VOL. 20, NO. 5 MONTREAT COLLEGE, MONTREAT, NORTH CAROLINA APRIL, 1955 ’55 Big Five Election Completed Book Store Is Annihilated It was a good store. It came in parti cularly handy for people who slept la'e on Monday mornings. Besides providing many hours of carefree fun for the slaves who slaved there, it provided food for hungry people, soap for dirty people, books for unsuspecting people, and miscellan eous-plus for anyone who could afford it. The room and its contents were vaguely frustrating to two types—broke ones and fat ones. Nevertheless, it was the best store to be found anywhere in Gaither, and it still is. The great change has been in name only. The names suggested by students of the college and high school were judged and the long-awaited verdict announced. Peggy Harris of College Hall suggested the name HI-CO-CANTEEN, and so it is. This is a tidy combination of High School, College, and the store itself. Peggy re ceived the valuable prize package, valued at about $1.50, and containing all sorts of articles of lasting interest. Remember, the place to rid yourself of that filthy lucre is the HI-CO-CANTEEN. Remember!! April 30 Junior-Senior Banquet May 1 Chorus sings in First Pres byterian Church, Asheville May 3 8:00 P.M. North Carolina Symphony May 7 4:00 P.M. May Day 8:30 P.M. Senior High Play Dr. and Mrs. McGregor who are in Scot land with the Billy Graham team. Exams begin soon; it’s must later than you like to think. Better be boning up on the songs that have to be memorized for May Day and Commencement. Don’t be a mumble-mouth. Tour Trimmings It began about one o’clock on the af ternoon of March 11, 1955. It continued steadily until March 21, in spite of all the obstacles encountered. IT was the spring lour of the renowned Chorus; and the OBSTACLES ranged from colds in the heads (approximately one cold to each head) to motor trouble in the bus. The former persisted, despite the tasty mints distributed so generously by Mr. Guy; but the latter was fairly easily remedied. Sandra was definitely the heroine of the episode of the balking bus. Neither the raininess of the day, nor the size of the bus dimmed her enthusiasm. Off the bus she jumped, to the back of the bus she ran, and through the back of the bus she pushed a hole. While about twenty other energetic souls had been nudging the metal part of the bus, Sandra had concentrated all her ef forts on one spot. On this spot was writ ten QUEEN CITY TRAILWAYS, AIR CON DITIONED. Not having been constructed to withstand the zeal of a second soprano giving her all for the cause, it collapsed. For the rest of the tour, the well-meaning sign was slightly less readable. Please excuse the false start, and pull yourself back to Montreat for the actual departure of the bus, containing (except for Doris’ head which stayed out the win dow continually) Bee Jay, Mr. Guy, Mr. Bridges, and thirty-four Peepers. (If you have not already done so, please add this word to your active vocabulary immed iately.) These same thirty-four were, at various times along the way, introduced as Chorus Girls, and as a Choir, seldom as the Montreat Chorus. Mr. Guy was Mr. Allan, Mr. Gee, Dr. Guy, and Mr. Gun. Speaking of introductions, at one school Bee Jay was ambling casually down the aisle, completely unaware that she was being introduced at that very moment. After the completion of her ceremonious hike, and upon realization of the fact that —Cont’d on Page 2 The Montreat College student body has elected Mary Frances Luke, Betsy Reed, Betiy Raye Mobley, ’Neal Harris and Emily Mohler as major officers for the 1955-56 school year. Maiy Frances Luke, formerly house pres ident of Howerton, is now president of the Student Government Association. “Lukie” is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. John Luke of Glendale Springs, N. C. Betsy Reed, president of the Student Chris ian Association, is the daughter of Mrs. C. P. Reed of Miami, Florida. The new president of A M A (Yea Board!) is Betty Raye Mobley, daugh er of Mr. and Mrs. James Mobley of Chester, S. C. ’Neal IlaiTis succeeds Leta Miller as editor of the Sundial, the College year book. ’Neal is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Baily Harris of Blackville, S. C. The head of the Dialette Staff is now Emily Mohler, daughter of Mr. Earl B. Mohler of Natural Bridge, Virginia. Remember!! The banquet given in Assembly Inn in honor of Billy Graham and his team, just before his departure for Scotland? Every thing about it demands superlatives. Thanks to Pud Plecker for the best kind of speech with the most meaning. The Junior fashion show? Quoting Frank, “I liked Betsy’s striped dress, but I did not like the baaaaaaathing suits.” The Thalians’ play, RICH FOR A DAY? Quoting the entire student body, “It was great”, “The parts seemed to have been written especially for each member of the cast”, “They were all naturals”, “Viva la Priest and Byrd.” Mouzon’s recital? The lavender dress, the blue-million hours of practice, and the dilly-dilly performance she gave. The Catawba Choir singing in Gaither Chapel? One of their selection, the 139TH PSALM, which was especially interesting to Montreaters since the music for this —Cont’d on Page 2