pc'.' o Four The Dialctte THROUGH THE INRRMMY DGDR Floride LcDerr'.id , Kr.tMccn Hardee Juanita Filson The infirmary inspires people in the queerest v/ays i First they v;ere confined because of the flu and then the health authorities ^ quarantined over fifty for a perio-d of three days for observation. Livinr; with sicl: ones in the infirmary is an ordeal, but try living; v/ith that many veil ones I be'll, all ■ remelnber those days I But definitely! Ly head did ache; i;y temperature they did take; They were sorry to relate Fhat should be my fate. It read an 108. They put me to bed; The nurse calmly said Vith her hand on my head,- "Lie flat on the bed Or you'll soon be dead." They gave me a pill l.hich made m.O quite ill. How remember, lie still; Dr in!: water vheq you will. And you -won't have a chill. There vie lay , "Day by day" Fasting -our time av;ay. They never v/ould say "You may get out today."- Yes we got out before I-i'ay. The sociot of-hap",incss is not in dolu uirnt one lines, but in liking ih-t has bo do. “ one •-Bar rie February, 1941 College Department Lillian Abraham, Jacksonville, Fla. ila Hearn Cassady, Tuskegee, Ala. Hances Ferrier, Clemson, S. C. ITemphis, Tenn. Tor, Jones, Chattanoo'--a, Tenn. Janet McDonald, Cam.eron, h: 6. Vivian Martin, Alpharetta, Ga. Av^u® • • C. va Hen Taylor, High Point, N. C. Opi • Marietta, Ga. -Celia Turk, Calhoun, Ga. Cleveland, Tenn. Hamlet, N. C. Juanita Filson, boodruff, S. C. Harv Eir ^ v°"^’ Hopewell, Va. Young, Farner, Tenn. High School Department Betty Bel-lc, I.Iontreat, !I. C. PolCEf^ Chambers, Marion, N. Hazel Leesburg, Fla. '=• Hary Inn Pie—Black Mt., II. C. EtheirP- H. C C. Kenneth VBrevard, N. C, Hutr^n H. C. nSh Black Mt.,’N. C. Black i ; Huth Black Mt., N. C. Aichardson, Black F-t TI C Dorothea I olfcahv, o Estelle Som.erset, Penn. Annbebb' j- ^rookneal, Va. i'*ontreat, H. c. - o 0 o - oo.ding ma''etli ready n^an ' confere ' writing an exact I think tha+ - Boem lovely\!^p\^ J Uo a tree.., L'oems are made, > But onl^r Bools 1-T!;e me, Dqd can rjqke a tree. ' tr.