jssSa^m Rev.- J. L:. C:,rr, rt.-io:.?.;.! director ■ of Rcli-icus Sducftion ir. the Svnod of Ap- pc.1:.Ohio, is to DC ths c-uost .,t tire aa- nv .1 it,11 retroc.t of the Y. F. C. .Coun cil oh Morel.,:;-, Octoher 2C. So-e of --ou, ■ *-■ '■cr.oim Mr . C^rr *in his foroior .'OSitiori ..s direct or' of Reli.'rio'JE h''l- i'cc.tion in Georrir. ,.nd South Ccrcllr 1. die -;.:,' L.ni hi-i\ school Y. F. C. Coun— ; lo ■ ,r .0. ■.•icotiir sepr.r. .tely, tiro CnI o ou.ncil .rotr-oit corvonir^- .'.v 9:o0, C:.;:ip Montre. t, or e;t tho Rociu,.,.t;',r'nc.l .11 in cuso of rr.in. lir.-C'.rr '.vill not "■iro ro'ul,.r i.dares?, but :.ft-,r -.ro;- sfii.p period vrill offer sv.''u.estions to the council for ..ctiYities of the Y. P.' C. s v.nolc. 'thi.s yc-i.r. Pic.ns to c .r- ry out .his si.u'’;.’C5t.ion5 ’■.dll bo ■be-.un, end ol .ns ..•'cd out in last^ spring's retrx.t specific c.nd"'Mfi rite. Mr. CJ.ri v.-lli •••o guest for lunch ;t ch- colle.po . council 1 ctr ,.L.t. All of ■ ou hei'c in college ;.-ho ;.r., vio ra- bc.rs of' -your Surod's councils ere indted to- , ttend .the r^tre ,t. Tho h'.iyh school Y. p. C. council will bepin its r.trc;.t ,.t 5:30 P. M. .-.t C'.srr Montrec.t with Mr.' C.err •. s th.ir guest c.lso. This council v.dll .nect in Svlv..n heights in cc.se of rain. Mr. Carr is to he thc'if supper f>:uv..ct. DR. GRIMR SPEMS Dr. Kottio Crier, for forty yee.r'sp.. iis:'.- ic .1 is.sio.'ic.ry to Chinf , addressed tUa P, 0, Svnl;;" (-rvonii •, Ou,. Or tn, 'iost enpO']-.'- bl-.y ■er'.t.-.rti.inri'ont f'-.tur'OS of the ,r, th_. '.nr.u:l ph.sti- V..1 of St. t'.s, v.dll 'u. -r...s;ntc,',i on S t- urd,.y nipht, Octob.n- 11, , in th... And or son Ch; Origirn lity' c.nd tolcnt -lein bo the kov- the eV's^nin.n, ’.'her ^-irls frori e..ch ,s tc.t- repr..sented. h..rc vdll bri.^f- ly ■oortr:.y soiie oh. .C'. of it in : five ..iiiU',.,^ suit. In eitii-er nistofy or'coo’- for..!, thes^ sle.i'c-s vdll b'C the ut- r:osA e, oh^ state, prov r can order, for all i .fucrii] "bhe^ . " iv-'^n for th'_ best pr :,.'’cnt .tion. ■ 'lOe, f ollovdn.’ ■'i:;,u.rs .ri-pres'ent,l in o.ia stubent 'body: A1 , ii’'kanoas; Florid:.., ■ G'.or;:ie, Illinois, Pent I'CU c Louisian:., lississippi, yev York, North C'.'rolinu, Ohio, Ponnsylv,.nia, South C.r- olina, Tennessee, Viryinn.-.., . nd W. Vir- pinic.; ynd six ■ for ei^’r, c cu.c-trics : Dr .sil Crane, Cub:., England, Korea, ,,nd P: nain.: Genel ZonM. MITCHELL TRIP liter ,-nu.ch confusion ,,n.’ 1 u^^hter, wc To J.:jr.' our a.'..y. Three trucks of happy .girls clad :i.,r. podphurs or s.1a,cks loft tn^ c.,.:.ap-us -..t 9:00, Oct. 15, for the f-.rv- ous lit. Mitchell. . After th, cheerful "q-oodbyo" the girl s s .ng, ybll.,d, end m;.dc nois.^ in g^^ncnl, ihis co.'-tinued all tin vv but of course it v;.,s interrupted ft tiiios bv »ohe«ind ■ ilfi , v;c ■ to ri’.v . • o ^ ,, (Co.a' 0