THE Volume XXVII, Number 2 Montreat-Anderson College September 17,1993 Who Will Get the Flag? By Cara Weiss Student services encourages stu dents to steal Cary Willcox is in charge of this event, and encourages everyone on canpus to participate. Before anyone calls the police, this is a reference to a new activity called Capture the Flag. Students involved in this competi tion will be divided into two teams. The object of the game is to capture the opposing team's flag. The team that cptures their opponents' flag first wins. Willcox said, "It's like a military game. You can capture the other team's people, andputthemin prison." Aplayer isimprisonedwhenarivalplayertouches and holds that player. The captured player stays in prison until the mediator comes over to release him or her. The prison sentence may range from 1-10 minutes. Capture the Flag will take place on Lady Cav’s Defeated by Lack of Experience By Jennifer Moore Fate was not on the Lady Cavalier's side last evening. The ladies traveled to Bluefield, VA to defeat the Virginia volleyball team. M-AC tried to hold up against the Bluefield team, however, they were unsuccessful. According to Coach Chaplain, the ladies just did not play well. The Lady Cav's made another attempt for victory on September 11, when they challenged Lee Col lege here at M-AC. The home court advantage was not on their side. The home team was defeated three games in a row. Coach Chaplain stated, "They were just a lot more experi enced than us." After a rough match with Lee, the ladies turned right around and took on Covenant College later in the afternoon. Although the home team fought hard and forced the visitors to withstand five games in which the teams rotated victories, they were finally defeated in the Students Minister to Needy Children By Marcy Buckner Montreat-Anderson Students minister to needy children, by offering a vespers program at the Presbyterian Home for Children. This program will held on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30pm. All designed to share Christ, the Vespers services ennploy a variety of methods, such as teaching and rela tional emphasis, to promote fun and serious learning. The primary objective of the weekly service is to bring the reality and love of Jesus Christ to bear in each child's life. Kids respond well to the services. Since the programs start in January 1992, volunteers have seen tremendous growth and true dedication of lives to Christ Andrew McCaskill remarks, "The real key to this service is the weekly commitment of the people who come so they can build meaningful relationships with the kids, and share Christ in this context" SCA Big Brother/Big Sister and Montreat Presbyterian Church sponsor the program. For more information, contact Andrew McCaskill. Saturday, September 18, at 8pm, in the bottom of Belk Center. Players will gatiierhereforinstruclions. Paula Johnson will divide the campus into two teams. Because the event will take place at night, Jennifer(Bull) Stinnettexplained, "People will be wearing neon necklaces. One team will wear pink ones, and the other team will wear green ones." Bull anticipates a "wild night" This competition will encourage students to work together for a com mon goal. Every student is urged to participate. Refreshments will be served after the activity to further motivate participation. Home Alone 2 Captures Campus’s Attention By Cara Weiss Montreal is taking the fi nancial burden for recreation off of students. Every Friday night, at 8:30 on the upper deck of Belk Center, a different movie will be shown. Cary Willcox, and the Student Activities Committee have already chosen the movies for the month of September. Next month is baseball month, and all the movies that will be shown will pertain to baseball. The movie being shown this Friday will be Home Alone 2. It's about a little boy, Kevin, being left fifth game. Even though the ladies have a few more losses than wins, they are looking for a good match with Clinch Valley on September 20, here at McAlister Gym. Coach Chaplain feels that they have a good chance of winning. He replied, "They are a good bunch of kids, struggling with confi dence. They just need something posi tive to happen." Healso stated thattheie was only one girl on Clinch Valley's team who could prove to be a real threat, because she hits exceptionally well. home again during Christmas time. He finds himself alone in New York. The two shmucks, who tried to break into his house in Home Alone, are chasing him through New York. Kevin keeps playing tricks on them, which causes them lots of pain. But they still keep after him. This movie contains a lot of suspense, so it may even hold the interests of Montreal students with poor attention spans. Friday Night Boredom Ends By Sean Anderson Tired of nothing to do on Friday night? Then come play miniature golf in Asheville. There will be a group leaving at 8:00 on Sept. 17 to play Putt-Putt. For those that don't have transportation, there will be a shuttle bus driving to Asheville. The cost is free, but bring money for other ex penses, like food and games. This promises to be an excit ing trip even for those who hate miniature golf.