piaUtte The DIALETTE is the official newspaper of Montreat College, and is published monthly by the Dialette Staff. Its purpose is to give the student a fair and unpre judiced view of campus life. EXECUTIVE STAFF Editor Emily Mohler Assoc. Editor Shirley Nash Business Manager Faye Lowry Advertising Manager Pat Priest EDITORIAL STAFF Humor Editors Corenia Smithson Carolyn Dillingham Sports Editor Demetria Chandarlis Feature Writers Jane Taylor Genevieve Landrum, Gladys Culler Reporters Shirley Swofford Betty Johnson Art & Publicity Frances Hills Asst. Advertising Mgr Ann Bullard Typists Frankie Jo Dellinger Margaret Pickard, Shirley Caudill Nellie Attaway, Jerry Davis Ann Renshaw, Peggy Jo Miller Adviser Mr. William Boram Welcome To Dr. & Mrs. McGregor The word WELCOME may be rather over-worked, but at any rate, the tried and tested word is said here strongly, clearly, emphatically, and sincerely. It is said by Montreat and its inhabitants; it is said to Dr. and Mrs. McGregor. Wednesday, May 18, they came home, and that same night Dr. McGregor spoke in Assembly Inn. Dr. McGregor described the actual cam paign and its accomplishments as unbe lievable. He said the people of Scotland “put us to shame with their cordiality and friendliness” and are “hungry for God’s word.” This first-hand account being told by someone known and respected, carried much more real meaning and real feeling than all the news stories ever read about the cru sade. There were many little incidents told by Dr. McGregor that touched the mind and the laughing apparatus. He told of his discoveries concerning the McGregor clan, of the heat wave at 60 degrees, and of the various “teas” including “high tea.” As was said, these were quite enjoyable little anecdotes; but the one that touched the heart was the one about the 250 pound, rugged Scotsman who came down to one of the meetings and said simply, “I heard they were finding God down here, and I’ve been looking for him all my life.” Although it was said about the Scotland Crusade, it could be said equally well about Montreat. —E- M. Cabinet, Council, Board, Staff Leaders Named ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (the Board) President Betty Raye Mobley Vice President Barbara Warren Secretary Faye Low^ Treasurer Mary Frances Edwards Publicity Mgr Catherine^ Byr Gold Representative Norma O Brien Blue Representative Janelle Gurganus Heads of Sports; Soccer P^t Priest Basketball Janice Royster Volleyball Frances Murphy Softball Frances Coins Tennis Mary Lou Gr^ Co-Hikers Carolyn DiHingham pgggy Jo Individual Sports Cheerleader Demetria Chandarlis SUNDIAL STAFF Editor Assoc. Editors . Thelma Grant, Katl^ Business Manager Shirley Advertising Mgr Assist. Adv. Mgr Janelle Gurg DIALETTE STAFF Emily Mohler Shirley Nash _ . .. Faye Lowry Business Mgr ^ Advertising Mgr y^^d Assist. Adv. Mgr Ann^^p_____ I, Janet Ruth Smith, will to^ Campbell, Shirley Caudill^and^^^ respectively, my expert station typing, shorthand, and ^rm S wagon, and to Emily Moh > lette,” Poor child!! I, Jo Ella Bennett, do ^*'^/^^®H^grad- to manage a house, a husband, an K uate from college at the same anyone who wants it! -a n- I, Margaret Leech, do will to Cathy er my sun tan—there really ^asn of it any way, and I need everyt i I have. STUDENT GOVERMENT ASSOCIATION (The Cabinet) President Mary Frances Luke Vice President Barbara Daniels Secretary Sue Eng House President: Fellowship Elaine Berrong Howerton Kathy Steele Assistants—Gloria Hood, Ann Bullard, Betty Newton, Frances Murphy, Pansie Cameron, Peggy Jo Miller Class Presidents: Senior Eleanor Seagle Junior Jane Pratt Sophomore Mary Lou Kiser STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION President Betsy Reed Vice President Barbara Dorton Secretary Dot Ghant Treasurer Betty Bulger President of Life Service Frances Hills Heads of Groups: Spiritual Life Betty Newton Music Thelma Grant Church Extension Jewell Neil Enlistment & Training... Beth Braford Christian Education Catherine Byrd Stewardship Betty Bulger Art & Publicity Corenia Smithson World Missions Shirley Caudill Adviser • Miss Anderson Editor Assoc. Editor LAST WILL 4— From Page 1 and Louise Bennett, commonly known as Mary Margaret McBride, will Complex Apts, to Elaine, Louise no. 2, and Beth with hopes that these winsome, charming, young ladies will rejoice day by day in that which we have left them. I, Olivia Bishop, will to Sabra Slay the talents which I have acquired at Montreat —getting to the steam tables in the dining hall at the exact moment that the supply of pork chops runs out and at which time hash is substituted, and also the skill of being first to reach the “clean-up” table after it has closed, giving me the privilege of taking my tray to the kitchen. I, Mary Moser, leave my ability to keep quiet, especially early in the morning, to my friend across the hall, Mary Lott Walker. I, Ruth Wooten, will to Sarah Jackson, Mary Lou Gray, and Cathy Harper (future practice teachers) my ability NEVER to make blunders, mistakes, and slips of the tongue in the classroom. I, Julia Traynham, will to Susie Eng, Nora Liang, and Peggy Rogers my ability to participate in sports. I, Betty Blount, being of sound mind and fairly good health leave to Catherine Byrd and Nellie Attaway the checking of Christ mas lists in Dr. Mac’s office and to Shirley Caudill my “joy” in office work. I, Leta Miller, will to ’Neal ^ Emily Mohler my slave-driving techniques (you’ll need ’em); to “Cousin Sharp, Joy In Learning; to and Ann Bullard, my enjoyment of rhy cl&SS6S ^ I, Ivey Dee Chaffin, will to it is, my headaches as Senior Class . urer—but I’ll take the money. To Sar Jackson, I will my Ability to > education classes in one semester and i through it. I, Hilda Plecker, leave to Betsy Reed the frustrations involved in getting-up ® S.C.A. Pageants; to Barbara Daniels anu Barbara Warren midnight fellowship wi the chipmunks in our room; and from Eleanor Seagle I just leave. Dialette