■g,.R;:p-..ai2 T)IAIJ:TTE DcLcb'.-r. IS^Z.. Slfi'DiiY SCHOOL CLASS EILCj'IOO'G 'tj'c vrish. to c :;nj_.r^'c;ulc.tc c.ll tlio no.' Sunday Schcol of.'ic-.tf:, T>ivy c.r-.-: SoniorClaoC j PrjrjidGnt'--’Yj.'’::,J-nia i;.0',.rn n-y Vico Pr..sidont-“:?ary;:r..t Hums S c c r G t r, ry- -B/Gty C c 11 i n s Senior Clo.ss.II Prosidont~-Johnsic Gibson Vico Prcsidont-"Scruh Hu.ah.'.s S00retdry Ccyitcla HcClcjrn Senior Ciena III Pr G, iii d^.nt- - J-er.o Smith Vico Pr .nidcMt--Bunny ?o\«oll S'. crctery-’-l'Ieiicy pr.ltchott Juni'.r • Class I FxOni'.V,.nt--M''',ry Eliz..l) -th Gt.rr Vi o0 Pro 5 i doxrt" ■ J^. s si o iil lon S'-crv.tery--C'U’oly]i Ash Junior CLuns II Px' w r. i dv- lit'-’—B1 •; x’.cli o i'l 13j. Vico Prosid'.,:.:t"-’'iI:lon Ji'pper Socr^tery;- •Oiorir McKe.y Junior Clacc III ■' Pro sident-'-Ir-'::, S\/enGtror’ ' Vico Presid;,et-“7iryii;.ie T-r.oc Sccroter3''"-'Eli'zc.L(. th Styl'^-: High School .S'.nior Glesr> Prcsidont-^-IVry BrccV'\en ' Vico President--S!iirl y Ann Jotne -'n Secrotarjx--iilicc Tilscn Jouxier Gloss Prosidcnt--Botty AC':i:':p Vico Pro sidont—D'.'ro-'-.hx-:« TrnH'r-..th Sv-cretary--Fey Y orh.i'.'iO-A Sephrioro C1..-.EB Provsident—-Anr'. Ruck Vico Prosidoiit—'..e.rr'o.i’ot oil.'.-:.s See rote in'-—Axin Go, 11 o' vi.y Froshnen Cless Prcsido.at-"P;ctty Poo’cll Vico Pro si doiit-'-iiciolii’c ^ilii .■’non 5ccroto;r;r-"Patsy Brooks H. Blytho. FBOi: TI;lS ItiSIC GI.H3 J '■{■ r r .,n'.lo-.r ■rneotiu;; on Ilcndey niglrb t.j' orlie-i'.-’-g .'ie\r ofteC'.rs './ere cloctod; pit s 1 d0'.I* V h]'\, h0^.Xehy^ Vico— Pr^sicon’j' Hun-te wcdcefi-.ldj Sec rote ry- Troasurer,. klary 3rt.c.'-n-n.M. PI QUEERS GRG. AHZED Tho High School Y. P. C, ho. s fc^ocn di vided and a Pioneer orranizetion fonnod oi“ the'girls \.rho '.^ro ixi Lreshmen High School, or in tho loxier nradcs. Moct- in-'s arc hold in tho H emo Ec, Lab at 2 o'clcc]: ovc.ry Sunday r.,fternonn and arc lod by a diffon..ixb’ Pioneer each tir.c, Tho election of officers' 'at last Sun- cia’.’"' 3 r.n..ti"e' .resulted in tho folloe'in .. President, J?'cldc 'jtoady; Vico Pr^.sidc.at Holv-n Martin; Socr-tary, hnnabollc Eu-- b.,nk. Treasurer, Rost. Verio ■LoBlanc,A^ visors are hiss Ellis a-id lass Brceai and PL.linda Jennings is EXCRiLGES J ■'st VO -d-’ 'we s a busy one for tho stu dents ..nd faculty of nin^ato Juxiior Cel lo 0. Tho cc.'bton 'pietkieeg e;as carried cr.i durin..; tho periods of .yra cl- ssos T b'''rt‘to3“'tx ',/ctrko j*>et.'i stucoixts i..'no to: ohe-rs "were busy uj-oking to tho tune rf Do"/n H'-'Cn bh'.- Sov/a;ice River, or "Old 31-.ck Jec." Tho money y-'S^to '5'.. s'jont cn i’Tor'..n"e.''.ioi'its of building and around v/ork. The Tani-2to_J?rianjbLc_ Wingate, IT. C. Sure i 'There' aro men and i/oncn xto can turn out 10,000 v.-ords a d,.',--, but his tory doesn't sa-'.’- Shakesp.n.r'.. over -.-'ork- dd th..t fast. TVic Schc'''! Jeurnalisjt DC you lenev all of ycur Rational Ant hen?