The Montreal Co i 1 o g e S t,u d e n t V ! r: A WHETSTONE Volume III, Number VII Montreat, NC.28757 February 14, 2003 Another Season Takes to the Diamond By Coach Chaplain The Montreat College Cavaliers opened their season today and showed the inexperience that charac terizes the 2003 baseball team. Mon treat dropped both ends of the dou bleheader losing 13-3 in game one and 6-1 in game two to home stand ing Aubum-Montgomery. Montreat struggled to stop the Senators as they pounded the Cavaliers in game one and got some key hits in game two. Brandon Vaughn started in the first game and took the loss. Montreat made some costly mistakes that AUM capitalized on and Montreat could not answer back. Montreat grabbed a early 2-0 lead in the first game and AUM answered with a run of their own in the bottom half Montreat added a run in the top of the third and led 3-1 before AUM scored 4 to take a 5-3 lead. The score stayed at 5-3 until the 5th when seven runs were scored by the Sena tors. AUM added a run in the 6th and won via the 10 run rule. In game two, Ben Truitt pitched very well until the 5th inning. Mon treat trailed 2-1 going into the bottom of the 5th when three big runs were scored by AUM. The Senators added an insurance run in the 6th and that was it for the Cavaliers who could only muster three hits in the game. Montreat had many chances but could not find a big hit when they needed it. Montreat left 14 men on base in game two. Chip Pennell did his job in the doubleheader going 4x6, with a stolen base and 2 runs scored. Freshman Matt McCraw was 2x5 on the day. The Cavaliers struggled offensively by only scoring 4 runs on the day and only collecting 7 hits. Senator Brett Holmes led the Senator attack going 4x8 on the day and making some Weather Patterns Causing Too Much of a Winter Wonderland By April Heyward Students and Faculty have noticed the increase of snowstonns this season. The stonns tend to leave behind large amounts of ice and hinder safe driving conditions. El Nino, the warming of the Pacific Ocean waters, causes the dent Services assistant Sandra Owen thinks the weather has gone from, “one extreme to another.” She said that last year around this time there was a drought and this year has been the opposite. Some people are enjoying the blast of cold weather. Florida native, Tiffany Stoddart says at storms to occur. Matt Miller, the CIS and GPS instructor from the science department, explains that “The world is attempting to balance out its energy. Global ocean currents arc shifting which causes global weather patterns to shift.” In comparison to last year, Stu- home the “winters are pretty mild” with an average of 60°. Although she comes from the land of temperate conditions, she says that she “likes the snow rather than the mild weather.” Erin Jones, from Manchester, New Hampshire, sees no difference in the weather here than from her home Continued on page 8 great plays in the outfield. The Cavaliers drop to 0-2 on the season and will battle again tomor row at 1:00. Junior Matt Hochevar will make his first start for Montreat. Montreat College dropped to 0-3 on the season losing a tough fought 5-3 game today against Auburn Mont gomery. Montreat improved again from the previous game and had a great chance to win the ball game but let it slip away. Montreat again opened with two runs in the top of the 1st inning. Matt McCraw led off with a single and stole second. Mitch Williams sacrifice bunt moved McCraw to third where he scored on a single by Chip Pennell. Peter Thompson and Jon Stanley both walked and Jeremiah Siemens picked up an RBI with a hit by pitch. Willie Jones struck out to end the inning leaving three Cavaliers on base. AUM answered right back in the bottom half with two runs of their own and it looked like it would be a shootout. However, that definitely was not the case. Montreat scored again in the top of the third after a Jon Stanley double and Jeremiah Siemens again came through with an RBI this time with a single. The Continued on page 5 Web Surfers and McMurtry Share Bandwidth Woes By Kortney Blythe Speaking for many students on campus. Junior Rob McDonald rants about, “the arrogant invasive misuse of technology and the ensuing para noia on the part of Tom McMurtry. His fear of bandwidth ‘misuse’ and his clamping down on simple activi ties represents a witch hunt unrivaled in recent history at Montreat.” However, Montreat’s Network usage policy states that, “College officials reserve the right to access, examine, intercept, monitor and copy the files and/or actual temiinal sessions of any user or to suspend a user’s access to the system.” “We use our rights only when completely necessary. We could read anyone’s E-mails or look at what spe cific websites they are visiting, but wc don’t use our rights arbitrarily. Wc don’t cut students off the Internet for fun. We have enough to do with out having to deal with tliat,” says Tom McMurtiy, head of campus technology. In fact, only a minority of students makes life miserable for the rest. McMurtry says, “the problem lies with 2 or 3 different people each time. Wc cut off those few who are using the majority of the bandwidth and the percentage of bandwidth in use plummets from 90-95% to 10- 15% on average.” McMurtry hopes to make these real-time statistics available online for proof-seeking students. “Students think [Internet band width] is unlimited...” McMurtry notes as a primary concern. Down loading demand skyrocketed with the introduction of Napster, followed by a torrent of other downloading programs. Only limited blame can be dumped on the increase of students bringing computers to college. Freshman Emily Washburn muses. “1 wonder if other colleges have the same problem, I thought we were one of the more technologically advanced.” Aceording to McMurtry, they do: “In fact CNN just did a special on the rise of this problem. Bigger colleges and universities have bigger problems because the bigger the bandwidth the Continued on page 8 Verse of the "Weehi "Love is palieni, love is kind It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil hut rejoices with the truth, it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. " - I Corinthians 13: 4-7