AM US. LI PP1NS5 Have you heard aboi;t the internees at the Inn?? Of course you havOo hut haTej^ou hoard about all uhe thlnuo that have haopened accordrry^ to the curre^rt idle convei'sation? Ih^t I Tut I even if thing—a dr ring escape the night the lights u.-ont out, a mothor t^^r.cnxng her little boy tho gooso stop, secret codes being signaled up the mountain, etcsctc. • It does m;,iho good conversation and is lots of fun to listen to, but remomber tho old saying, "Believe nothing you hoa r a.nd only half you s jo and don't bo gu lliblo enough to v;rito homo about 1 ’v' • yoi; havQ ■, YOU kno’;V.- it's not polite to say oo. T7e'll begin mth the outside—Miss Coo'oor T/as ashed about tne guards at the"Inn. "Vmat are they like?" asked some of tho girls. Ib.ssf Coop r proceod- ed to describe their \',nifor.v;. "Are they very old?" questioned tho "dot so very," sho replied. "hdA' olc^; itrged tho interested girls. With a s'emathotic sjhilo. Miss Coop I'oplied, "Too old for you,but old enough for me'.' If you aro wondering how they look,then take your cue froin IJ-SS vfebb's boner, ,(an inside haonening) and pretenc; you ''mow an.'’.0'.'''y• Picking out a nico plain" clothed F. B.I. xian, she said, 'Could you'pleas© toll me where I could gee a pass' to get out of here?" "I’n: sorry," renlied tho man, "I'm one of the And now for ri hit of idle chatter- If you seniors didn't think tlu; study^of the Ilcnaidaanco oxa.ctly along youi line you may find a consolation in tnov.ang that It was not all in vain, ii'-va you bn rd about Adelaide Collins-io was worth cold cash to her ($5 worth^of it; Kero's how it happenod—Adolsddo i.vent homo for tho wook-end. Thor'... was^a r:-.dio program. Tho program v.-ns_a quiz w ith questions about tho Renaissance;. Adolqj-ds narticipatod in tho progra.m, and proved to bo the lucky genius, Hor accour.t of it to th.o English class n-as riot. Adelaide; Then the aimouncer asked mo tho cause of tho Trojan ', and before I stooped to think, 1 -"lo *A woman' . Lat this point Adelaida turn ed as r.:.;d as the 25 rod hats you soc in the Chaool every Sunday.) internees Somo amusing observations were a lit tle Jao boy sportmg a polo shirt on tho front of ^hich v.^as the picture of an Eagle and a tank vdth the letters "Loth Go America-—Keep 'em Fl^d-ng" spread across tho front in brazen lotteis. Bcclof McCall claims sho neve'r hear d "I love you" shoutcai—sa English class reports. Did yoii always b-.-r i whispered, Becky? A little Jap girl at the piano lotting out i-ath The Iforine Ify.rm about four to a bar. A German man came ur' and told her to stop, only to 'nave ono of those groat, big U.S. "G" men step in and say, "Vou, go right ahead little .g-i-rl. In this country we ^lay anything." If the saying about cutting your and having it como bao]-' curly then Joan Benjamin is quite lia.blc o b'seomo anoth.or Shirley Tomolo sho shaved hors Then, of course, if you care to liS'..Gn to the rosults of tho various vivid imaginations that have been expressing thcmsolvGS about the campus of lato you're really liable to hear a.Imost my If vou'ro counting tho days until Clirictm^s (and the time passes much fast er if you don't) then bore's a little ditty for you—^ Thirty days hath Seq^tembor April, Juno, and By unclc-- for speeding! ■-S. Johnson B» Pen.; oil