16 THE CADUCEUS. UNDER THE CROSS AND TRIANGLE Private GEORGE RYDER TALIESIN W. DAVIES, Y. M C. A. Secretary NEW READING ROOM. OBSERVE BASTILE DAY. ATHLETICS AROUND THE “Y.’ The room at the rear of the stage which has been utilized as a store room, has been cleaned out and fixed up so that it can be used as a reading room. One of the features of this room is the three bulletin boards which have been placed in it. These boards are to be used to post current events, cartoons, and local news. The boys already have begun to bring in articles for these boards and are tak ing considerable interest in them. On one wall of the room are posted five large war maps, which include ev ery front on which any offensive has been fought. The battle line is to be traced by means of pins and ribbon on these maps every day, so that one can readily see the situation at the front immediately upon looking at the map. A newspaper rack has been install ed and all local papers and many pa pers from other cities are here placed. A library has been placed in this room consisting of history and geo graphy books, and general reference books. These books are separate from the other library books in the build ing and are to be used in the room only. Twenty current magazines are plac ed in the room lor use. Facilities for writing are here and it is hoped that those who care to write here when the main room is in use, will do so. The educational department of the Y. M. C. A. are planning to hold cur rent event classes here at least twice a week and all are invited to attend. The room is an experiment in so far as a room of this nature is concerned at the hospital and it is hoped that results will be attained that will merit its enlarging along the several lines tor which it is planned. Bastile Day was observed at Y. M. C. A. Hut 106. There were nearly 500 soldiers present at the song and musi cal concert given by a group of Char lotte women. Miss Willie Mae McCorkle sang for the soldiers and Mrs. Ennis and Miss Marion Medlock gave readings. Miss Alva Barney brought a number of wo men to the building in her car and an other party was brought out by Mrs. and Miss Parker. Three trombone selections by four members of the aviation settion band, one of the se lections being “The Marseillaise,” were rendered. Secretary Stephens, in charge of the services, delivered an informal talk on “The Knock-out Blow.” FEATURE PICTURE. Monday night at K. of C. building No. 1 there was another big feature picture which proved to be one of the best pictures that have been shown the boys in the camp. The title of the picture was “A Crooked Romance” in five parts. The story of the play was well acted by the actors, and the boys enioyed the picture very much. Billy Cloonan introduced another nov elty in his song revue which is fast becoming one. of the big features of the K. of C. The songs introduced were all the latest and best song hits direct from New York. Billy Cloonon will intro duce for the first time a brand new song about camp life next week en titled, “Oh 1 Hate To Get Up In The Morning.” This song is going to be one of the biggest hits of the camp. Frank Tronolone will be at the piano. Probably in no place in camp has a greater interest been displayed in quoits than that which is at present being manifested in this pastime at the base hospital. Many of the boys still prefer to throw the good old horse shoe rather than the quoit it self. It is estimated that over lOO games have been thrown this past week. The “Y” has a new stock of both horse shoes and quoits and it is hoi>ed that they will be able now to supply the demand for these when re quested. Volley ball continues to keep up its interest and every night sees several games in iirogress. Many are outside of the building throwing the baseball every evening and from 7 o’clock to nearly 9 athletics are holding forth. Several of the boys have been going to Lakewood Park and taking a swim in the tank lately. In this connection Mr. McCreery wishes to state that he will accompany any of the boys who wish to go and try for thb Red Cross life saving certificate. Mr. McCreery is a certified member of this and is qual ified to instruct and pass on-any who desire to take the tests. These tests include several breaks of the various holds that a drowning person is apt to get on his rescuer. They also in clude different ways of carrying a drowning person and the method of resuscitation. It is hoped that several will take this opportunity to pass the test, not alone for the sake of the certificate but that all who know how to swim will learn to swim for two as well as one. MADE THINGS HUM. The usual entertainment was given at the K. of C. building at the Base Hos pital, last Friday night. There was a good sized crowd present and the va ried program pleased every one. Frank Troians gave a piano solo and also sang several songs for his audience. The “Darktown Follies” kept those present in constant uproar with their funny songs. Joe Lammie gave a few dances and Rooney and O’Keefe did some clever boxing. Billy Henry sang several Irish songs, while Corp. Lang showed some ability as a juggler. Foster, who has appeared numerous times before was unable to be present with his Scotch dialect. Another entertainment will be given this coming Friday. EDUCATIONAL LECTURE. Mr. Oliver, Y. M. C. A. Camp edu cational secretary, gave a most inter esting and uplifting talk on the “Amer ican Soldier In France,” Tuesday eve ning. He based his remarks on the ar ticle printed in a recent issue of the Outlook. This article was written by Daniel A. Poling, and is a moat vivid report of an eye witness’ findings at the front. In keeping with this report Mr. Oli ver brought out the physical compet ency and moral fitness of the Ameri can soldier in France. In doping he emphasized the fact of the soldier’s honor and how the present American soldier was adher ing closely to the same. With an average attendance of near ly 100 it is pleasing to be able to re port the growing interest in these more serious meetings that are held in the building. LIVE RELIGION. At the mid-week meeting Mr. Man- gum, Y. M. C. A. camp social secre tary, addressed the boys and gave a most touching address on the text, “As Ye Go—Preach.” He layed em phasis in the fact that we preach not so much by what we say as by our very living. BE LOYAL. The morning service Sunday was in the hands of Rev. Henry P. Eckhardt, Lutheran camp pastor. Rev. Mr". Bck- hardt spoke on being a good soldier of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the spir it of loyalty. Rev. Mr. Welch gave the talk to the boys at the evening service and spoke on the subject of “God Con sciousness,” taking his illustrations from the life of Moses. He said that the secret of Moses’ greatness was his consciousness of God’s .guidance of his life, and he held this forth as an example for all. The usual Sunday afternoon'home hour was well attended. The young peop’e from several of the churches in town came out and put on a pro gram of recitations and songs that was very pleasing to those who were present. The St. Martin’s Bi)isconal church will be in charge of the dance to be given at the Myers Park Country Club . on Mdnday evening. All soldiers of Camp Greene are invited to attend.