THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1930. THE JOHNSTONIAN.^UN, SELMA, N. C. 4 ( i Mrs. J. T. Hughes, Editor Phone 56-W Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Creech and family, of Floiience, S. C., are visit ing Mrs. J. M. Creech. Mr. and Mr.s. E. V. Woodard spent Toesday in Goldsboro. Misses Lillian Louise Woodard and Ruth Hood have returned from a visit to Dunn. Miss Elizabeth Temple is visiting- friends in Danville and Alton, V.a. Mrs. G. H. Younger is visiting rel atives' in Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Earp, of Nor folk, Va., visited Mrs. W. L. Ether- edge last week. The Los Angeles Singers, of Cali-i fornia sang at the Presbyterian church on last Friday evening. Those who w3re fortunate enough to hear them were highly entertained. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Waddell are in Camp near Raleigh this week. Miss Apple Ward has returned from a visit to relatives in Raleigh. Miss Louise Townsend, of Brevard, is visiting Miss Sarah Creech. Mrs. J. P. Raiford, of Durham, spent the day with Mrs. E. V. Wood ard today. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Reynolds, Miss Ida Le(e Reynolds and Miss Leola Coleman, of Acme, and Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Reynolds, of Oxford, visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Etheredge have returned from an extended trip to relatives in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. J. L. Doggett has returned from a visit to Lumber Bridge. Miss Anne Noble has returned from a visit to Lumber Bridge. who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Alice Hood returned home Sun day. She was accompanied by Miss Ethel Hall who will visit liter, Mr. E. F, Proctor, of Mount Olive; spent the week-end in Selma. Miss Genevieve Warren, of Dunn, is visiting Miss Ruth Hood. Mr. J. T. Wilkins and family have returned from a trip to Aber de/sn. Southern Pines and. Pinehurst, They visited the peach farms also. Mrs. Z. T. Bissett and Mrs. Val- ton Wilson, of Wendell, spent Fri day with Mrs. 0. R. Bailey. Miss Margaret Waddell, of Ral eigh, is visiting relatives here. Mrs. J. D. Massley has returned from a visit to New York. Mr. R. E. Suber left Monday for Atlanta, Ga., where he will spent his vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schsws went to Georgia Monday to see their father who is very ill. About a month ago he was in an automo bile accident from which he has never recovered. Mrs. B. G. Bunn, of Bailey, spent Saturday with her sister Mrs. R. A. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Etheredge and Mrs. Etta Etheredge spent Sun day in the country with friends. The Baptist Sunday School will hold their annual picnic at Norman Park in Goldsboro Tuesday after noon, August 5th. Mrs. Wiley Earp,. of Thanksgiving, spent several days recently with Mrs. W. L. Etheredge. Miss Anne Noble has returned I Miss Anne Thacker, of Raleigh, from a visit to relatives in, Ox ford, She was accompanied home by Mrs. T. T. Winston. Miss Fanny Anderson, of Hali fax, Va., is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. C. Duncan. Mrs. Appie Wakston who has been visiting her dau,ghter, Mrs. R. A. and Nonie Johnson, of St. Pauls, who were instructors in the Bible School at the Presbyterian church, have returned to their homes. Mr. T. T. Creech, of Sheffield, Ala., is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Johnson, of Teachers Get More Salary—Pay Less Tax From time to time we have- heard it said that one cause for the pres'ent tax burden is that taxes are not justly distributed. That is, only a few are paying any taxes at all, and also that those who have fixed incomes are not paying taxes in proportion as farmers and business concerns whose income varies and even at times shows a loss instead of any income at all. We have copded a list of school teachers and county officials and .employees whose income is fixed by a stated monthly salary. Opposite each name we give the monthly salary and'the yearly tax paid in 1929. It may be that some of*^the tax items*.-will stand revising, as some may have property in somd township other than the ones we located. In that event we shall be glad to make any correction in our next issue. It will be notig^d that five are not listed for taxes at all, so far as we were abl?ro find. In a few cases as to the salaries of teachers, a superintend ent’s wife also teaches and draws a salary of $90 to $133.33 per month. Monthly Annual Salary 1929 Tax J. T. Hatcher, teacher $437,50 $ 39.60 FOUR OAKS WANT ADS. (By MRS. ALT0?i MASSENGILL) I SEWING MACHINES,, 'SOLD, E.X- ’ changed, oiled and repaired. 31 P. Sutton, Singer Agent. Box. 223, Selma, N. C. Mrs. Jesse- Stanley and Miss Mil dred Lassiter, Mattie Stanley and . rp T 7 ■ 7- rp, SINGER SEWING .MACHINES Mrs. T. L. Livei-man spent Thurs- , , . „ „ . day in Raleigh. ■ superior. See me for m- kisses Pauline Lee and' Mattie ' Stanley spent Saturday afternoon in! ' ” Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Upcchurch ; visited in, Goldsboro Sunday. Mesdames Roy Johnson, Alton WANTED—USED SHOW CASKS. Give description and' price. Ad dress B care Johnstonian-.Suit, It. pd. Masseng-ill, B, B.' Creech, shopped in Smithfield Thursday afternoon. , TAKEN FROM CAR WHILE AT Mr. Wade Stanley and Hoyt Mas- genvill went to White ■ Lake Thurs- Jacksonville, Fla., and Mr.s. P. H. Jones, is visiting her son in Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Creech and family have returned from Norfolk, Va., where they attended a house party. Miss Francis Jeanette, of Mount Olivie, who has be.en visiting her aunt Mrs. E. J. Sasser, has returned home. - Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jones motored to Goldsboro Saturday. The following spent the week-en,d at a house party at White Lake: Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Perkins, Misses Mary Stanley Benoy, Mary Parker, Mildred Creech, Mary Evelyn Park er, Francis Sharpe, Rose Worley, Messrs. John Lacy Deans, B. Oliver, of Pins Level, Oscar Creech, Ralph Woodard, Tom Sanders of Four Oaks, and George Davis Vick. Mrs. Paul Wallace, of Clayton, spent several days last week with her mother Mrs. Ellen Creech. Misses Catherine Aycock, Amy Ashworth and Viollet and Mildred Hayes are on a camping 'trip this week. Mr. Robert Etheredge has joined Realizing that the town of Selma is going to lose two of its most val uable citizens in Prof, and Mrs. H. his family at Scotland Neck for a Bueck, who have accepted work in visit. [the City School at Cullowhee, N. Mrs. J. A. Cain, of Fayetteville,; c., I feel impressed to express my Sasser, of Goldsboro, who have been visiting Mrs. J. W. Short, are spend ing this- week in Goldsboro. The Free Will Baptist held their annual picnic at Holts Lake last Thursday. They report a big time, plenty to eat and a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wilkerson and daughters Rose and Irene mot ored to Goldsboro Monday. Mr. Wilkerson is being tre-ated by Dr. Ivey. Mrs. M. B. Lynch, Gordan and Rosa Franci.s Lynch have returned from a week’s visit to Goldsboro and 'Mount Olive. Mr. N. E. Warren, of Roxboro, and Miss Irene Wilkerson spent Satur day in Dunn. TOWN TO LOSE TWO VALUABLE CITIZENS is visiting her parents, Mr. and- Mrs. J. M. Creech. Miss Haziel Cartrette who has been visiting friends here has returned to Barium Springs. Mr. Ed Creech has returned from Norfolk, where he attended a house party. A male quartette from Smithfield will sing at the evening services at the Presbyterian church Sunday. Miss Josephine Tomlinson, of regrets to them on behalf of the town of Selma that they are going to leave our town and county, be cause their place in the county will be hard to fill. Wishing them much happiness and prosperity in their new field of endeavor, I am. Respectfully, W. W. HARE, Mayor. N. C. Shuford, teacher 400.00 M. P. Young, teacher 393.75 F. M. Waters, teacher 388.88, A. G. Glenn, teacher 369.00 E. T. Boyette, teacher ....: 366.67 A. J. Fitzgerald, sheriff 333.33 G. T. Whitley, teacher ... 330.00 W. H. Keller, teacher , 305.00 B. F. Hassell, teacher 300.00 O. A. Tuttle, teacher 300.00 H. V. Rose, clerk court 300.00 H. B. Marrow, Supt. 291.66 Luma McLamb, register deeds .... 275.00 S. T. Liles, teacher 268.33 Nathan Womack, teacher 261.11 G. B. Strickland, teacher 236.11 ' Geo. E. Smdth, teacher 225.00 D. W. Parker, tax collector 225.00 R. L. Fitzgerald, auditor 225.00 S. W. Brown, treasurer 200.00 H. Bueck, teacher 200.00 Miss M. Tabor, teacher ......7. 200.00 Mrs. R. Lane, teacher 200.00 W. T. Davis, jailor 225.00 Eighteen teachers (including the County Superintendent) re ceived a total of $5,473.01 per month which is an average month ly salary of $304.05. The 18 paid a total tax for 1929 of $599.28, or an average tax for the year of $33.29. Average monthly salary $304.05; average annual tax $33.29. Seven county officials (including the jailor) received a total of $1,783.33 per month which is an average monthly salary of $254.76. The 7 paid a total tax for 1929 of $727.28, or an average tax for the year of $103.89. Average monthly salary $254.76; average yearly tax $103.89. It will be interesting to contrast the income and annual tax of Rev. D. H. Tuttle, superanated Methodist minister, with the income and annual tax of the above officials and school teachers. During 1929 Mr. Tuttle’s monthly income was $75.30. His an nual tax was $61.25. Of the $3600.00 salary paid to the super intendent of the Smithfield Graded Schools last year, approxi mately one half Of one per cent was given back to the county in taxes. Of the $903.60 received by Mr. Tuttle, approximately seven p>er cent was given to the county in taxes. We mention this to show the injustice of the present tax system. Let it be understood that we have no criticism, of any one for taking the salary paid them, or getting by with the amount of taxes paid. It is the s.ystem which permits such injustice that we condemn.—Smithfield Advertiser. 19.15 30.28 34.52 19.53 30.57 275.06 53.60 22.44 .00' 9.66 103.43 236.52 7.23 50.52 .00 10.36 .00 60.93 263.57 4.09 42.53 .00 .00 13.03 Salaries of Those Paid Out - Of Public Funds Are too High Breakfast and Swimming Party Black Creek, is visiting Miss Edith Aycock. j On Tuesday morning Miss Miriam Mrs. Monroe Henry left Tuesday Briqtz delightfully entertained party of friends at Holt Lake, hon oring her guest Miss Elizabeth Shaw of Lumberton. After and early swim a tempting breakfast was served. HAS SCARLET FEVER for a visit to relatives in Durham. Mrs. Samuel Leonard and daught er Margaret Winston, of Rocky Mount, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Etheredge. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Aycock mo tored to Lucama Sunday. Mr. Joseph Arnold Creisch, of Cha pel Hill, spent Sunday with Mr. W. H. Creech. Mrs. Thad Easom and family, of Spring Hope, visited friends here Sunday. They were accompamed home by Master W. E. Branch, Jr., who will spend this weiek with them. Mr E. Warren, of Roxboro, visited in Selma Monday en route to Tifton, Ga. Mrs. I J. 0., of Dunn, spent last week with Mrs. Joseph Peedin. Mrs. 0. P. Raiford and daughter. Miss Ida Mae, of Smithfield, spent Friday with Mrs. William Creisch. Dr. R. L. Shirley was shaking agiow with lights from Japanese friends here', , . , T It is commonly stated by tax payers that the salaries of those paid from the public treasury are entirely too high. It is a matter of record that the salaries of public officials and em ployes are higher than at any former time. If the income of farmers and business concerns was anything like what it was at the the peak of high prices, we suppose no one would be comr plaining about taxes nor salaries. As it now is, salaries of coun ty officials and school teachers are entirely out of line when com pared with the income of a great majority of the taxpayers, especially those depending on farming for a means of support. Some say salaries should be cut fifty per cent. Others con tend for a straight cut of 25 per cent, and still others suggest a sliding scale of from 33 to 5 per cent. Suppose a cut of 25 per cent is made in the salary of one receiving $400 per month. He still receives $300 per month, which is an income not to be de spised in this day and time. Reduce the salary of one receiv ing $100 per month 5 per cent, and that one still receives $95 per month, and it is hard to find a good man who will turn his back on $95 per month and walk off with the great army of unemployed. According to a digest of the 1930-31 school budget by The Smithfield Herald, the average monthly salaries of the teachers of the six months schools next school year will be $7.65 more than it was last year. Instead of cutting any, that is an in crease of six per cent over last year. The budget for next year as presented to the commissioners carries $289,511.56 for salaries. A ten per cent cut off of that amount would be $28,951.15. That is $2412.59 per month, or $79.31 per day, or $3.30 per hour for every 24 hours in the day. Cut salaries 20 per cent and you have an annual saving to the taxpayers of $57,902.30. Would it help any? We would like to have the opinion of any tax payer as to salaries of teachers and public officials. Should they be raised? If so, how much. Should they be lowered? If so, what per cent. If the tax payers will discuss these matters publicly with an honest and unprejudiced mind, a solution may be reached. We will be glad to publish any statement over any one’s signa ture.—Smithfield Advertiser. day afternoon. Miss Pauline Lee and Mrs. Ila High shopped in Raleigh Wednes day.. Mis^s Margaret and Lucile Strick land Spent Tuesday with ' Mrs. H. G. Johnson'near Smithfield. , Mrs! J. R. Holder, of Wendell, is visifing her son Mr. J. D. Richard son. ^ , Mrs. C. H. Gibson, of Rocky Mount, is spending sometime here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Creech. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lassiter visited relatives in Oxford Sunday. Mr. Lawrence Creech, of Norfolk, 'Va., is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Evlyn Strickland and daught er Lucile spent Saturday in Smith- field with Mrs. H. L. Johnson. , Mr. and Mrs. Alton Massengill and family spent Sunday in Rocky Mount with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Creecch and children, of Tarboro, spent Sun day here with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Creech. Mrs. Hicks Stanley Myers, of Rocky Mount, is visiting here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Keene, Mr. and Mrs. Ethon Strickland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Johnson near Smithfield. Miss Madeline Keene, of Coats-, is visiting her grandmother' Mrs. Evlyn Strickland. Miss Alice Belle Penny returned to her home Saturday on account of illness. Misses Blanche Baker and Lossie Allen spent Sunday at White Lake. Mrs. Joe Keene, of Coats, spent Sunday here with her sister Mrs. Delia Keene. Mr. John Ennis, of Coats, spent the week-end with his sister Mrs. Roy Tew. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Upchurch spent Sunday in Holt Mills with their brother Mr. Julius Strickland. Miss Eva Keene, of Goats, is .spending this week with Mrs. E. F. Strickland. Dr. C. W. Sanders, of Benson, spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Booker Lawhorn, of Benson, visited relatives here Tues day night. Mr. Herman Berkholtz, of Rich mond, Va., spent the week-end with Mrs. N. H. Keene. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Youngblood, of Dunn, visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Ma.s'sengill and family visited in Smithfield Thurs day. tending services at Selma Bap tist Church last Sunday night—one lady’s tan rain coat with cordu roy lining. Suitable reward for its return .to Johnstonian-Sun, of fice at Selma. It pd WANTED—TO HEAR FROM ANY one having an old-time loom and spinning whdel that could be made to work as- in the olden days, and also would like to hear from any one who can spini and weave cloth on the old-fashioned spinning wheel and loom. Address “Spin ner” in care Johnstonian-Sun, Sel ma, N. C. J. Ira Lee Attorney at Law Offices over First and Citizens National Bank SMITHFIELD, N. C. = ]iiiiiiuiiiiDiiimmiiirjiiiimiiiiiniiiimiimE]mjiuiiinaraiRimi][.~ “The Rats Around My Place Were Wise,” Says John Tuthill. “Tried everything to kill them. Mixed poison with meal, meat, cheese, etc. Wouldn’t touch it. Tried RAT-SNAP. Inside of ten days got rid of all rats.” You don’t have to mix RAT-SNAP with food. Saves fussing, bother. Break a cake of RAT-SNAP, lay it "where rats scamper. Y'ou will see no more. Three ^izes, 35e, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by E. V. Woodard, Druggist, Selma, N. C.; Godwin Drug Co.; Pine Level, N. C.; A. F. Holt & Sons, Princeton, N. C. Adv. I Johnson Motor Co. I Auto and Radio REPAIRING Give Us A Trial i Phone 241 Smithfield a ^iiijiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiiirtnriiMiiiiriniiimimiiriiiiiiiiifiiiammiiiiiiCK Marion G. Lee Attorney at Law SMITHFIELD, N. C. James D. Parker Attorney at Law Has resigned as assistent U. 1 Attorney and stays at home an can be found at his office a, any time. SMITHFIELD, N. C. Miss Ruth Hood Entertains Honoring her guest Miss Genevieve Warren, of Dunn, on Friday evening. Miss Ruth Hood gave an informal dance: Punch was served through out the eevning. Mrs. C. A. Jacobs and three small sons returned from a visit to Alta Vista last Friday. On Sunday, Billy became ill and on Monday Scarlet Fever developed. He is get ting along as well as could be ex pected. School Budget is Rejected by The Board of Countv Commissioners Honors Guest , , On Friday evening Miss Francis W. Jemigan an a y, delightfully entertained honoring her guest Miss Josephine Barnes of Clayton. When the guests arrived they played several progres sions of Heart Dice and rook. Later they were invited on the lawn which At a recent meeting of the Board of County Commissioners the school budget was rejected. The budget called for $21,359.97 more than last year. The position of the commissioners is that it is no time to increase expenditures, but to decrease them. They are contending for a school budget not to exceed what it wast last year. If the people will stand by the commissioners ,we may yet find that they are final authority in the matter of raising and spending the county’s money.—Smithfield Adver tiser. . hands with his many Thursday. Mrs. C. 0. Younts, of Greensboro, lanterns. Here they enjoyed the old time games fdr quite awhile. loe cream and cake was served. Mr. R. C. King Tells a Wonderful Story About Rats. Read It. “For months my place was alive with rats. Losing chickens, eggs, feed. Friend told me to try RAT- SNAP. I did. 'Somewhat disap pointed at first at not seeing many dead rats, but in a few days didn’t see a live one. What were not killed are not around my place. RAT- SNAP sure does the trick.” Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.26. Sold and guar anteed by E. V. Woodard, Druggist, Selma, N. C.; Godwin Drug Co., Pine Level, N. C.; A. F.' Holt & Sons, Princeton, N. C. Adv. Releives a Headache or Neuralgia ir 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checks Malaria in three days. 666 also in Tablets. Geo. W. Hair Attorney at Law ' Office in Lewis Building SMITHFIELD, N. C. Selma Lodge, No. 320, A. F. & A. ll. Meets every first and third Tuer" day at 8 p.m. Visiting Brethr* invited. Geo. H. Wilkinson, W. M. W. T. Woodard. Secretai James Raynor Attorney at Law BENSON, N. G. Selma Chapter No. 65 R. M. M-. Meets EverY Second Tujesda# Evening at 8S"^0 P. M. in Selma Masonic Hall. Visiting Brethren Invited. F. M. WATERS, High Priest W. D. PERKINS, Secretary '4 m. g v'' & r.,« 7./’ ,1.1 V J

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