Hey there «..»you-with the stars in your eyes. • • .yes you, standing or sitting there emcoinpassed by baggage, papaphennalia, and perhaps people.... And you too...yes you; none other than you with the moistened cheeks and brave quivering whisper of a smle... Wait a minute..you too..yes, one oi the summer crowd with your not too sturdy air of self confidence..axl ol you from the awe-stricken to the sell- assured. As you’ve undoubtedly conjectured the ’’you’s" addressed in the pre’/ious SigmSts are to you, the_ freshi^n i e the ’’greenies, the high school ifeniah’s, the "new blood", are so vital to our way of au Montreat College. You’ve taken a big step upward by just entering college. that you are interested in bettering yourself. It shovfs that you are interested in expanding mentally, s;ocailly and spiritually. hi e doubtless many of you are probably saturated with aspirations, ideas, and dreams that only youth is cap able of having and enjoyi.ng. lou want to do something really big per haps for your ovin satisfaction, or a loved one, or best of all for your ovm God. Well, Freshomn are you willing to try hitching your wagon to a star. It’s a long trail upwards and some times you may become air sick ana your wagon may be a bit c^anoersome but keep your eyes on your_^ star and your hands busy and you’ll attain these aspirations. Hitch your wagon first to the biggest, brightest, and highest star, a star whose effervesonce cannot be equaled by anything that is made or can be made. It is the bright and Morning Star that Star that created TOu—^that Star that is going to help vou decide what to do with your liie here at college and in the future. If you aren’t sure about what you are intended to do with your life, fret not. You have ample time to decide. It has been said that if you spend all of your time worrying and preparing for tomorrow, you,til have no today. It will cone to you later, and remember there’s no time limit on that later. Youire here for an education don’t forget. You’re aiming for a star so you’ll have to educate mind, heart and hands. Your faculty advisor will be ready to help you along academic lines. Your queries and doubts about what coursed in which to enroll „ '.vill be sufficiently ansTrered to your best advantage. As for dormitory life, you your self will determine whether it will be on a high plane or not. You can make your room a star peephole into heaven by the way you smile, the way you speak to your roommate, by the viray you study and participate in the spirit of Montreat College. Don’t think of big sisters as sponsored Mary Worths because they want to help you. Take advantage of tlieir services by talking over reg ulations or ideas that aren’t quite clear. You can even take advantage of their soft shoulders. Blouses v/ill wash and pangs of homesickness will pass Remember also through all these "new fangled" strange ways, if you’re busy giving out, you won’t ’DC giving in. Share your talents vTith others and watch them grow. Join some of the varied clubs, offer then your services, see what they have to offer you that will help in your star- bound pilgrimage. Who knows. Mon treat cotald be harbor:-ng within her portals another Ethel Barrymore or Lily Pons. Oh yes, when you join these clubs be sure you take your "roomie" along. She nay be the bashful type.