If I- ' Wi k' j 18 INTO THE MILL AND OUT WARD A-8. PHONES 192-193 Mayer- Blanton Company Wholesale Grocers 43 and 45 S. College St. THE CADUCEUS. A HALF FORGOTTEN PASTIME Continued from page 13 Well, we sure were a pair of happy chaps. We both arrived at Manila O. and Hill went up before the C. 0. an 1 gave it to him strainght. The result— well, I won’t say but did you see that lieutenant that was up to see me yes terday? Well, that was Rocky him self,” The conclusion of this story brought forth cries of “Some line,” “Rot” an ■ a whole lot of things. The next day it began to rain sho’-t ly after breakfast and what we did then was another story I’ll rave about next week. S. O. L. .A ?‘,Y' ."4c ‘.j, h, 'St The major who visits the patients at A-S is just like a father. He has a kind word for every answer. Private Miller was asked by a friend, ‘When do you think the war will end?” He answered, “As soon as the medical detachment arrives over there. Private Noonan has received his discharge and is now on his happy journey home. The new T. B. medicine. Brown’s Mixture, is proving a very efficient remedy for corns. Private Miller’s best sweetheart was out to see him yesterday. She has two sons in the service, another besides Private Miller. RECALLED BY NEW OCCUPATION. Two thousand fly swatters have been made at the base hospital car penter shop and have been distributed in every part of the hospital. The furnishing of the new issue and the order to “swat ’em all” has recalled to one of The Caduceus cartoonists. Private Fullerton, the favorite swatting pastime of the long lost days “when we were kids.” To nearly every enlisted member of the hospital force, and we sus pect to not a few of the stately officers, the drawing brings back mem ory pictures as painful as the attending consequences of the wild honey hunt and yet as golden as the sun-kissed meadow, which rolls away in the back ground. SWITCHBOARD LIFE. “Hello.” “Base hospital.” “I want to know about a man by the name or .Tones. Did he die?” “Dye? Dye what?” “I mean did he croak?” “Hold the wire.” GOT IT ON AT LAST. We take the pleasure to announce that Pvt. Herbert Mills of tent No. 11 has at last fulfilled his contract of putting a screen door on the said tent. He was to have it on by 10 p. m. July 4th, 1918. He has beaten the contract by about three weeks. M. KIRSCHBAUM Quattlebaum Bros. CANTEEN East of Officers’ Headquarters Maker and Renovatorof H 32 Years’ Experience 20 Years in Charlotte ARMY RAYS MADE TO ORDER I Make The Hat to Fit The Head We Renovate Hats and Caps 26 West Trade Street PHONE 2536 Cigars Cigarettes Candies Soft Drinks u We Sell the Best” ,L