sau FREE FREE Volume XXIII, Number II The Truth, The Whole Truth, and a Pepsi Squeeze Bottle to Hold It February 6,1990 ew Grading Scale Is Plus-Minus Grading the Best Way? By TOM MCMURTRY Staff Writer There is a new grading scale going into effect starting in the fall of 1990. It will be based on the plus/minus system; A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F. There are some mixed feelings about this among the faculty; some say it would benefit those students who are on the edge, some say it would cut down on the number of 4.0 students here at Montreat. Currently we are on an A, B, C, D, F scale, meaning an A is 4 quality points, a B is 3 quality points, etc... One Professor I talked to doesn't like the idea of adding seven more letter grades to that scale because in his opinion it would lower most students' overall grade point average, especially the ones who make lower grades. Another professor doesn't think you can "slice grades that thin." He also said that grades are arbitrary to the degree that the professor can push a student over the edge or drop under the grade if the student didn't quite do the work. On the other end of the spectrum we have some professors who think there are just too many 4.0 students for a campus our size and that some who are with the present system may not actually be a 4.0 student. One professor said this will distinguish between those who are "A" students and those who are high "B" students. One student said, "I work hard for my A's and I don't like someone getting the same credit I do for lesser work." Another said, "This is going to make it hard for A students to stay A students.” You are probably wondering, "How is this system going to affect me and my grade point average?" Let's say for instance that you are taking five classes with the number of credit hours being 3, you make 3 "A's" and 2 "B's". With the present grading scale it doesn’t matter what the percentage is, so as I've, already said, an "A" is worth 4 quality points and a "B" is worth 3 quality points. To get your average multiply 3(A's) x 4(pts.) x 3 (hrs.). It equals 36 points, then multiply 2(B's) x CONT.ON PAGE 3 New Representatives \On ihe Inside... Rlii Sports Editorials Funnies Coupons Around Town Religion Campus News Love Letters Page 4‘ Page 2 Page 14 Pages 10,11,13 Pages 15 Page 7 Pages Page 6 Read Carefully or You'll Miss Valuable! By AL GOODMAN Old Freshman Class President One of my most precious memories here at Montreat was the day I was elected as Freshman Class President. Ah, the moments of campaigning and making speeches (for those of you were here last year, I think you remember my "live" presentation. But as the color of leaves changes here, so must the freshman officers. I must admit I enjoyed being part of the SGA and having the freshman officers as my subjects (just kidding). But like all great rulers, my reign is coming to an end. Therefore, the freshman class must vote in some new victims, uh, officers I mean, into the SGA. The offices that are open are Freshman Class President, two Freshman Representatives to SGA, and two Freshman Representatives to Honor Court. Fear not , for we have candidates running for these positions to SGA For Freshman Representatives to Honor Court we have David Carlson and Janet Thomas running unopposed. Also running unopposed for Freshman Representatives to SGA were Mark Jenkins and Kristin Miller. Then last and certainly not least, Naj Alicea and Bryan Hinkle was running for my spot. Freshman Class President. Each person had a reason for running for a specific office. For me, I wanted the power (just kidding again). "I wanted to run for president because in high school, I had been disappointed in the presidents that I had selected. So I decided if you want something done right, do it yourseit," stated Naj. OnJanuaiy 30th, each of these candidates made a speech during a convocation to say why he or she should be voted into office. After the speeches were over, the freshman had an opportunity to vote either in the cafeteria or bookstore. The votes were tallied that same afternoon and the winners were posted. The results of the election were the following; Freshman Representatives to Honor Court- David Carlson and Janet Thomas Freshman Representatives to SGA- Mark Jenkins and Kristin Miller Freshman Class President- Naj Alicea Super Squeezers Courtesy of PapBlCola ^Ing Co.lna - Asheville