An active paper edited by an active school ' -fg "V t' THE Trade With the Merchant* Who Appreciate Your Child Thru the POINTER HIGH POINT ENTERS STATE CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES llieh Point Hlfli's Ms enter llie; BOOSTS POINTER state championship football eliniina- - - ELM tion contest Fi-iday, October 31, when they plav Leaksville at Greensboro. The Black Bison will enter the game with the best pep and spirit oi the season, and a more versatile attack with which they hope to down Leaks ville. The outcome of this game is very uncertain, as Leaksville has had a very successful season having won nearly every game they have played.; These dangerous opponents defeated Burlington by the same close margin that the Black Bison did—one touch down. AT ELM STREET Robert Bain “made an interesting talk to the pupils of Elm Street last week in the interest of the Pointer. The pupils and teachers were glad to have him. He secured a number of subscriptions. This showed a fine spirit of cooperation. They have ai'o gore 100 per _cent in organiz ing their Safety league. Each grade has a captain and all are taking part in the work. Cooperation^is Hooded in ev.‘rv school and Elm St. ! has responded wholeheartedly to , Jl •.* ^ The Fi'^h Point llifchs are in there : everything she has tried to put across to vght and will stay figthting to j ' — the last. The boys have the best, spirit they have ever had. The hard — jiractice they have had together with the new method of attack will prove interesting to Leaksville. The schedule for the first period of the championship games follows: First round; High Point vs. Leaksville at Greensboro, October 31; Alexanrer V/ilsop vs. Burlington at Burlington, November 4. Second Round: Greensboro vs. Alexander Wilson or Burlington at Grensboro, November 8. Third Round: High Point vs. .Alexander Wilson or Burlington at High Point, Novem ber ir>; High Point or Leaksville vs. Greensboro at Winston, November 15, Leaksville vs. Alexander Wilson ar Burlington at Leaksville, Novemmber ^ 15. Out of seven games played by the Black Bisons this season, only one, c ov.;U oven scored against them, . :i a body of men that formed a puc as invincible as a wall of stone a. ;d with charges that made them ORATORICAL SOCIETY ■\,i.i:iiy of their name-sake, the black b. r. ns of the plains, they have over come every team against which they THE OTHER FEU.OW HAS TROUBLES, TOO! Life, a full life, is lived with others. By nature we are in clined to think that we are hav ing greater difficulties than ■hose about us are having. Do you know tliat while we are thinking that about others that they are thinking the same about us? What I would like to say is just this: I am just a human being with faults. Be charitable when you judge as I try to be charitable when T judge. Let us work cooperatively to make our school work more happy and enjoyable. I pledge you my part. Will you give me your hand on it? Henry Grady Owens. BEGINS WORK The younger population of High Point had another holiday Friday, S all the school teachers prin cipals and school s^^Pef^ttendent of the city school system left for Win ston-Salem for the two-day infer ence of the North Carolina Educa tion Association. The usual hustling to school -was not noticed and everything went on ■'ut as if it had been Saturday in stead of Friday. An enjoyable time was had by those who w^t to the conference and even by those who did not go—^meaning that the pu- pils were not necessarily idle. L. R. Johnstsiji, principal, was on the program as speaker at the con- f erencs. He spoke on “Aims and Piirpos* of Extra-Curricular Activities.” Superintendent T. W. Andrews was chosen chairman of the conference i and it is hoped that the conference will be in High Point next year. RAY STREET SCHOOL NEWS Miss Georgia Morton’s fourth grade charmingly entertained the school in chapel Thursday morning, i The exercT'.e was oyilined !with a Bible reading by Ruth Poole, after- v-iards followed by the Lord’s prayer, by all. Then the school stood and sang “Battle Hymn of The Repub lic,’’ Johnsic Surratt gave a read ing, “I Don’t Have To Go To School Today.” Seven boys and seven girls then gave a delightful song, ‘ The Old Woman and Her Ring.” Bryto Baker Ranson and Mary Perry Pol lock ga^^e a dialogue, “The Bug- a-Boo.” Then the class gave a set ting-up exercise, followed bp a Folk Dance—Ace of Diamonds. ’I’he picture, “The Sleeping Beau ty,” and two selected comedies which were given at Ray Street School Thursday evening were enjoyed by a large crowd. h vo been placed. ::;urprise and delight was shown when our boys won over the Spencer eleven 20 to 0 Bv electing Henry Gurley uresi- dent, Joe Smoak secretary, Emmet McLarty, vice-president, Charles . . ,, McLarty, vace-presiaenl, v^aaiits This is practically English critic, Fred Tn- ihe same aggregation that set such ^^^^ Order critic, as officers, the a terrific pace last season and the QratoVical Society has begun definite game with H. P. H. S. was the j ^/ork a' d altogether shows a very tills scas'on that they ! team this season has been one program is pkinned is eoually strong throughout . . constitution of the Society time this scastn that they La been scored against. The team this season has been one that — —i ., - V and one would find it difficult to pick out one place in its make up that is inferior to another part, and in truth it is a dandy good bunch. While there are stars it must be retnembored that a star is helpless wiUiout ceoneratii'-n of his t.--m mates and our star.s are not help- loss. The school is justly proud of her beys. In the games played! the locals beve sc.ercd a total of 120 points to iheir miponents’ 7. The following 23 a list of the results as they came: beginning. This meets every ?>Ionday and for the next meet and the constitution of the Society will be drawn up. Lexington, '0; High Point, 13. Asheboro, 0; High Point, 26. Burlington, 7; High Point, 12. Greensboro, 0; High Point, 6. Guilford, 0; High Point, 16. Spencer, 0: High Point, 20 Winston-Salem, 0. High Point, 27. ELM STREET SCHOOL NEWS Parent Teachers’ Association of Elm Street School met Tuesday evenmg, October 21, the president, Mrs. E. E. Sensenback presiding over the meeting. The association decided to send an all time delegate to the state parent teachers’ asso ciation which meets in Durham, November 11, 12, and 13. The at tendance prize was won by Mrs. Richardson’s grade. The meeting was well attended. After the buBj- nors session a Safety program was rendered by the grades teught by Mrs. Richardson and Miss Hicks. T'nnrsd.ay night. October 30, Elm Street school is going to have a big Hallowe’en party. There will bd mnnv interesting attractions. One f'f the main features will bo the “Dark Town” minstrel. It will drive dull care and make the oM ■feel voiine' and gav. A big time is in store for all! Come.