Paf;e Two THE DIAIETT5 . EDITOH-ni-CIIIEF Mary Rudv.lpli LITZH/J^Y EDITOR Patti Pitz^eraid BijSII'iESS • •••••• .KatHloor. Harde© PUBLICITY I'lAlL'.GER.. .Catherine L'ilkinson EXCfLiNGE I llarjorie Jordan FEATURES Marianna Johnson PICTORIAL Lyra Pittman iILISIC Jane Bou^hton SPORTS Prances Taylor CIASS REPRESE1JTATI\ILS Senior CoIIese... Floride McDermld •Junior College... Dorothy Hambrick Senior High Katie DWagner Junior High Betty Belk Sophomore High Ifcry V/allace Freshman Pay Chambers SPOUSORS Miss McElroy Miss Brandon Miss VTatkins PRODUCTION STAFF PRODUCTION STAFF CILvIK.AK: JJimmie Rowland. TYPISTS: Chairman Mary Mitchell Madelene Hearn, Inez" Stone Ethel Root, Camilla Coleman, Sale, Louise Emerson. SPONSORS : Ivlrs. Spears, Miss Blackburn. "Thus at the flaming forge of life Our fortunes mvist be v/rought; Thus on its sounding anvil shaped Each burning deed and thought !" ivlary STENCILISTS: Chairma.n. .Ava Neil Tai lor i Jev/el Houck, Vivian Ma"rtin Juanita y/ilson, Catherine vu i liams. TUFEOGRiiPHERS : Chairman.. Alma Sharpe Lula Leo Neal, Frances Manleyj ART EDITORS: Irma Jean Shelor, Mari or-'p McKay, Edwina Gatlin. March 1941_ DJTOKJAI There is a moderation in all you do and say that makes you agreeable, tolerant, and good-natured. You have an even disposition that enables you to along 7/ith people. Your friendliness and cheerfulness are felt every virhere you go^ Good tastes and simplicity are expressed in your appearance* You haye^your ups and dov.ais, but they are slight because you liave a way ° recovering your good-humor quickly* a your friendships' you are sinc®^® and loyal. You have the ability to work, and are not afraid to exercise that abilT''Y sensible, friendlys You are sociable, practical, modest, good-natured, tastec. che'erful. kind, and conventional in aturally enough, you are not without aults, but there are no really serious really assert your p®[- , . and adapt yourself to meet the anging world, you need not worry* uccesG depends not only upon g°® tn1'i4-. -[jut upo hp«T+a .^“F®nas not only a stronp'^^'*^^^^^”’ energy, but u; a strong enough force to drive you goal. Don't ever be content Yes -I against the curren ^ takes courage and initiativ the it. You like to ha arts and conveniences of minn^? but you've got the • st inav 'h ” situations, what-ever th 1-p -K ill have a splendid chance happy and successful.- Is this character analysis YOU? - 0 0 o -