CZTte Metfieia National Briefs Police Chief Indicted-Police Chief William Hart and for mer civilian deputy have been indicted for the theft of approximately $2.6mil- lion dollars. This money was part of a secret; police account which is used for various reasons; including the funding of secret under cover operations and drug busts. The charges against Hart include converting 98 checks, for a total of $1.3 millionforpersonal use, and tunneling checks worth another $1.3 million into fake corporations for the personal use of the civilian deputy. Hart pleads inno cent. Mona-Lisa Identified-The model of Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting Mom Lisa has been identi fied as the wife of a Floren tine merchant by a Roman art historian and archivist. Historians have yet to fig ure out what the model, Lisa, is smiling about. Stanford University-re cently underwent a survey which tested students' abil ity to withstand living with a member of the opposite sex. The survey included co-ed dorm rooms in which students would live with a member of the opposite sex. VoCumeXX^l; 9(imBe,rXIII 9\{ontreat-!Anderson CoC(c£e ^e6ruary27,1991 'Good Morning America' Comes to Montreat By: Ken Schmidt Editor During spring break (March 1-11), HomeVoice will be going national with its largest road rally to date. Made possible by donations from Huddle House, Pepsi, and the school, this trip will entail visits to: Raleigh, NC; Richmond, VA; Norfolk, VA; Dover, DE; Annapolis, MD; Washington DC; Pittsburgh, PA; Toledo, OH; Hillsdale, MI; returning again through Toledo and Columbus, OH; Charleston, WV, and finally back to Raleigh. The trip will range close to 2,296 miles total. In speaking with manag ing editor Bob Graham, he stated that he was "excited about the possibility of ex panding Ho7neVoice beyond local boundaries." Graham also stated that he has "wanted to print an issue which would touch soldiers from other states by includ ing pictures and interviews with people outside of North Carolina." He was quick to state that a lot of planning was last minute, thus details were not yet firm. Graham also stated that, "We are still adding dates, names, and requests to our 'to-do' list." HomeVoice staff members are excited about the possi bilities held in this trip. Also this week. North Carolina 11th Congressional District Representative Charles Tay lor is attending a luncheon with President Bush. In this meeting with Bush, Con gressman Taylor will ask about a possible meeting with members of the HotneVoice road rally. Taylor will also present a commendation of HomeVoice on the floor of Congress; at which time this commendation will be en tered into the Congressional Record. Congressman Tay lor will also invite all Con gressmen to gather upon the capitol steps after adjourn ment for a group picture to be featured in the next HomeVo ice paper. Another new develop ment which Montreat stu dents should find interesting, is the upcoming feature of HomeVoice on Good Morning America. The popular morn ing news/talk show will in terview HomeVoice and its staff members via satellite from the Montreat campus. Possible show opening will feature Montreat students recitingtheshow'stitle 'Good Morning America.' Good Morning America found out about the small school paper through the Associated Press wire. The Associated Press recently interviewed Home Voice, plac ing its story on a national press line which most na tional news sources subsaibe to. The date has yet to be set for the interview from Good Morning America. Details will follow in later issues of the Aletheia. Graham stated that, the HotneVoice rally is still look ing for reliable transportation for the trip. He said that the ideal vehicle would be an RV, in which case, more money could be spent on the pro duction of the paper and not on room and board during the trip. Graham stated that "I hope that this will prove to be a good morale raiser for the troops, who now believe that most college students are opposed to the deployment of force to the Middle East."