Montreal C m p-f IWHE Volume IX, Number 4 57 December 7, 2007 Crossroads: Crossing the Boundaries of Faith and Culture Johnny McDowell Montreat College experienced a successful Crossroads program this month. Under the control and supervision of Student Activities Director Daniel Bennett, students were given a rare treat: the chance to get to watch some great live music, but also to get up close and personal with the stars. Daniel had many in tendons when approaching this kind of event. He wanted to show that as Christians we need to “develop a strong biblical discernment of pop culture,” which does not mean be ing distant and separated from it. In the gospel of John, Jesus speaks of being within the world but “not of the world,” and Daniel points to that idea in deciphering his objectives for the concerts and conversations. The project spanned Thurs day and Friday, November 15-16, beginning with chapel on Thursday led by Ken Heffner, who is the head of student activities at Calvin Col lege in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It seems that this chapel was very popular, as one student said it was the best she had ever attended, and led to more discussions outside of Gaither. The convocation dealt with being a Christian in today’s society and the involvement of the arts, es peciaUy music. Daniel was pleased that people had been listening an4 got so much from this chapel. There were two conversations with artists that were both success ful and are mentioned below. On Thursday night, Randall Goodgame and Andy Osenga performed in front of a crowd of over 60 stu dents. These men have co written many songs, including numerous tracks on the new Caedmon’s Call album. The concert was very en joyable thanks to the performers’ song writing talents and musical abilities. While on stage, the men enjoyed some playful banter that ac centuated their laid back style. The highlight for me was Randall singing and playing the piano, as it was very close and personal with the audi ence. Overall, the concert was relax the bass player.” The concert had a good attendance, with over 100 people from both the college and the surrounding community. Daniel praised this, saying that “art does not need to be an evangelistic tool. As a community it can be used to reach to others and also look within our selves.” Others commented on the opening by Zach Blew and his band. Andy Osenga and Randall Goodgame KeUin Watson ing and enjoyed by aU. The pinnacle of the entire Crossroads event was the KeUin Watson concert. She has been de scribed by many on campus as “hav ing a beautiful voice” (Phillip Marsa Iona) and being “very talented” with a “good stage presence” (Daniel Bennett). She was accompanied by a talented band; Mike Shannon said, “I couldn’t take my eyes off lil “I call to remembrance my song in the night; I meditate within my heart, and my spirit makes diligent search. ” Psalm 77:6 noting their professionalism. Daniel pointed to KeUin’s and Zach’s spon taneous duet as his favorite moment of the night, and Phillip enjoyed the acoustic and a cappella songs that KeUin performed, as it “showcased her voice.” The whole project was a success, especially considering that this was the first event like this ever to be held at Montreat. Daniel was very pleased with the outcome, and although he would have preferred a better turnout at certain events, he said it gave him something to work on for next year. Daniel Bennett has worked extremely hard to make activi 'ties “student friendly,” and events Uke this demonstrate how hard he works. Daniel is planning a similar event in the spring, and is looking forward to pushing the boundaries even farther. Artists in the Spotlight Some of the most rewarding and interesting aspects of Cross roads were the artist conversations; indeed, Daniel Bennett referred to these conversations as “the high Ught of the event.” Although the attendance was not as large as the •concerts, Daniel beUeved that the “content was exceUent.” There were two artist conversations: The rst was with RandaU Goodgame and' Andy Osenga, the second with Kel Un Watson. Both gave the students the opportunity to learn about the artists, their inspirations, and— most of aU—^what drives them in this cutthroat industry. After the rst concert by RandaU and Andy, I conduct ed a short interview in order to give aU those students who could not attend the convo a chance to learn a Uttle bit about these talented musicians. Question: Obviously you guys are fond of a variety of dif ferent genres and artists. Who do you feel is your most prominent in uence? RandaU: It would have to be Jimmy Buffet. Yeah, that’s a good answer! Andy: U2, Dire Straits, The Cardigans. I Uke my European bands. Q: Okay—this is a hard one, but what is your favorite aspect of Montreat? R: The leaves; they’re unbeUev able. I also reaUy Uke aU the people I met A: It’s just aU so beautiful. It re minds the of Galadriel’s kingdom in Lord of the Rings. Q: You guys are obviously very spiritual. On a spiritual note, what is your favorite Bible verse? R: Luke 12:35-37. A: Oh, that’s hard... Okay, it’s 1 John 4:12, Q: If there was one biblical character you feel that you relate to the most, whom would it be and why? R; That would be Balaam’s ass from Numbers. He is so humble and so ridiculous. Also, it shows that when you feel Uke no one should Usten to you, God can use you. A: King David. MairJy because he messed up, Uke with Bathsheba. Also all the Psalms he wrote, Uke po etry. Q: Finally, as you ate aware. Montreat is a very talented liberal arts college. Do you have any ad vice for aspiring artists? R- SoU, fertiUxer, water, and Mir acle Gro. Also, just keep doing it; if you don’t stop, you won’t stop getting better. That’s good enough, isn’t it? A: Play as much as possible and pay attention to other musicians. Oh, and Usten to advice Uke this!