mBa ffliGniBU Student Representatives Selected There are six committees that discuss school related topics with the MAC Board of Trustees, and each year students are asked by the Student Government President and Dean of Academic Affairs to serve on these boards. The committees and their members for this year are: Academic Affairs Committee - Warren Jones and Carrie Wolfen- den, Student Life Cbmmittee - Rex Hoffman and Karen Young, Building and Finance Committee - David Burge and Ann Glenn, Finance Committee - Don Redmon and Beth Johnson, Board Committee - Rex Hoffman and Karen Young, and Development Committee - David Teague and Eddie Blanchard. The students making up these committees represent the student body at MAC. If you, as a member of the student body feel there is something that should be brought up before the Board of Trustees, such as the lack of immediate student parking, these are the students to see! “KISS AND TELL’BEING PREFORMED BY THE GREYBEARD PLAYERS OF MAC. Photo by Chad Kapfhamer THE SHOW OPENS TONIGHT AND IS WELL WORTH SEEING IF YOU ENJOY COMEDY AT ITS FINEST. Spiritual Emphasis Traditionally this time of year is considered by many Christian oriented institutes as a time for a revival in the Christian walk and Montreat proves to be no exception. Last year MAC shared in the Fall Festival of Faith featuring Luis Palou and the Agajanians (they will be back this week) and this year we have as a special guest speaker, Mrs. Jill Briscoel. “The value of having such famed speakers, not to minimize what God can do, is their great impact they have all persons, not only during their visit, but through their remembered words many years to follow.’- Dean Evans. The popular British woman, Jill Briscoe, spoke at different occasions the 24th through the 26th in and around Montreat. A once secular believing c|ollege student herself, Mrs. Briscoe had several interesting points in her testimony . She spoke on learning to be effective for Jesus Season Christ and the importance of seeking to know Him. She referred to the Trinity as a tower in our hearts in the vinard of our lives, the tower being made of the stones of dissappointments we so often experience. In order to make wine from our vinard, the grapes have to be pressed. If we submit to the pressure - fruit will be produced. Jill spoke on the three loves, telling how they must be under the control of agape love. Eros is the human love, philo is a need love, and agape is given love, unconditional, regardless. ItS an act of love based on the decision to choose God first over all. Mrs. Briscoe who is usually noted for her talks to adult women, usually married, was warmly welcomed by the student body. She said that it was very refreshing to be among young people who are on their way to a beautiful journey. She was just glad to be a small part of it. Chuckle photo by Ken Lakin MRS. JILL BRISCO SPEAKS TO MAC They spoke with authority from the depths of their ignorance.