The Whetstone sports Montreat ACC Tournament Champions Staff Reports Continued from Page 1 From Your Activities Director '%■ by Stephanie Kates, Sophomore Thomas Nicholson Montreat College FANS! Black Mountain Tire Connection With Student ID Card: One free rotation & balance per 6 mo. 828.664.1 300 117 Sutton Ave. BIk. Mtn 28711 I am SO fortunate and blessed to be in the position that I am in. I had the opportunity to gradu ate early in December, and God had a plan. Bill Cain answered a call in Florida, Steve became chaplain, and I took over as Director of Student Activities. It’s amazing to see how God works things out. His timing is perfect I really do enjoy my job because even though I am staff now, I still get to hang out with the students and be part of the student life. Granted I can’t ' please " every student jg with each activity that comes about, I still strive to do what I can to get the student body involved. I have "great hours and a free apartment extremely close to campus. 1 work with amazing people who j are encouraging me daily. Although, I’m only here for this semester, as J am answering a call tP dpjnis- sions in Puerto Rico, I’m making the most of the time I haye left at Montreal, My challenge is to get the studenls pumped up about the activities. So far I’ve had many good comments about this semester. I also want students to feel wel-. come ^d encouraged to come to me with any ideas that they may have or just come Mk to me in my office (Belk 217). My office hours are WW/¥ 11:30-l:30 andT/Thl-3. , , ^ ^ The students, are‘great, and it’s fun to have students visit my office and just chili out with me, I’ve had many students come to me for advice. I’m not sure if it’s because l!ve moved up into a staff position or not but it’s ver>’ inspir ing and encouraging. God is using me in amazing ways and I’m so excited to be V a part of His amazing plans at .Montreal this semester.