. fWliy is it Dell Horton and Diana Lee are always singing, "Mn't if a shame about , .^a^pne?" 'Before auid after effects of Ovaltine Alice H., Atwood and Judy James. :-CPziiiG Suttle is now a delivery bo’./', Hovr about it, lame Dodson? You should - Is ’ ow. •Hazel 3. Harris has a brand new one in the city of Black Mountain, Blond or redhead, Hazzie? Our model romance is that of Jean Harkey and Jack,- or is it that of Marian Ha.rtin and Sudft? Stencil The saddest words of tongue or ne.ncil Sto.ff is going to cut a stencil. ihe bookstore is alwaj'^s in a whirr There's not even room for me to stir. "Don't peep; 3rou biOTr jrou should go avfay We have to get the Dialette out today." BaCiC they go to the machine again iu:d you v/onder if jrou are going insane. i-dnally they're through and out of the vmy fou've had as :.:uch as you want for one day. The sa.ddest Vv-ords of toiia’ue or pen I think it's going to happen again. Olive Bradshaw, The three chief races of man are sprints, hurdles, and long distance, - o 0 o - ; L )] ' .-jSrSxjJSS^^