l^ONiresi' V//H GA/rni)we/V/ l^i H/sforv FACULTY WE u S i.!iss Alice iAcfurleno, foraor t,;..chcr hors in ;iontrOi.t, is nov/ c.t S^r.i’t.'.nUur^ Jr. Collogc, Spr.rt>. nbur.^:, S, C. ns v;o all kno’,v, Iv'iss Elsie Fletcher Aeincd the WAVES Ir-.st year, iit the pros'v^nt she is stationed at Worfoll':, Va-. ^^iGS Lf.urc Mac Brovsi and Miss Hargarot Saiith have both joined the Red Cross, ...ftor t;.kinp r, course in L'r.shir.rton, D. 0., they v.’ill do Rccro;.tien;..l -.;ork. i.iisG Cc'.rric lia.ddrcy is the nor/ diotitic-.n at Mitchell College, Sto.tcsvillG, H. C, Miss Kt.llio Blair is a incmber oi"‘ the frculty of the Junior College at St. Petersburg, Florida. The forraor housekeeper of Alba, j,rs. Lula Beattiej is located at Peace C/,'llc';e, Ralei -h, N, C. Miss Lydia Brandon is non to.'.ching in 'k.inell, Most Virginia. Mb understr-.nd thc.t lirs. Vera Spoars has j oined the 'WA'VLS, Tv/o nev; teachers in our Business Educa tion departr-icnt t.ro Miss Ik.ry I.,. Read from Forrest, Virginia, and Mrs, Ov'V. Arris tr eng of Montroat. Miss Lula. C. McClure, English instructor, is fr.'iii Triv/ali, Illinois. In 1C16 when j/ontrsat opened its door// for the first tine, there v/er.e on], eight students. 'I’odc.y, in 1943, th- school can bo^.-st an cnrollnont 01' thre - hundred twenty and /, f-.culty of tr;cnty- f ivc. This outstanding roaord has ncv;-.r been surpassed. The desire for Cliris- tia.n education aiaong young p-,:oplc in tho-v/orld has brought a.bout an inc re..sc in f.ttendc.ncc in all sc.hools throughout jiinerica.. I,iortrc/\t is no excention. The students U'cre '.ve Ico'/ied hcr.rtily by ill orgg.nizr.tions on the cr.:iiou:;. On .ednesdi/y ■. veninr-: /' picric was ^iven fof the stuejent b.;dy under the auspices of the SUN DIAL Staff. The Y. P. C, 'Coun cils orterta-.ino'd at parties on 'hinns- borou.a;h Porch and tl'ic Rccr..ation' Ik,11 on 'Thursday eveninr. j-n enjoyable jaco.n- li,ght hike v/as spa. sored by the Athletic Rofird on Frida.y. This \r s follcaed by,'a formal reception at Assciably Imi, on Saturday night. Dr. Spencer dc- li'^htfully entert.-inod the nei; girls .';.t ,.r„ ii,fenr:al tec, on Sunday t.ftornoon. 'ic feel confident the.t 'Mo'otreat udll enjoy ith best year yet if the spirit w'hich hc.s tinned. )fun cur yc:.r is con- Another now- noaiibcr of the fc,culty is I/iss Ella Dale w-ho v.dll teach Latin. Hiss Dale is fron Jacksonville, Florida, (Continued on page 6)