Vole 2, Wo. 11 Montreat, North Carolina March 26, 1966 DRAMATIST,RUSSIAN PLAY TO BE HE RE APRIL 5TH It was announced this week by Mr, ''^irgil Sturgill, pro fessor cf Drama, that Miss An gela Mulgrav, an Allen High School student, would be pre sented '■■ere on April 5* Miss I'fulgrav will present two minies , "The Bird" and "Man .at the Ta ble." Described by Mr. St'ur- gill as "a most graceful young lady" her execution of -this early form of drama should provide a very pleasantevening for Montreat-Andersonstudents, Immediately following Miss Mulgrav's performance three Montreat-Andersonstudents will present the Russian rolav "A Marriage Proposal." MarkSteil, playing the part of the elderly and pompous old Russian, Ste phan Stepanovick Chubukov, finds that his daughter, Na talia (Arlene Motney) is being courted by an extremely ner vous lover, Ivan Vassilevich Lomov (Gary Brewer.) This extremely hilarious farce will have no admission charge. FI PST MEEJSCHEDULEd The track team has beenwork* ing out for the last three weeks, in preparation for their first meet with lees-McRae Junior College on April 16th. The main obstacle that will hurt the team will be the lack of depth, (See TRACK, page four) CINEMA SOCIETYAYNOUNCES SPRING ■ FLIC KG NEWS BRIEFS The Appalachian program sponsored by the faculty- li - brary committee will begin Thursday, March 3I with a cha pel address by Mr, Per ley Ayer, Executive Director, Council of Southern Mountains. Tomorrow night, March 27, the philharmonic choir from Morris Harvey College will present a program of choral music here in Gaither Chapel at 7*30 p.m. All students are urged to attend. March 29 will begin the first actual College Day at Montreat-Andersonin many years. This year’s program will have representatives from over 3O senior colleges where Montreat scholars are interested in transferring. Every student should counsel with at least one representative from a Se nior college so that he may be sure of his future plans after attending Montreat-Anderson. The schedule for confer ences is from 10j30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and after lunch from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Information telling where the college representatives may be found will be posted on the bulletin board. The newly formed Cinema So ciety of Montreat-Anderson College announces the coming of new and different types of movies. Two general types of movies have been planned. The first are the general enter tainment and the second are the limited appeal movies. The general entertainm.ent movies are the ones which are planned for the week-end en tertainment. Such movies are Ihe Unsinkable Molly Brown, A Boy Ten Feet Tall, Ihe ^utty Professor, and othersT The limited appeal movies are those designed for enter tainment as well as education. Movies such as ^rl Sandburg Discussing His Work, Grant Wood, Walk ^ My Shoes, No Man is an Island, and The Quiet Ones have been planned^ ihese movies willbe shown during the week, followed by an informal discussion. The Cinema Society is headed by Larry Fortune and sponsored by Mr. George Broughtop, Ihe purpose of the society is to provide entertainment and to stimulate the intellectual at mosphere of the campus. Pre sently there are about twenty- five members. The only re quirement for membership is to be interested in movies. Watch the bulletin board for further- information and coming at tractions.