yyiU^ MONTREAT COLLEGE, MONTREAT, NORTH CAROLINA DECEMBER, 1956 Senior Superlatives Are Selected Campus Calendar: Friday, November 30— Library Open House, 4:00-6:00 P.M. Saturday, December 1— Junior Class Party (time and place to be announced later). Sunday, December 2— Organ Recital by Mr. Clair Hardcn- stine, Gaither Chapel, 4:30 P.M. Saturday, December 8— A Deputation from Assembly’s Training School in Richmond will ar rive Saturday afternoon, be here Sun day, and will speak in chapel on Monday. Square Dance in McAlister Hall — 8:00 P.M. Sunday, December 9— Betty Jean Chaplain’s wedding, Gaither Chapel, 4:00 P.M. Faculty, Staff, and Students are invited. Monday, December 10— Civic Music Concert (Ferrente and Teicher, Duo-pianists). Friday, December 14— Home Economics Department Christ mas Open House, Room 12, Gaither, 10:00 A.M.—12:30 P.M. and 1:30 — 5:00 P.M. Tea at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Monroe for Faculty and Staff mem bers and their husbands and wives, 8:00—10:00 P.M. Saturday, December 15— Home Economics Christmas Open House, 9:00—12:00 A.M. Christmas opera, “Amahl and The Night Visitors,” presented by the Music Department, Anderson Chapel, 8:30 P.M. Sunday, December 16— Second performance of “Amahl and The Night Visitors,” Anderson Chapel, 8:30 P.M. Monday, December 17— Exhibition of Tumbling, presented by the Physical Education Depart ment, McAlister Hall, 8:00 P.M., fol lowed by a Christmas Party, Howerton Rec. Hall. Wednesday, December 19— Christmas Holidays begin at 12:00 Noon. “The reason a lot of people cannot find opportunity is that it goes about disguised as hard work.” “We have too long counted numbers, while we have neglected to make numbers count.” “There is no verbal vitamin more potent than praise.” Our lovely May Queen for this school year is Miss Jewell Neil. She is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Neil from York, South Carolina. Jewell’s major is Bible. She is doing her student teaching in the Black Mountain Elementary School. After graduation she plans to be married and teach Bible. When told that she was the May Queen, all she could say was, “I’m flabbergasted.” When asked about Sam, her husband-to-be, Jewell said, “He’s so sweet.” She is the Assistant Editor of the Sun Dial, our yearbook. Miss Mary Frances Edwards, better known on campus as “Frizzy”, was chosen to re present Sportsmanship. “Frizzy” is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Edwards of Bladenboro, North Carolina. Her major is Business and Physical Education. Miss Edwards is practice teaching at the Lee Edwards High School in Asheville. After graduation, “Frizzy” plans to teach. She is a star typing and shorthand student. “Frizzy” has served on the A M A Board for three years and has been treasurer for the past two years. For athletic ability and participation, she has been awarded her numerals, M, and chevron. Miss Jane Pratt, who hails from Pulaski, Virginia, represents our superlative for graciousness. Jane lives with her aunt, Mrs. Virginia Sloan. She is majoring in Bible and Christian Education. After grad uating Jane plans to be married and be a DCE. When she commented on her college professor. Tommy, she said, “He’s just wonderful.” Since Tommy is a professor and cannot play football, his athletic ability inspired Jane to participate in sports at Montreat. She was captain of the Thanks giving soccer varsity. Jane is serving well in her capacity as secretary of our Student Government Association. Miss Betty Bulger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bulger, was selected to repre sent True Spiritual Vision. Betty is from Charlotte, North Carolina, and is majoring —Turn to Page 3