®Ifi e c?Uetheia VOLUME 11 No. 7 MONTREAT-ANDERSON COLLEGE MARCH 28.1988 Student Survey Shows Coffimitment to Christ-Centered Ideals Director of Admissions Ed Carwithen The recent suPv'ey which was conducted during the convocation on Februar/ S, 1988, revealed a strong commitment to the Ideals of a Cnrist-centered education. In the category of "strongest characteristics of Montreat-Anderson College," botn men and v.'omen indicated Chnst- centeredness as their first choice for the most important. Location, size, and charing faculty were other important elements selected by the students. Factors leading to enrollment at Montreat-Anderson were split between Athletics for men, and Christ - centerdness for women. The Freshmen and Sophomores ranked'athletics and location most important, while those who have remained into tbeir Junior and Senior year selected Christ centerdness. In the category of "weakest .characteristics," the Freshmen chose extra - curricular and dorm life, the Sophmores chose academic reputation and art/music/drama, the Juniors wrote in comments under "other," and the Seniors chose art/music/drama. In the comments section the rroponocs rongpd from the ecstatic to the Vitriolic, ("Yes I did read ever)' single one of them.") Some of the typical comments were: Spring Fever Catch Todd Cost Spring time is a time of the year wnen flowers begin to bloom, romances unfold and warm weather returns to the mountains. However, as students arrived back to school after their Spring Break, the weather was much colder and a few snow flakes began to fall from the sky. To tell you the truth, this weather is really the pits! However, March and April do sometimes have cold weather. Some of the remarks I heard from people returning from Florida were; "Let's go back to Florida," "I can't stand this cold weather", "If we leave now we can make it back to Orlando by 4 O'clock Iti and hit the beach." However, Dr. Gray is giving that pop quiz tommorrow, and I better stick around. When students have the chance to go on Spring Break trips to Florida it gives us the opportunity to appreciate the warm^weather. While the rest of us who Je left freezing in North Carolina can attempt to appreciate cold weather. But no matter where you are, you can appreciate the power that is found in God and his creations. Springtime is a chance to get outdoors and praise God for His blessings. But, most of all, we can praise him for the life he has given us through Jesus Christ our Lord. "la Praise of Faculty Greg Howard * teachers help you to learn when you are struggling a little. * college needs 3 wider view of reality. * let the current students help. * I think your best asset is your current student body,, if you treat them witn consideration and equality word of mouth would sell the school. * relax some of the rules. A majority of the students did visit the, school before applying, and about two -thirds of those felt that the visit was important in their decision to attend. Eighty-two percent (82%) felt the Admissions Office was effective in handling their applications, but the twenty-seven percent (27%) that disagreed had some real horror stories to tell. One of the surprises in the survey was that only forty-one percent (41%) felt that the telephone calls were important, while thirty percent (30%) felt the calls were unimportant, Twenty-eight percent (28%) did not receive calls. The cooperation of everyone who responded to the survey is greatly appreciated, and the task of putting the results into action is going to be a priority concern. Thanks to your input we have begun to "accentuate the positives, and eliminate the negatives." The faculty here at M-AC often gets shuffled onto the back burner when it comes to praise and appreciation. We are privileged to have some very incredible people in our midst and at our disposal whom we sit in front of everyday. Our professors are a tremendous group of caring, intelligent, and personable people. Their impact on our lives will be remembered down the road and for years to come. I asked several Juniors and Seniors who have been here for three and four years which professors they will remember the most and why. Here are some of the responses I received; Junior Valerie Morgan: DR. CRAWFORD- "I've loved his classes; he's made it interesting." DR. KING- "He allows us to be expressive in his class and we share a love for C.S. Lewis.” BRAD DANIEL- (she smiled and said) "He makes me so mad sometimes but to the point that I think about what I'm doing and it causes me to re-evaluate things in my life." Senior Brian Smith; DR. NEWTON- "He has stretched me in the area of philosophy and the spiritual dimension of life." DR. WILLIAMS- "He has taken those philosophical and spiritual dimensions and he's teaching me how to apply them in sociological patterns of life." Senior Cynthia Burgess; BONNIE LUNDBLAD- "She lets you be yourself and she uses your own creativity to teach you." PATSY HILLIARD- "She SO understanding you can tell she cares about you ." JIM SOUTHERLAND- "I've only had him this semester but I know I'll remember him. He lets our personality come through and it's obvious he cares. He's a very good art teacher." Junior Tim Hill: OR. BRUNSON- "He's understanding of the students' problems and he wants to get to know the students." DR. NEWTON- "He's a genius in Bible and Philosophy. If '/ou ask him a question he usually knows the answer and if not he knows where to find it." DR. JONES- "He's willing to stick his neck out for the students and his classes are comfortable to be 1n."Senior Mindy Clinard; DR. GRAY- "He has taken a . personal Interest in me, more than any other teacher." DR. PARKS- "I want people to see me the way they see Dr. Parks." Senior Joi Britton: DR. KING- "He's about the best teacher I've had-he and DR. PARKS." Senior Priscilla Maxwell: DR. WILLIAMS-"He's Shown us so many new ideas and ways to integrate secular and Christian views." Junior Jimmy Smith: DR. NEWTON- "He's a very brilliant man." PATSY HILLIARD- "She's very inspirational." Senior Peggy Leis: DR. RISHER- "He puts it on us to learn the stuff and he' not afraid to listen to his students." DR. KING- "He breaks the mold of the '1t's-my-way-or-no-way professor'. It's not the same old blah blah-blah. He really cares about what's going on with his advisees and he's got some hot tiesl" Senior Pam Taylor. DR. WILLIAMS- "Because I've had him for eight classes!" Senior Monique Dugas: DR. WILLIAMS- "Because I've had him for seven classes!" DR. PARKS- “He's such a tremendous example." Junior Mark "Cluck" Woodall; DR. PARKS- "He's just a neat guy!" Senior Beth “Turtle" Westmoreland; DR. PARKS- "Because he's sweet and I love him! He's always willing to help." Junior Tricia Burgess; DR. NEWTON- "He'S a great teacher." Senior Todd Cost: DR. WILLIAMS- "He has taught me that problems are a part of life and we shouldn't get so uptight about them." Junior Robert Dowman; DR. JONES- "We have a lot in common. He's teaching under his level-he's a theory man. He tries to work for the students and he cares about the students. His wife is great." Senior Nan Weitzel: DR. LEWIS and DR. WILLIAMS- "They are the ones who have been most concerned with my studies, my future, etc." Space doesn't allow for all comments and time doesn't allow for everyone to be Interviewed. These are just some of the opinions on campus. The overall picture is that of our faculty having a great Impact on us, the students. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to give my vote. It would be DR. KING hands down. He's made learning fun and he's brought out a love and Interest for literature in me that I didn't know I had. Thank you faculty from your studentsll