October 12, 1984 MONTREAT - AN D E R'oON' COLLEGE Volume 8, Number 2 And the 1984 Homecoming Queen Is... The 1984 Homecoming Court: Top, Maid of Honor candidates: Michelle Foster, Wendy Triplett, Lorie Hightower, Amy Tomion. Bottom, Queen candidates: Mary Bishop, Dorinda Claus, Jan Davis, Carla Newman. Juli Holladay It is that time of year again. Homecoming. Aiong with ail the other festivities, the 1984 Homecoming Queen and Maid of Honor will be crowned. The ladies were nominated by the men on campus. A speciai dorm meeting was calied to make the nominations. Later the entire student body voted for their choice for queen. The sophomore women that were chosen by the guys to run for Queen are Mary Bishop, Dorinda Claus, Carla Newman, and Jan Davis. Amy Tomion, Wendy Triplett, Michelle Foster, and Lori Hightower are freshman can didates for Maid of Honor. Being selected to Homecoming Court is a speciai honor. Ail the candidates were excited about their nomination. Jan Davis said, “I give full credit to Jesus.” Amy Tomion said, ‘‘I think it will be a lot of fun.’’ Wendy Triplett com mented, “I was surprised. At first I thought it was a joke. This is the first time I’ve been on a Homcom- ing Court.” On Saturday, October 13th. dur ing the evening dance, two of the lucky nominees will be named Montreat-Anderson’s Homecom ing Queen, and Maid of Honor. Students Come From Far and Wide to Attend Montreat Nancy Oates Montreat received into its stu dent body nine new international students this semester. They each have a rare courage and strong will to come into a new culture, leaving behind families and loved ones in their own country. Hearing of Mon treat from different sources, they view the United States in several different ways, and have establish ed for themselves different goals. Gelila Dimetros was born in Ethiopia, but has spent most of her life in Israel. Her brother Naod, a former student of Montreat, in fluenced her to attend Montreat. She sees the United States as be ing much larger, hke “another world.” Both, to her, are “beautiful See “Students,” P. 4 William Shu Ping Hong ■ Taiwan Kazadi Sangai ■ Zaire Chinh Nguyen ■ Vietnam