CZlte MctUda Weel^y VoCwne XXVl, 9\(um6er XVl 9lontrmt-Sin(krson CoUege S^priC 17,1991 M-AC's New President Announced Info. Compiled Susan Long Staff Writer Montreat-Anderson Col lege has reached into the world of the aerospace indus try to find its new president. William Whitfield Hurt will become the fifth presi dent of Montreat-Anderson, succeeding Silas M. Vaughn who retires from the College after nineteen years of serv ice. Mr. Hurt, 55, joins Mon treat-Anderson from Martin Marietta Corporation where he most recently was Direc tor of a joint venture between Martin Marietta and Westing- house Electric. The joint venture was selected to de velop the next generation radar systems for the US Army's Apache helicopter. He leaves Martin Marietta after thirty-one years having recently receiv^ the honor of Manager of the Year for 1990 by the Management Club of the Corporation's Electronics, Information and Missiles Group in Orlando. Hurt received the unani mous approval of the Board of Trustees following the report of the nine member search committee that in cluded trustees, faculty, alumni, and student repre sentation. The committee headed by trustee Charles M. M-AC Gains and Loses Staff By: Matt Haney Co-Editor Changes come slow at Montreat, but they do come. The major shake-ups will come in the area of the Resi dent Directors. Tom will continue to be the RD in Davis, Director of Student Activities, and he will be taking Mrs. A's spot in the oversight of Belk Campus Center. Tom will also have his better half with him next semester, in the person of JudithElizabeth Jaquinta who will become Mrs. 'H' on the 29th of June in Ocala, FL (1 wonder if she knows what she is getting into?). Kevin will return to Howerton next semester as the RD, that is if Reid will turn the dorm over to him after being in charge all summer and getting the washers and driers fixed (HINT, HINT Reid). Kevin will also serve as Coach McNamara's assistant on the See "Changes" page 2 Zeiser received twenty-eight applications and interviewed eight candi dates through several rounds of inter- views andcam pus vis its before making its nomi nation to the Board of Trustees in Febru ary. Mr. Zeiser said, "The yearlong search confirms God's abundant provision for thecontinuation of strong leadership for Mon treat-Anderson College in the person of Bill Hurt." "The transition will cer tainly be a challenging one, but a challenge I eagerly an ticipate," Mr. Hurt said of the move to his new college re sponsibilities. "It is the ful fillment of a life's dream and a lifelong interest in Chris William Whitfield Hurt President of Montreat-Anderson College tian Education. I feel its a calling to a very special op portunity to serveGodin a unique way." A native of Tennessee, Mr. Hurt re ceived his under- graduate degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Tennes see, and a master's de gree in engi neering me- c h a n i c s from the University of Florida. He is also a distin guished graduate of the De fense Systems Management College, a post-graduate pro gram operated by the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Omicron Delta Kappa, Pi Tau Sigma, Sigma Pi Sigma, and a registered professional engineer. Mr. Hurt is married to See 'Tresident" page Four