GRANDPA’S BOY IS TMAT youR W&VJ BABy? Oct. 23 ■ Nov. 3ugh things look puzzling this week, stick to plans and keep your mind set on your goals. T( our em- 7-l-il err THATfe SORTA HARD To SAy RlSHF NOW By BRAD ANDERSON WHEN will he. BEi OLp ENOU&H To' RSHT 2 Ir— porary upsets set up the unsettling conditions. Get set for stdl more surprises. Sagittarius Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 Jupiter Jupiter reigns over the Sagittarian star path and this week Jupiter really rains down a hail of alot of new ex- g eriences. New love beckons from a Taurus. Wedded agittarians find their home lives more exciting. Capricorn Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 Saturn Capricornean Goats need to handle touc^ situations with kid gloves. Butting in doesn’t help. Old pals help you get through a low period. Beware, though, of those who are interested only in their own ends. Aquarius Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 Uranus Your kindness once again provides its own rewards. Goals you set earlier hecome more available now as friends and allies rally to help. Check your mail. One letter may need to be reread more carefully. 6-HOUR FILM PROCESSING IN BY 10 A.M. — OUT BY 4 P.M. SMITH STUDIOS 303 S. LIMESTONE ^ A Print (No Additional Filnn Processing Charge) THE PICTURE STORE IN FRONT OF COLONIAL REST. Pisces Feb. 19 - Mar. 20 {/ Neptune The Piscean Fish will brook no interference in his or her determination to break out of a stagnant puddle. But before you try to avoid all attempts to help, pay atten tion to those friends who can warn of problems ahead. Make Plans Now To Participate In The Mall, Gaffney Activities - NAPOLEON WELL, WELL— LOOK WHAT AUNT ELMA MAILEP US, NAPOLEON./ HMMM, I WONDER WHAT'S IN IT/ • "*• NOT TOO HEAVy. By McBride and Moore WELL, IT CAN WAfT TlL AFTER PINNER./ JULY 4 th Nb; l-S! “I look at it this way ... Food’s good and the hours aren’t all that bad.” •Dunking Tank •Greased Pole •Male Legs Contest •Entertainment And More Hours: 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. Fun For The Whole Family If you’re a church or civic groups and would like to have ice cream or bake sale contact John Brasington at The Mall. WHAT '"If-THEN HAPPENED? L OTf rei~L MS ASOUr IT / REV^EAABER, WALF THE PEOPLE AREN'T INTERESTED IN yoUR TROUBLES■ -ei®//r/'AND THE OTHER HALF ARE GLAD VOU'RE GETTING WHAT you DESERVE .// ^HERE USED TO BE A LOT OP EAGER EAR^-r Lough ©ut Judge: “This man’s watch was fastened in his pocket by a safety-pin. How did you manage to get it?” Prisoner: “Well, Judge, I usually get $100 for five lessons.” LITTLE FARMER By KERN PEDERSON SHEfeBACK ^ AGAIN, GROVER!, 7/ WHOS y THAT, GUNTHER?7 THAT BLONDE WHO HOLDS HER BREATH underwater WAITING FOR THE lifeguard To RESCUE HER HED EeTTERT HURfRyi ■SHE& turning Niy FAVORITE SHAPey OFSLUE' THE f«ACTCfR60 FORTIES u VILLAGE SQUARE by Chuck Stiles X CAME BACK FOR UMBRELLA . CHECK WITH FOWLER’S SHOES For On Shoes Men, Women & Children i«iiiiiiiiiiiiinimmMiiiiiimmiiimmiiiiiiHiiiiimiiMiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiinniiii)minnimimiiiiiiimiimmiMiimiTiiiiu| •Sunjims Sandals •Dozksides •Loafers Buster Candies Nurse Mate Wellco •Dress Shoes •Tennis Shoes