The DIALETTE is the official news paper of Montreal College, and is pub lished monthly by the Dialette Staff. Its purpose is to give the student a fair and unprejudiced view of campus life. EXECUTIVE STAFF Leta Miller Asst. Editor Janet Ruth Smith Business Manager Margaret Leech Advertising Manager Mary Williams EDITORIAL STAFF News Editor Sylvia Holcomb Reporters Margaret Coleman Eleanor Seagle, Nancy Cresap Barbara Dorton Feature Writers Norma Karstens Shirley Swofford Humor Editor Helen Kinsey Sports Editor Garlene Seagle Mary Greene Mae Foon Eng, Betty McGuire Art & Publicity Peggy Johnson Sponsor Miss Elizabeth Maxwell DEAR SANTA CLAUS: There’s a very unique and talented class in Montreat College—the Seniors. And, since this is our last year, we’d like some very special gifts. For our president, Ginny, please bring a bag of apples for her to take Professor Greenwood, so she can make a good grade in Journalism. For Mary Jane, a pocket- size “Smitty” to use when she gets stuck teaching. For Ann, a bqx of stationery to write letters to both Marthas. For Mabe, a boy friend, since she’s never had one. For Tishie, a substitute to use in practice teach ing. For D. J., a heap more visits from John B. For EK, something long, slim, and delicious (not named Ed) in her stocking— a peppermint stick. For June-bug, a new way to wear her hair. For Lola, about six inches in height, so she can meet the rest of the world. For Betty, an escalator from Fellowship to the Music building. For Alice, a way to go out for basketball, and sleep in the afternoon, too! For Heide, 10 extra hours in every day. And for Mary Ruth, teach her how to run the mimeo graph, so she won’t have to type all her publicity releases! For Mrs. Sawyer, a gig gle, since she never laughs. We’ve all been so good, “Squatty” Claws, so please bring these for us. We’ll leave —Turn to page 5 " Thanksgiving Day -- ^ A . _ VICTORY CAB CO Phone 3 8 0 1 Black Mountain, N. C. MONTREAT'S HOMECOMING Thanksgiving is always an extra wonder ful day in Montreat because the alumnae and former students return to see us. Here is the news about some of them MARTHA GETSINGER, Class of ’53, is Church secretary at the West End Pres byterian Church in Hopewell, Virginia. “It’s great to be back and see all the old girls again!” EVELYN HENNESSEE, Class of ’52, is Principal and teacher of the West End Church Grade School. “I didn’t really want to come”, she said. “I had to, just to chaperone Tom and Martha.” DOT LUNDY, Class of ’51, teaches first grade at the West End School in Hope- well, Virginia. “There just aren’t words . . . it’s wonderful to be back in Mon treat!” she exclaimed. MAE HAGER, Class of ’52, is Home Demonstrator in Kennonsville, North Caro lina. It’s pretty good to be a Montreater again even if it’s just for one day.” MARY ANN SMOAK is choir director, secretary, youth worker, and janitor in the Presbyterian Church in Greer, South Carolina. “It’s really wonderful to be in Montreat again, seeing all the old familiar faces, and the new ones, also.” FRANKIE HALL, now Mrs. Bill Robbins, is a graduate of the Class of ’48. She, her husband, and two children live in Kno.x- ville, Tennessee. It s mighty good to be back,” said PAT WILUAMS, who is teaching eleventh and twelfth grade French and English in the public school of Pageland, South Carolina Another French and English instructor of the Class of ’53 is COLLEEN STORY who is working in Denton, North Carolina! It s so good to see such a large student body, and Fellowship open again.” BECKY GLENN, “Professor” of English and history in Glade Valley, North Caro lina, wrote her statement. “I really have a good feeling when I get within the good ole Mon treat Gate, because it’s my fav orite place; I hope to return soon to view all the sights and people . . ” ^LICE WARDLAW, Class of ’51, is teach- ing history and physical education in her high school Alma Mater in PowdeJ Springs, Georgia. STO^v r year business course,, JEAN STORY IS now employed with the Billings Jrrolfna North GRACE PARRISH, a member of last years Freshman Class, is secretary to the Assistant Engineer of the State ffighwS —Turn to Page 6 BIG TWO GAME Good afternoon, fans, this is Halitosis Anne reporting the latest on the Big Two game of the year between the “M” Club and Montreat Varsity. The weather is biting cold, the field is in good condition, and the players as per usual are unconscious. A piercing scream from the coach and the twenty-two rough, ready, willing soc cer queens charge out on the field. The captains gather their teams for the last minute instructions and then positions are quickly found. This is the moment thous ands of fans have been waiting for . . • and at last the sharp, shrill whistle blows, the players lunge forward and with huge, bold voices they sing “Happy Birthday, Miss Smith.” Now the game begins with the Varsity holding back the “M” Club until the mid dle of the first half when Pogo Plecker valiantly stops a high flying ball with her shapely legs . . . this is the turning point in the game. At half time the Blue and Gold cheer leaders dash out on the field giving their customary “all” for the cause by singing, dancing, and cheering. The “M” Club then gave a cheer for their H20 Boy who was dressed and ready for a raid from outer space. Second half of the game seemed to tingle with excitement; everyone was tense, still waiting for someone to score. When out of the “M” Club squad Bubbles Bishop, Moose Gillespie and Chuckles Chaplin caught the hurling ball and “Moose” kicked, making the score 2 to 0, winning the game for the “M” Club. Although the “M” Club did take the game, (he Varsity players are to be com mended for holding down the scoring by their unique team work and fine spirit. Before I leave these old grounds and fly back to the great nowhere I would like 10 leave a few words of advice to the Varsity team, hoping that it will help to change next year’s score from Varsity 2 — “M”. First of all, stand and scream as loud as you possibly can, then run up and down the field it’s good exercise), watch the cars passing by, and above all don’t kick that ball—poor thing—it has feelings loo. Wren you catch the ball throw it in to the nearest basket . . . that’s right, two points . . . opps . . . wrong game. Oh! well, it was great fun while it lasted. Wilh these encouraging though's in mind, you will no doubt be labeled “Queens of Soc cer”. Dialette