PRINTER WANTED If any Camp Greene printer wants good, permanent position, he is invited to see me at onc^ at the News office, cor. Church and 4th Sts. W. C. DOWD, Mgr. ^TKeTJelvetXihd The cream of ice creams ff I i GASTONIA is North Carolina’s Best City with the most rapid growth The Bank of Gastonia is young, like the city, but is also showing some rapid growth Your business is solicited and you will always b e courteously received Pay Ds a Call 0 The Drug Store of North Carolina OWENS DRUG CO., WINSTON-SAIEM. - N. C. Candy, Soda Cigars, Magazines Postcards WHEN DOWN TOWN VISIT Johnnie Clements’ CIGAR STORE 32 South Tryon Street CHARLO rXE