Loca Color Human Rights Festival * This festival will be in downtown Asheville on April27. i Scheduled to be at Martin Ludier King Park; this festival is the fourth annual human rights festival held in Asheville. For more info: 252- 7301. lazz Ensemble - Scheduled per formance at Brevard College's Dunham: Auditorium. jNq: ad mission price for this 8;15 per formance. More info:883*8292,::?: Arts Celebration - "It's All Art...NowiWhat?" is the subject matter of political scientist; Wal ter Truett Anderson. This is scheduled at 7; p,m. in Lipinsky Auditorium, UNCA. Various artists and musicians; will per form. More info: 251*6432. Circus - The Franzen Brother Circus will hold two shows in Black Mountain atS:30and 8 p m. This circus will be located at Blue;: Fldge Road near Reco TVanspor- tation. In addition to the sched uled shows, over 50 animals wdll;; be shown, clowns; and neat kinds: of food. Tickets are available at various places around town, $5 in advance and $6 on the day of the shows. Blue Spiral 1 -/TheiSpirit cf ihe Wood is the exhibit of African- American paintings and;*sculp-; lure by Bessie Harvey. Harvey is ; known as an outstanding ardst In the area of African tribal art, andknown internationally for her early African wooden dolls: For more info: 251-0202. Info, collected from Black Min. \ News and Out-n-AbouL y *Hfie MetHeia Weel^y ^oCrnmXXVlfO^mSerXV Montrcat-i^indeTson Cotle£c ^nC9,1991 Elections Begin at Montreat By: Paulette Mixon Kim Silliman Staff Writers With elections today, it is important that the student body have a basic knowledge of the candidates so the edu cated choice can be made. The big race is between A1 Goodman and Reid Cavnar for SGA President. A1 has served as Freshman Class President,Secretaryof Honor Court, RA and the On-Cam pus Editor for the Aletheia. Reid has served as President of Howerton, President of Alpha Chi, Freshman Repre sentative to Honor Court, and has been an RA for the past two years. Al's goal is to help build up the respectand credi bility of the school. Reid wishes to increase the in volvement of the student body in SGA by having fo rums on specific issues and would like to see the students who complain to take an ac tive part in trying to find a solution. Running unopposed for the Vice-President of SGA is Matt Haney. It is his desire to see Student Government stand up for the rights of the student body without hesita tion or reservation. The only candidate for Secretary-Treasurer is Kim White. IGm has served as the Junior Class President, Sophomore Class Vice-Presi dent, and Directed this year's play. Ten Little Indians. Kim Holt desires to be See •'Elections" page three New Constitution Takes Effect By: Traci Folk Staff Writer Two weeks ago the stu dent body voted on and passed a new Student Gov ernment Association constitution. But how many of us actually read what we voted for and know the changes thathavebeenmade? Many of these changes affect the student body and are important for the student body to recognize. One of the first changes made was allowing the Stu dent Activities Chairman to be an active member on the SGA board as well as on sev eral smaller conunittees. This is important for you as stu dents because all full time enrolled students at M-AC are considered members of the activities cormnittee. What this means is that every stu dent has a say in what activi ties are plarmed, and in turn, the chairman can take them to the SGA. Our voice as a student body will be heard, but only if we get involved. Another change in the constitution that may be a benefit to some students is the Student Employment Grievance Committee. For mally the Affirmative Action Committee, this clarification in name is great for the stu dents who did not realize this conunittee existed. If you are employed with the school, such as M-AC work, and a problem arises, you may bringitbefore thiscommittee which will hear and field complaints. Honor Court procedures also have a new twist to them. The purpose of Honor Court is to de^ with violations of See "Changes" page six