D Q Volume Ij No. 1 MONTHEAT-ANDEBSON COLLEGE Eriday, January 29, 1965 POLITICAL TOPICS Article 1 On October 15, 196U,the Russian news service^ an nounced to the world that Nikita Khruchchev had been replaced as Russian Pre mier, This report gave no substantial reason for Premier Khrushchev's dis missal. Many political observers have associated the dis missal of Mr. Khrushchev with two main difficulties within the Communist Party. This year marksthe last year in the Russian seven- year plan. This plan was designed to increase the gross national income and the gross national product. Neither of the two stand ards of increase has been met to the satisfaction of the Communist Party. To day there is still not enough food to supply the needs of the Russian people. The New York Times tells us in its January 3, 196$, publication; "It is already clear that Soviet agricul ture will not come anywhere near attaining the seventy per cent increase over the 1958 production called for by the plan." The dra matic incapability of the See COMMUNIST, page $. ISN'T IT TO INTERESTING THAT. . . ...CATHY COWHERD has lived in three different coun tries and can speak seven different languages flu ently? Cathy's parents are mis sionaries and were assigned to work in Peking, China, soon after she was born. As a result, Cathy was brought up under Chinese customs and influence, and mastered the language at a rather early age. During these early years, Cathy's family was driven out of what they had hoped to be their permanent home, by the Communists, They im mediately left for the United States and a whole new way of life for Cathy. She thought that Amer icans were extremely for mal and harsh in comparison with the simple and hos pitable Chinese. She said, "It seemed as though everyone was always dressed to go to a party. Themenwere always dressed up and the women painted their faces. "InChina," she continued, "the culture is based on politeness and the child ren's blind obedience to their elders. As for the women, the only beauty is See COWHERD, page 5* USIC •T a r ^ iTi Juliette and Crosby Adams Note; This is the first df three articles based on the lives of two beloved mu sicians who made their home here in Montreat. This first article is concerned primarily with Mrs. Adams' philosophy. "'Art haS'no fatherland and all that is beautiful should be prized by us, no matter what clime or na tionality has produced it.' So, the South is proud to acclaim a woman who, at eighty-three years of age, is its. most remarkable musician — Mrs. Crosby ii.dams. The South has every reason to call Mrs. Adams its own as she chose to come to Montreat, North Carolina ^ twenty - eight years ago to make her per manent home, and this re gion has absorbed the har monic artistry of her life and works." So writes Elizabeth Stone Hoyt in her essay, "Mrs. Crosby Adams—Crusader for .Chil dren' s Music," in the - Sou thern Literary Messenger, June, 19iil. For those of us who knew the Adamses, it .is difficult See MRS. ADAMS, page $.