e c^etheia VOLUME 11 NO. 6 MONTREAT-ANDERSON FEBRUARY 29. 1988 Summer Work for 3 Hours Credit If you chose to major m a four year human service or recreation degree-you can count on doing an internship or field education. These programs are set up to aid students in knowing what to expect from their chosen career fields. They also can assist the student in on-the-job experience, Montreafs Internship program is now into it's second year. The program is new and something of a challenge. Dr. Brunson is currently directing these experiences. He has a positive attitude about internships and says, "I wish every student had to do one." Despite his positive approach, he recognizes the problems that seem to plague all beginning programs. Dr. Brunson related that the biggest problems were due to a lack of communication among the students involved in the program during the summer of 1987. A good number of the students were working In the Montreat/Asheville area. They were Interested in the progress of their fellow classmates but were not able to keep in touch. Other problems noted were the students inability to accomplish goals that the program requires the student to set. On the other hand-some students accomplished these goals during their first week. The lack of interesting places to work was cited by several of the students. One student _ said, "You either work at summer camp or at a day care." Another student stated, "I never had any time for myself," On a more positive side, there are changes in the growth process that will make the internship program better. This year there is a group of internists that meet six times during the semester. This provides for better orientation and assistance in student's goal setting, There is a newsletter that will be printed to keep students updated during the summer on classmates' progress. Overall the student has the greatest input into his/her intern program. The location does not have to be near Montreal A student can chose an exotic place to Intern like the Bahamas, Virgin Islands, or Mexicotwhere three students worked last summer). The internship program is, like most of the four year programs, in it's beginning stages. There are real problems to be ironed out. With the proper outlook one could find themselves repeating Dr. Brunson's words-- "I think they're great!" Untitled What is it now I feel for you This feeling to me is very new 1 thought I'd loved 1 must've been wrong This feeling I've had was not that strong ^ I just hope it doesn't do me wrong The feeling 1 have is very strong What Is love tell me who's to say A boy and a girl is that the way? Is love In the nature we have in us Or Is it out where chills come from a gust How will f then deal with this coo I can not fall out of love with you This writing here Is something new That will keep my mind off loving you I can sense that we are falling apart I know it's true it breaks my heart You need to be free I can understand There’s just something there when I hold your hand I wish I could describe what I'm feelln Inside It’s almost like a pain from attempted suicide A feeling that’s coming from deep In my core A feeling I've never felt before I almost wish I didn't feel this way But I see you every single day It scares me to death this pain in my heart It makes me ask why did I even start? submitted anonomously Contestants Understand True Concept of Valentines These guys were incrediblel I never thought it would happen like this. Wait Pris, Stop and think this thing through, OK, On Friday, February 12th, at approximately 9:30 p,m,, the King of Hearts pageant began, This was a contest between eight guys to see who would be the 1988 King of Hearts, 1 wish you could have been there, 1 wish you could have seen what was happening backstage-. These guys were absolutely incredible! When one was finished performing and come off the stage, all the other contestants would meet him right as he came off and give him a high -five. These were some of the things that were said: "Man that was awesome!", "Gosh, that was great, you were great!", "That was so funny", and many other encouraging words, I, was blessed so much just by watching these guys. Another thing that these contestants did that 1 found incredible was the fact that they prayed for each other. While one guy was on stage, some of the other contestants were backstage praying the entire time he was out therel Many people have come up to me and said that this was the best King of Hearts page.ant they had ever seen. As you can tell from the above account, there is no way it could help but be the best. None of these guys wanted to win. They were just having fun. These guys were all good friends so they were just having a blast. This pageant was the best, not because of anything myself or anyone else did, but it was the best because of who was in it. To all the contestants, I would like to say that you truly understand what Paul meant In Phlllpp1ans2:l-3, where he states: "if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, If any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves." If there has ever been a group 1 have worked with who truly understood this concept, it is definitely you. It was an incredible experience to work with each of you and " I thank my God upon every rememberance of you". (Phil. 1:3), Pris Maivell Top Ten Jobs For 1990s For college graduates In the I980's the job market will continue to b tight, but college grads are more likely than non-grads to be employeed and at higher salaries. Many of the jobs that don't require college training may do so In the future. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has recently made some Interesting prognostications about the top ten jobs in the next ten years. They are as follows: Electrical and mechanical engineers Computer system analysts Computer propgrammers Occupatlonal/physical therapists Nurses Dieticians Health care administrations Accountants Teachers Lawyers and paralegals