1966 The Dialette Page three &SPORT5 spring has finally ivill ® young man's fancy r othe^r. but that t litti^ V ^ baseball. Sill f, ® less than a. month Sin Von - ® blue will Ss wi 1 ? ball:" The Slninn ’^’’'^■'sh their spring Sue 1966 major ^ season will be The Sid L®^''°'^al League race S ''''Tth any one of Sst pi^ battling it out for Sid havo^L b e Dodgers 5?>^ clp5 bo be rated as the l:S^> their pitching STsx (J brysdale and Sandy !j^gs ??p "°b Sign, with the jSi" ^^hing second. The sii'^ bhe I, T^OTtending clubs j.'^^ld finSu^*" which they bhe Pirates, iriri ^bii)jp®'^bs and the Phillies Coi 1 ''^Uh The 'dark horses" •« p”*'- S Ro'J'^bing ^L^b. Lmw°'^ °b the standings the^lS^? ^^bs, Hou - Tabulous New York ^Oiii^^''oritr>^® American League ' V bave ^S^Tn this season bo be Minnesota. Th He Y 'a\ '’’^kppc- ” i'liiiiiebu oa. ■>ts are dead, so the Sa\ 'jcau, bu Lfiti °d tLj'f 11vq down very long ?l!Dn ^be second and Ss^^bion bheir strongest 1^^ ,,®b1nd the Yah - PS- r Sox,Orioles S fled c should be the ^^'bh and Washing- |^^9ain_ f^Tty finishing 'in. Tim: page fogr) H ■! n ^ V* m r , y xxnoc un to give-the Montreat-Anderson team two points '??1he g?me“f^be season. The Cavaliers' record this year was 4-14. I N D Dan Rabon Mike Clark Linwood Orenduff RusseI I Shea Iy Don Patrick Mike Manos Steve Moody Johnny Woody David Peele Howard Dutton Won - 4 Lost - i4 VIDUA L S TATIS TICS 1 ■ Free- Games Goa 1 s Throws Points Averages 18 154“ 53 361 20.0 1 8 86 90 261 14.5 1 5 91 29 21 1- 14.2 18 67 32 166 9.2 18 56 49 161 8.9 1 5 14 14 42 2.8 14 8 12 28 2.0 1 7 7 9 23 1 .3 1 3 4 0 8 0.5 I 1 2 1 5 0.4 team Field Goals - 497 Free Throws Attempted Free Throws Made - 304 Percentage - 63^ Total Points - 1,298 Average - 72.1 482