ik THE CADUCEUS TON OF TURKEY HOSPITAL PREPARES FOR CHRISTMAS MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL O band o£ workers have better dis played the spirit of “Good will towards men” than have the personnel of the U. S. Army Base Hospital, Camp Greene. They have met every disease enemy that has attacked the soldiers of the camp and in the zeal of Christian loyalty that knew no fear or fatigue have beaten every foe. As commanding officer of this hospital I am proud to give, from the cheeriest warmth of my heart, the finest wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS to all the officers, nurses ancL^enlisted men under my command. Lieut-Colonel George A. Renn, Commanding Oflicer, U. S. Army Base Hospital, Camp Greene. To the merry boys of the Base Hospital, for they are all merry both the patients and personnel, it would seem an impossible matter to serve a more appetizing and more delicious meal than was served Thanksgiving Day but that is what Capt. Wilson the mess officer is planning to do. The boys are to be so well taken care of in the eating line that special transportation facilities had to be se cured to haul the supplies to the hos pital from the city of Charlotte, the ordinary truck used for this purpose being far too light and small to serve at so busy a season. The average layman may form some idea of what the meal is to consist from a glance at the following figures, showing in round numbers what has been ordered tor Christmas: fourteen hundred pounds of Christmas turkey; 500 lbs of potatoes; three barrells of cranberries, the equivalent of 20 bush els; 30'gallons of oysters; 36 dozen bunches of celery (3 cases); 400 pies; 35 gallons of ice cream; 100 lbs of cheese, 100 lbs of candy; 200 lbs of assorted nuts and smokes to the ex tent of 800 cigars and 7,000 cigaretts have been ordered. THEY COUNT THE PILLS AND MIX THE TONICS MEDICAL STAFF OF THE U. S. ARMY BASE HOSPITAL, CAMP GREENE. When we have ailments which medicine can relieve these are the men who come to the rescue^ They are as able a crew of physicians as ever faced a camera and all the hospital is proud of their efforts m battling the spinal meningitis last winter and in throttling infiuenza this year. ip,,tenant The names of the officers reading the top row from left to right, are: Lieutenant Smith, Lieutenant Kraetzer, Lieutenant Cooper, Capt West, Lieutenant McGurl, Captain Becker, Hamner, Lieutenant Schultz, Captain Peirce, Captain Brown, Lieutenant Mason, Lieutenant Myles, L^e'^tenant Pfeiffer and Major Gardner, A. R. C.. Lower row: Captain Ives, Captain Day, Lieutenant Mitchel, Captam Elwyn, Major Brown, Lieut-Col. George A. Renn, commanding officer; Major Palfrey, Major Way, Major Sheaft, Captain Hart and Lieutenant Allen.