A Mrs. J. T. f^ughes, Editor Phone 56-W Mr. Clyde Jones and family have ■ returned from a trip to Ocean View and Norfolk, Va. Mr. Glenwood Brown, of Raleigh, is spending a few days in town. Mrs. Bob Odum has returned from a visit to relatives in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. W. F. Black and children, of Raleigh, ane visiting Mrs. W. B. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Langley, of Durham, spent Sunday here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Younger and son Haywood returned Sunday from a visit to their parents in Burling ton. Mr.s. M. B. Lynch and children spent Monday in Pine Level. Mr. and JMrs. M. A. Biggs, of Fayetteville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Fulghum. Mrs. Fanny Parker, of Raleigh and Mrk. G. W^. Beasley, of Smithfield, wereg uests of Mrs. W. H. Poole Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jones and children motored to Goldsboro Sun- -day. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Driver spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Fulghum. They were en route to Virginia Beach where they will spend some tirrfe. Miss Christine Johnson, of Reids- ville, is visiting her brother Mr. T. ■G. Moore. Miss Mary Kirby, of Raleigh, is visiting Miss Josephine Fulghum.'- Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kirby, of Raleigh, spent Sunday here. Mr. Leon -Ricks, of Clinton, spent Wednesday here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ricks. Mr. G. C. Hinton and family left Sunday for a visit to Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lewis and, little daughter Pattie Ruth, ,of Cam- i dein, spent Sunday with their par-j ents Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ricks. Mrs, W. B. Johnson spent Satur day in Raleigh. Miss Virginia Hughes Cox, of Bo livia, is visiting Mrs. W. M. Willets. Mrs. T. G. Harper and son T. G., Jr., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilkerson. ‘ Mrs. W. E. Branch and children spent Tuesday at Pine Level with relatives. Elder and Mrs. E. L. Cobb, of Wil son, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Temple. Mrs. Frank Sitton and son Frank, Jr., returned Monday from a \-isit to South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. George Norwood and children spent Sunday in Goldsboro. Mrs. Lucy Sykes, of Arcadia, Fla., who has' been spending some time with her daughter Mrs. J. L. Dog- gett, has gone to Warrenton, to vis it her daughter. Mr. Joseph Temple has returned from Maryland and Virginia where he has been working during the summer. Mrs. W. E. Jenkins, of Roxabel, spent last week with her sister Mrs. R. A. Jones. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wiley, of Sea- ford, Va., spent last week with Miss Ellen Talton. Miss Margaret Reaves, of Rocky, Mount, spent last week with Miss Thelma Ward. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Barnes, of Raleigh, visited Mrs. R. A. Jones Sunday. Mrs. Lomie Turner and son Thom as Turner, of Port Norfolk, Va., who have been visiting Miss Ellen Tal- to.n, return^ to their home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jones ami guests Mrs. Jenkins, shopped in Raleigh Saturday Mr. E. G, Richardson, Sr., spent Sunday with Dr. B. D. Marshbvim in Wendell. Mrs. N. G. Jlackman and Mrs. W. A. Nordan returned from Green ville Friday. Miss Ethel Hall returned Monday from Fayetteville, where she visited her brother. Miss Rachel Barnes, of Raleigh, JS ' spending some time with her cousin Miss Appie Ward. Mr. J. P. Temple and son Joseph made a business trip to Dunn Mon- Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jones motored to Wilson Sunday. Miss Alma Smith, of Fayetteville, visited Miss Myrtle Ricks Mst wieek. Mr.' Robert tVood and sister Miss Hazel, of Wilson, are visiting rela- tives in Selma. Miss Edith Aycock has returned' from a visit to Black Creek. Mr. and Mr?; DeWarner Richard son and Mrs. E. G. Richardson, Sr., spent the week-end in Mullins, S. C., with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bane. / Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Godwin had as' their guests Sunday, Mrs. N. B. Hales, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. King and Mr. Walter Smith, of Raleigh. Mr. W. R. Smith and family spent Sunday in Wilson. Mr. Herman Brewer and family, of Goldsboro, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wade Brown. Mesdames • Annie Rose, J. F. Brown and N. G. Blackman spent Sunday in Durham. Mr. W. P. Aycock and family mo tored to Lueama Sunday. Miss Hildah Earp is spending this week at her grandfather’s in the country. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Waddell and daughter Lorain spent Sunday at Seven Springs. Mrs. E. G. Richardson, Jr., and children, of Charleston, W. Va., are visiting Mr. and Mrsr E. G. Richard son, Sr. Jlr. W. B. Godwin left Sunday night for a business trip to New York. Miss Ruth Parker, of Wilmington, who has been visiting Miss Mary Parker returned to her home Fri day. Miss Pauline Carroll, of Raleigh, is visiting Miss Helen Jones. Miss Rath Avery spent last week in the country with her aunt Mrs. Thomas Scott. Mrs. Russell Long is visiting her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Doane, Jr., of Bristol, Va., arrived Monday to visit their parents Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Richardson. Mrs. W. H. Hare is visiting her brother Mr. P^obert Oneal in the coun.try. Miss Myrtle ■ Ricks and Mrs. Buck ner visited friends in Fayetteville, last week. Mr. M. L. Standi and family spent Sunday afternoon near Garner with his brother Mr. D. H. Stancil. Miss Rose Lee Cuthrell is visiting frtends in Wadesboro. Miss Lois Warren and mother Mrs. I. H. Warren and Mr.s. Paul Warren are visiting relatives in Adams, Tenn. Mr.S'. H. L. Dubois and daughter, Rosalie of Kingstree, S. G., are vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Benard Dubois. Mr. Jamss McMillan is visiting in Hertford. J. T. Wilkins and family spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Mrs. L, H. Hardy, widow- of the late Elder L. H. Hardy, of Atlantic, N. C., who since the death of - her husband has been making her home in Atlanta, Ga., is spending two weeks with Elder and Mrs. H. F. Hutchens. Mr, and Mrs. John Woodard, of Goldsboro, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Woodard. Mrs. A. J. Oliver and son A. J., Jr., spent Friday with Mrs. W. E. Branch. " Miss -ELsie Shelton and Miss Lo- rene Pritchett, of Leaksville, N. C., are spending a week with Elder and Mrs. H. F. Hutchens. Mr. Richard Corbett and, family spent Sunday in Morehend City. Mr. Leon Woodruff, Misses Nellie and Bessie Hatcher, Willie Mae Fos ter and Mr. Archie Hatcher visited friends in Selma Sunday. Misses Irene Wilkerson and Mrs. Rose "W. Talton attended the mar riage of Miss Mary George to Mr. Alex Anthony in Raleigh Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Honeycutt and family of Cilton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ricks. Mrs. Bradley, of Burlington, nee Miss Lula Tisdale of Selma, spent Tuesday with Mrs. G. A. Tuck. Mrs. Al. Rickmond, of Danville, Va., is visiting in As?ieville. Mr. George Wilkerson and family and guests Mrs. T. G. Harper and Mrs. A. L._ Rickman, of Danville, Va., spent Tuesday at Carolina Beach. Mrs. W. E. Branch and Miss Nellie Wiggs shopped in Goldsboro Tues day. Miss Irene Wilkerson left Wednes day to visit her sister in Danville, Va. Mrs. J.' H. Howell and Misses Fan ny and Estelle Howell and Dorothy Gardner spent Monday in Raleigh. Miss Mattie Ellington, of Rich mond, is visiting Mrs. W. H. Call. Miss Ruth Malpass of Goldsboro is visiting Mrs. -J. W. Short. Mr. .and Mr.s. Thad Woodard are spending several days at Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ricks, of Clin ton, is spending this week with Mr. and\Mrs. W. G. Ricks. Mr. Ralph Edwards, of High Point, was a \usitor at the home of Mr. J. H. Howell Saturday. Mr. B. A. Henry was a business visitor to Raleigh Wednesday. Mesdames Sarah Edgerton and J. W. Short spent Sunday in Golds boro with Mr. Sam Edgerton who has ' been quite ill. Messrs. .Howard Rankins and Tom Neette, of Greensboro, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Duggins last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wilkins and children, and Miss Alma Wilkins, will leave Thursday A. M. for Wel don and Roanoke Papids. They will return Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bobbit, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ricks and fami ly- Mr. J. Narvin Creech has taken charge of the Standard Oil com pany’s service station in this city. Mr. C. R. Bradford has been in charge of the station for the past several months. Messrs. Walter Godwin, - of the Godwin Stores, and Wyatt Richard son, of The Hardware Store, .■ left by automobile Sunday, for New York City on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Diehl and chiL dren will leave Sunday morning for a visit to the old home of Mr. Diehl near Harrisburg, Penn. They will make the trip by automobile, stop ping for a few days in. Washington, D. C., Baltimore and other northern cites. They will be away about ten days. Dr. C. P. Harper and Mr. E. V. Woodard, local druggists, are at tending the meeting of the North Carolina druggists in Raleigh this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Short and guest Miss Ruth Malpass spent Tues day in Richmond, Va. Mrs. D. M. Hayes is ill at her home on. West Anderson street. Mrs. Austin, of New York,_ and Mr. J. D. Smith, of South Carolina, were guests of their cousin Mrs. Sa rah Edgerton, thisi week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Call and guest. Miss Mattie Ellington, spent Monday in Raleigh. Mr. B. L. Talton and son, Lewis, of Clinton, spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Henry. Misses Fanny Howell and Doro thy Gardner have returned from Bayview where they attended a house party given by Mrs. J. Aus tin Haynes, of Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Woodard and Mr. C. P. Harper are attending the North Carolina Pharmaceutical As sociation in Raleigh this week. WANTED—TO TRADE PRACTI- cally new Singer Sewing machine for good second hand T model Ford either coupe or roadstqr. Communicate with W. J. Dupree. Benson, R. 1. IBARGAINS!! I For 15 Days i ^ I am offering my entire stock of Groceries at almost S I Cost m PPJCES CUT TO THE BONE ^ B Look over the prices below and be your own judge: M 96 lb. Flour, guaranteed $3.35 I* B 48 lb. Flour, guaranteed 1.65 Cheese, per pound 27c ^ ^ Butter, per pound, 48c fH pr Su^ar (only 5 lb. to customer), per lb .5c IH ^ Meat (Lowell) per peek 34 l-2c ^ !S Fat Back Meat, very nice, per pound 12 l-2c K Lard, partly pure, per pound 13 l-2c Jm ^ Butter, very,good, per pound 40c i|| These prices are for cash and you carry. M fH The above prices are effective, beginning * mr M SATURDAY MORNING AT 6:00 O’CLOCK, fi ^ AUGUST 9th, and LAST 15 DAYS I Busy Bee Grocery I ^ Selma, N. C. . - ^ POPULAR EXCURSION To ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM, CHATTANOOGA, NEW ORLEANS AND GULF COAST POINTS Friday, August 15th Birmingham New Orleans and FROM Atlanta Chattanooga Gulf Coast Points Goldsboro $12.00 $14.00 $27.00 Selma 11,50 13.50 26.50 Raleigh 10.75 12.75 25.75 Durham 10.25 12.25 25.25 DATE OF SALE: For all trains except No. 37 August 15th. FINAL LIMIT: Atlanta midnight August 20th, Birmingham and Chattanooga August 21st, New Orleans and Gulf poast Points August 25th. EXCELLENT DAILY TRAIN SERVICE TO ALL OF THE ABOVE POINTS For additional information and reservation communicate with J. S. Bloodworth, D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY VIRGINIA BEACP VISITORS A party of Selma people are .sepnding thi.s week at Virginia Beach, Va. Those in the party are Mrs. C. E. Kornegay, Mrs. A. J. Holliday, Mrs. R. D. Blackburn, Misses Mildred Perkins, Mary Mar- guerette Winn of Clarkton, Va., Miss Edith Pride Harris of Virginia Miss Mary Martin, of Danbury, WANT ADS. SEWING MACHINES, SOLD, Ex changed, oiled and repaired. T, P. Sutton, Singer Agent. Box 223, Selma, N. C. VISIT SHENAN DOAH VALLEY SINGER SEWING MACHINES have no superior. See me. for in formation about the Sing-er. T- P- Sutton, Selma, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hughes and children returned Sunday from a trip through the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. They visited the Luray Cave and the Endless Caverns. They also visited Mr. Hughes’ brothers in Staunton and Gordonsville, Va. They were accompanied home by their niece Miss Ruth Hughes of Staun ton, Va. A few minutes after their return home they received a message that A. B. Grooms one of the party who had visited the caves with them died suddenly. SPENDING VACATION AT BAYVIEW Mesdame.s J. ,S. Flowe, J. D. Mas sey and F. M. Waters and children are spending two weeks at Bayview, N. C. Mrs. Dubois Entertains For Guests Mrs. Bernard Dubois entertained a number of the younger set on Fri day evening in honor of her guest. Miss Rosalie Dubois of Kingstree, S. C. Bowls of lovely summer flow ers added to the attractiveness of the room in which bridge, rook and dancing was enjoyed. Fruited punch was served. Those present were: Misses Edna Earl O’Neal, Catherine Aycock, Blanche Smith, Lillia.n Louise Woodard, Elizabeth Oliver, Gladys Johnson, of Smith- field, Mabel Jeffreys, Messrs. Billy Blackman, George L. George, Bob Suber, Charles Newberry, Clarence Hawkins, Dock Rand Oliver of Pine Level, Jim Wellons of Smithfield, Eurwell Coley, Billy Ayock and Nor man Raiford. WANTED—TO HEAR FROM ANT one having' an old-time loom .and spinning whe^el that could be made to work as’ in the olden days, 'and also would like to hear from any one who can spin and weave cloth on the old-fashioned spinning wheel and loom. Address “Spin ner” in care Johnstonian-Sun, Sel ma, N. C. STRAY MULE—ON JULY 28, 1930, there came to my home a stray mare mule, dark bay, weighing* about 700 or 800 pounds. Old scar on back of right thigh. Own er can get this mule by paying' for feed and upkeep and the cost of this advertisement. Said mule is at my home about three miLefi north of Selma. See or address John Sims (colored), Route No. 2p Selma, N. C. J. Ira Lee Attorney at Law Offices over First and Citfaens National Bank SMITHFIELD, JST. C. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Creech an nounce the birth of a son Bill, Jr., on Aug. 7th at the Johnston Me morial Hospital in Smithfield. VISITING WRIGHTS- VILLE BEACH Marion G. Lee Attorney at Law SMITHFIEl.D, N. C. Mayor and Mrs. W. W. Hare and daughter. Miss Annie Laurie Hare and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Richardson and soil are spending this week at Wrightsville Beach. Miss Mildred Creech Entertains On Friday evening Miss Mildred Creech delightfully entertainecl in honor of her birthday. Summer flowers in profusion decqrated the living room in which bridge was played. Those receiving high score prizes were Mss Velma Talton and Mr. George Davis Vick received high score. A salad course with tea was served. Those playing were Misses Mary Stanley Benoy, Mary Parker, Rose Worley, Velma Talton, Mrs. Roger Strickland; Messrs. Roger Strickland, Ralph Woodard, Mose Godwin, John Lacy Deans, George Davis Vick, Hayden Wiggs and Os car Creech. James D. Parker Attorney at Law Has resigned as assistent U. 1 Attorney and stays at home an can be found at his office a, any time. SMITHFIELD, N. C. Selma Lodge, No. 320, A. E. & A. M. Meets every first and third Tue^ day at 8 p.m. Visiting Brethr* I invited. Geo. H. Wilkinson, W. M. W. T. Woodard, Secretal WANTED TO TRADE NEW SING- er sewing machine for good milk cow. T. P. Sutton, Box 223, Selma, N. C. Would You Know One It You Saw It? FOR SALE! TOBACCO STICKS If you ever came face to face with a germ, would you recognize it? Of course it is not likely that you ever will see a gerirl, unless _ you own a tremendously powerful microscope, for you would l.avo L mrcue'■•vcr a thousand times to make it as big as a pin head. But you should recognize the fact that these tiny germs can get into your blood streams through the smallest cut, and give you typhoid fever, tuberculosis, lockjaw, ’ blood poisoning, and many^ more dangerous and perhaps fatal diseases. There is one sure safeguard against these dangers — washing every cut, no matter how small, thoroughly with Liquid Borozone, the safe antisep tic. You can get Liquid Borozone at James Raynor Attorney at Law BENSON, N. C. 666 Releives a. Headache or Neuralgia ii 30 minutes, checks a Gold the first day, and checks Malaria in three days. 666 also in Tablets. AT BAGLEY, N. C. GILLETTE LUMBER CO. Smithfield, N. C. -for only 55% of _ regular fare you ^can, buy, Fridays, Satur^ days and Sundays until r , Aug. 30, inc.f round-trip tickets good in coaches only, 15-day limit, between any points in the entire Southeast .,. 30-day limit tickets a trifle higher. Ask Ic agent of the ATLANTIC COAST LINE Lasl year automobiles killed ,31.000 people...trains only 95* 326 to 1! TRWELBY TRAIN...ITS SAJFER! Geo- W. Hair Attorney at Law Office in Lewis Building SMITHFIELD, N. C. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • # • • • • • • • • • • • • • # • • ■ • « .UV;

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