J r |o February 2.19fi4 Vol.5.No.4 Augusta Colston, Dr. Ellington, Jeanne Ellington KC 83 News Inside Welcome To Montreal by Holly Dolan The ALETHEIA would like to introduce you to the new students who have entered Montreat-Anderson College this spring semester 1984. See if you can match the following names with the faces of those in the picture: Lee Ann Bannerman, Rich mond, VA; Kathy Barrett, Asheville, NC; Christopher Broadrick, Greenville, NC; Carrie Chiu, Beijing, China; Charlie Cockeriii, Purcellville, VA; Jane Haar, Charlottesville, VA; Scott Hoiton, Hickory, NC; Sharon Howell, Winter Springs, FL; Delane Hughes, Mc- Caysville, GA; Dave Loch, Exeter, NH; Tonya Medford, Clyde, NC; Gina Valdes, Tampa, FL; Jeannie Waf- lington, Greensboro, NC; Charles “Chuck" Williard, III, Kernersville, NC; Beth Anne Wright, Atlanta, GA; Eugene Zeng, Penking, Peo ple’s Republic of China. The ALETHEIA staff wishes all of these new students a very productive semester. All About Missions by Natalie Horton A thought-provoking mis sion conference was held here at Montreat from January 22 - January 25. The program began Sunday night with a slide presentation from Latin American Mis sions and a panel discus sion about summer mis sions. The students who par ticipated in the panel discussion were Lois Hedges, Becky Hilliard, David Jenkins, and Sam Johnson. Lois worked with North American Indian Mis sions and was involved in Church planning. Becky Hilliard traveled to Spain with a group from Operation Mobilization and did door to door evangelism. David Jenkins did construction and maintenance work on churches and conference centers in Costa Rica. Sam Johnson was a member of a baseball team for Athletes in Action. His team played baseball and witnessed to other teams in the Phiiipines. Dr. John Ellington con tinued the mission con ference in Convocation and in an evening meeting on Monday. He and his wife, Joanne, are missionaries to Zaire, Africa, and are in Montreat on furlough. Dr. Ellington was a translations consul tant for the United Bible Society. French is the of ficial language of Ziare, but there are four other national languages, and two hundred to two hundred and twenty Bantu languages used by the people of Zaire. Joanne Ellington is a wife, mother and a Public Health Nurse. She travels to many villages once a month and treats diseases and gives vaccina tions. In the smaller villages she treats fifty to sixty children in one morning. In the cities she treats one hundred and fifty to two hundred people in one morn ing. She teaches them that God is the Greatest Physi cian, and encourages the people to pray for their sick. Augusta Colston also shared with the group Mon- oay evening, bne was a bi- ble teacher in Seiwa Mis sion School in Kochi, Japan for many years. Augusta shared many beautiful stories of how God worked in the lives of young Japanese girls. On Tuesday groups from AIM, Wycliffe, Back to the Bible, Mission Aviation Fellowship, SIM, and Latin America Missions set up boothes in the cafeteria from two to four o’clock PM. Students were free to This Mission Conference has truly been an eye open ing experience. There are many jobs available on the mission field. Missions need not only teachers and evangelists, but also ac countants, secretaries, mechanics, computer opera tors, and many other oc cupations. There are open ings in nearly every field. Has God been calling you to the mission field? If you are not sure, then why not give summer missions a try? By becoming a summer mis sionary you can settle the question of whether God wants you to become a mis sionary or support them with your prayer and finances. Both jobs are im portant, and both help reach the untold millions. browse, question, and take literature from each of these missions. Dr. Ellington shared again Tuesday even ing with the students. The conference ended with chapel on Wednesday wriere Dr. Ellington en couraged the students to have patience, and to do their best at studying. Education is very important for mission work. God will get the students to the field when He has fully prepared them.