MONTREAT COLLEGE Volume XXIX, NumbeTs ALETHEIA Montreat College October 25, 1996 By ShcIIic Bowser The Montreal College campus has a new and much needed addition: the weight room. The weight room was extended into the bottom of the gym and creates much more room for exercise. The c.xisting weight room has been converted into a well equipped training room. Tlie training room is complete with three training tables, a variety of medical supplies, and most importantly, room for tlie trainer to get things done. The new weight room now contains more equipment. There are new sets of weights and new machines that combined many of the old. The weight room has been needed for quite some time. Junior Luke Tatum, exclaimed, "The new weight room is really nice. I'll be huge in no time!" The need was noticed by many of the members of the coaching staff. The project for the new room has been in process for the last year and a half Students Get Pumped The idea to create and follow through with this project was a collaboration between the athletic department and Volleyball Team Struggling But Continuing To Fight By Daryl Bryant The “Battle at the Border” was an imsuccessflil tournament for the host Lady Cavs volleyball team. The Lady Cavs lost in their three preliminary games to Tusculum, Mars Hill, and Lenior-Rhyne on the first day of the tournament Friday, October llth. Tlie next day in single elimination, the Lady Cavs hustled and played well but lost to a tough Tusculum team, who later went on to win the tournament. With the loss, all hopes of winning the coveted “Battle of the Border” title were then obliterated. In the finals, Tusculum beat Mars Hill for that title. The Lady Cavs played another tough TVAC opponent. Clinch Valley, this past Friday and battled hard only to lose in four games. Senior Christi Waddell, com mented, “We have been struggling lately, but we arc trying to keep our confidence level up. Hopefully things will come together in the next few weeks in time for the conference tournament.” Saturday did not turn out any better for the Lady Cavs who battled with Lees-McCrae for four games only to lose. The Lady Cavs won at home Thursday against Limestone, who they beat earlier in the season, and travel to Clinch Valley on Friday. The Intramural Volleyball Season was a big success with five teams competing. The Championship Game was held Just before Fall Break leaving "Players V.C." as champs. the development office. Money for the project was given to the college in the form of gifts from unnamed donors. Construction of the room was done mainly by the maintenance and coaching staffs. Feelings around campus arc ones of pride and appreciation. Senior basket ball player Aaron Gilchrist expressed, “I am very impressed with the new weight room. The new equipment is better designed for the tjpe of work outs that many of the athletes need in order to be elite.” The students have a new facility tliat is available to them and is more equipped to their needs. The athletic teams have already begun to uti lize the room greatly. How Did Vou Spend Your Break? By SliazeUc Davis Montreat students sltarc their Kail Break expencnccs Alex Cervantes enlliusiasT ttcallv expressed, "t went to Tallaltassc to visit my friends,’' Cervantes also pleasantly suqjriscd her parents when she unexpectedly shovTCd up for tlid break . Shayla Glutto went to a Jais of Clay Concert at Western Carolina University GhiUosaid,"! had a groovy time ”■ Jaime Lance icspondcd, "I went to Jennifer town’s house and went horse back i iding and visited some friends m Winston-Salcm.’* Chantes Gillespie tunicd 20 over tiic break (Happx belated birthday Chante'-). Phil Quinn conitncnied, “I was stuck in Rjcevillc witlnont any iransportatioti. \ lived in a basement It sucked!” Carrys Marion was stalked by a "hick” m Atlanta who followed icr around in his ear after having flirted with her at a gas station. Fortunately Marion was able to out- drhc the stalker and eventually lose Tracy Albritton said, *i went to a Scottish Festival on Stone Mountain where I heard a great band I got their autographs and will lour with them . I will perfbmi with them on February" 22 in Soutlt Carolina "