Volume 9, No. 12 Aletheia i / December 4, 1979 Iran Continues Seige RT.K. Is Getting Involved by Kathy Brake Recently Iran took 90 people as hostage at the U.S. em bassy in Tehran, the capital of Iran. In every country a foreign embassy is always considered neutral ground. However, approximately 80,000 students invaded the U.S. embassy under the or ders of religious-political leader Ayatollah Khomeni. Iran has grossly violated one of the most serious codes of international law. The price for freeing the hostages: the return of the Shah to Iran. What can the U.S. do? Our hands are tied. Politically we have done everything we can to Iran without endangering the lives of the hostages. At first the Iranians demanded that the Shah be handed over to them so he can stand trial, under Islamic law, for his crimes. The U.S. however, refuses to succumb to blackmail tactics and hand the deposed ruler into the hands of certain death. On November 19 the Iranians released 13 of the American hostages, but then said they planned to put the remaining American hostages on trial as spies and try them under Islamic law. What are the Iranians after? Do they really want the Shah as badly as they would like to humiliate the American government? Why are the Iranians refusing to even negotiate with the American people? • It is ob vious that the Ayatollah, a religious leader, is seeking to undo the westernization of Iran. He blames the Shah and it looks like now he blames the U.S. He referred to the U.S. as the “Satan nation.’ ’ America must remember that she is dealing with a country who is led by a man who believes he is following the will of the God he recognizes. Christians in America can turn to the God we recognize. We know that Jesus Christ holds the answer to this problem in His sovereign power. It is indeed a frustrating time for Christians and non-Christian alike. Everybody has their own solution to the problem. None of these suggestions are valid. This is no joking matter. We must trust that the leaders of our country are doing what they know is best. Pray for these men; pray for the burden they are carrying. Pray for toe hostages and their families. Do not sit around and worry about toe honor of America - pray for toe individuals who are suf fering in this crisis. America’ s honor as a nation is only as great as that of each in dividual. America is uniting and her people are rallying to toe injustice being done. Now let the American people unite in prayer. “Thou dost prepare a table before me in toe presence of ray enemies.’ ’ The Lord will prepare a table before those who call Him their God - and it will cause toe nation of Iran to tremble. INSIDE TODAY: EDITORIALS - P.2-3 FEATURES - P. 5 SPORTS - P. 4 LITERARY - P. 6-8 by Leta Parks Phi Theta Kappa has made a fresh start this year with a new sense of enthusiasm and determination. Many of toe club members are new and we also have two new advisors — Ms. Martha Evans and Ms. Elizabeth Pearson. The of ficers and advisors have spent a great deal of time going over toe basic goals and purpose of the club. All of toe club members have agreed that our primary purpose is to honor Jesus Christ by service projects which will involve our school and community. One of the most important por jects this year is the penny- a-day program. This project is important because of a Scripture passage we find in James 2:14-18. This passage shows us that we are look after the physical needs of those who are less fortunate than we are. Phi Theta Kappa, along with the entire student body, is sponsoring a little boy whose name is lis Iskandar. lis lives in Indonesia, which is one of the underdeveloped areas of the world. Many of the citizens of his country suffer great poverty. Through the penny-a-day program, we are responsible for food, clothing, housing, health care, and education for lis. We are asking that each student set aside one penny everyday to go toward this goal. There are jars in several places around the campus where you cdn deposit your pennies. We have already received a progress report for lis stating that, “He is in better health condition. He now looks cleaner, brighter and happier. ’ ’ We appreciate the con tributions which have already been made and would like to encourage everyone to become involved. This is one way we can all help solve the problem of poverty now faci-.g a major part of our world Cambodian Relief Effort NEW YORK - Edwin J. Wesely, Chairman of CARE, which has begun emergency assistance to up-rooted Cambodians is flying this Thursday, (November 1) to Bangkok, Thailand, to confer with U.S. and other government officials and with his own organization’ s task force which “has been there getting aid delivery un derway.’ ’ “They have now determined that we can effectively con duct a major relief and rehabilitation program for the Victims,’ ’ Wesely announced today. “Therefore, CARE is launching a special, crucial drive to raise ^ million from donations by the general public to help end toe searing agony and save the en dangered men, women and children.’ ’ “We were rendering aid in Cambodia from 1962 to 1965 and again from 1973 to 1975, toe latter two years under chaotic and war-time con ditions. We now will have our seasoned staff deliver all possible assistance to these long-suffering people.’ ’ “Initially we have started to deliver food, relief kits and medical and other emergency supplies. We have one CARE- MEDICO nurse at the camp and two more will be there within toe next few days. Additionally, we plan to equip kitchen-and-clinic facilities for treating toe most seriously malnourished children. We are concerned to help the Thai families who have been ad versely affected by toe influx of Cambodians.’ ’ Wesely will visit the displaced persons’ camps in Thai and survey the border areas and possibly cross over into Cambodia. “I will then return im mediately to give an eye witness report to the American, Canadian and European people who support our work,’ ’ Wesely said. “I am confident that as in toe past they will respond com passionately and generously to relieve the tragic plight of these unfortunate men, women and children who are at the very edge of survival. We have helped Cambodia before qnd we pledge to exert every effort to relieve their suffering now.’ ’ Con tributions can be sent to CARE Fund for toe Cam bodians, 1618 Thompson Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia. 30344. CARE has over toe years provided emergency assistance in many disasters, natural and man-made. Currently CARE is doing so in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Uganda, Chad; in toe dispute territories, Sinai- Gaza-West Bank and for toe Indo-Chinese “Boat People’ ’. All told, many millions of people in more than 35 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East are receiving food and self-help development aid to enable families to work toward becoming self- ■ ■■ vV' . -1 .■ ■‘•‘ifc ’ -i Cudos go to the SGA who sponsored a leaf rake to help the elderly 2 weeks ago. (Mrs. Andrews, photo) “FOR GOD SO LOVED Sophomores remember well, the beauty of Montreat in the snow. (Terry Thomas, photo) Student Visitation Held by Mary Ann Montreat-Anderson College held its annual visitation weekend November 15-17. The purpose illustrated through this 3-day activity- filled weekend was to in troduce (true actual exper.) toe college’ s commitment towards developing in dividuals in a Christ-centered perspective. During these three days the prospective students gained a unique opportunity to ex perience varied aspects of the daily academic and social activities of college life. The schedule of events en compassed a wide variety of activities such as a talent show, sing-a-long, square dance and movies, attending classes and i inneracting with members of toe student body. From all indicatoins the admissions office believes that this weekend was very successful because many of the forty-seven applicants seem to have a greater in- derstanding of toe direction they would like to pursue and many have already applied for admissions. THE WORLD... ALETHEIA WISHES YOU ALL THE GREATEST GIFT EVER GIVEN. AND A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS.