Hon. James Raynor Will Speak In the Courthouse Saturday Night, Nov. 1, 7:30 VO^^,UME 13. SELMA, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1930. NUMBER 44. ^ , • s , I . ■■5— Elder H. C. Johnson This Veteran Preacher Says: “Some time ago a prominent Democrat asked me to tell what it would take to bring me back to the Democratic party. I told him to just show me one thing "that the Republicans had done so'bad that the Democrats had not been guilty of something just as dirty, and that would bring me back. “I asked him if the Demo crats had ever changed the tax lists after people had listed their taxes, so that the value of the property showed on the records different from the way it had been given in, and he told me they had. “I have found by investiga tion that instead of my taxes having been raised as the Dem ocrats had told me, the Repub licans have actually lowered them considerably by reducing the tax rate $2.00 on each $1,000.00 worth of property. This $85,000.00 reduction in the taxes of the people of John ston County that the Republi cans are giving us this year, is something that we have never enjoyed before in all our lives, and we appreciate it.” WELL KNOWN MINISTER GIVES HIS VIEWS ON THE POLITICAL SITUATION Well-Known Minister Gives His Views on the Political Situa tion, Stresses the Need of More Love, Truth and Hon esty in Politics—Urges Tax payers to Stand by Their Friends. ■ (By REV. D. C. JOHNSON) Editor Johnstonian-Sun: Please allow me space in your paper in which to express to your many readers some of my views in regard to the present political situa tion in Johnston County. I am not a candidate for any office either by election or apppoint- ment, and I am not a politician, but as a citizen I desire to see rig-ht and justice prevail. I had been a Democrat until 1928, when at the age of 74 years I decided that it was my duty as a citizen and a man who was trying to serve God to make a change. During the last two years a number of things have transpired to cause me to fully realize that I did the right thing when I changed my support from the Democrats to the Republicans. I did not change because I hated the Democrats; I love the old true Democratic prin ciples. For several years I had realized that the Democratic leaders were straying off from the great prin ciples advocated by George Wash ington, Thomas Jeffereson, and oth er great statesmen, which principles' I had loved; but I had tried to over look the many faults of the Demo crats until 1928, when they deserted all good things about the party ex cept the name, and then allowed Tam many Hall with its 100 years of crime, theft, and corruption, to take full charge of - the name “Democrat’ and use it in an effort to put in the Whitehouse as President of the United States a wet Roman Catho lie leader of the New York Tam many organization, which organiza- mn is looked upon as an agency the Pope of Rome, is year the Tammany follow- Jam j Bailey as their can- Roge. - . jj g Senator to succeed Bettie Ware; Senator Simmons. Bailey was man ager in North Carolina for A1 Smith in 1928, and now the whole Tam many outfit is trying to elect Bailey, and evidently depending on his sup port in the senate, if he should be elected, to help them in their ef forts to gain control of our govern ment. The Republicans have in Congress man George M. Pritchard, a candi date for Senator who is a Christian gentleman and statesman. I con sider him worthy of the vote of every man and woman in the state of North Carolina. I would just as soon vote for A1 Smith as Josiah W. Bailey, as they are both work ing together, and Bailey is indebted to A1 Smith; chairman Raskob and the whole Tammany crowd, for the aid they gave him in defeating Sen ator Simmons in the June primary. After reading the disgusting stuff that has been printed in the Smith- field Herald lately, and noticing the kind of campaign, that the Demo cratic leaders are conducting in John ston County this year, I am bound to say that if they have any good principles, or any regard at all for truth and honesty, they have a poor way of showing it. Last week one Democrat t'old me that the value of my personal prop erty had been raised since I listed it last April. I made a trip to Smithfield, went into the County Auditor’s office, looked at the records and found everything just as I had listed it. Then they told me that my taxes would be much higher this year than in 1929. One Demo crat told me that he knew that the taxes would be higher because he had already received his notice show ing the amount of his 1930 taxes. I then went to the office of D. W. Parker, county tax collector, and told him what I had heard. Mr. Park er said that nobody in Johnston Counity had received a tax notice for 1930, because at that time none had been made out; and that they were waiting on superintendent H, B. Marrow who had delayed the work of getting out the tax notices by failing to furnish the County Commissioners with the tax rates for the special tax school districts of the County, which rates it was his duty to have furnished several months ago. The Democrats were telling the taxpayers that the Re publicans were holding back the tax notices, when according to Mr. Park er Mr. Marrow, one of the Demo crats, was holding back this work by failing to furnish the rates. A few days ago a Democrat said to me that if I was going to vote as a 'Democrat this year he wanted me to help him to get appointed as keepr of the County home. I told him I was going to vote the Repub lican ticket, and that ended our con versation. Some time ago a prominent Dem ocrat asked me to tell him what it would take to bring me back to the Democratic party. I told him to just show me one thing that the Republicans had done so bad the Democrats had not been guilty of something just as dirty, and that would bring me back. I ask^d him if the Democrats had ever changed the tax lists after people had listed their taxes, so that the 'Value of the property showed on the irecords different from the way it had been given in, and he told me they had. There seems to be just a plenty of evidence that the Democrats have made such changes without giving any hearings in the matter. I have found by in vestigation that instead of my taxes having been raised as the Demo crats had told me, the Republicans have actually lowered them consid erably by reducing the tax rate $2.00 on each thousand dollars worth of property, which is a great help in this period of low prices. This $85,000.00 reduction in the taxes of the people of Johnston County that the Republicans are giv ing us this year, is something that we have .never enjoyed before in all our lives, and we appreciate it. The Democrats are now going over the County abusing the Republicans and telling the people that the Re publicans have made changes in their tax lists for 1930. If the Republicans have made changes, why in the namie of high heavens is all this stir about it, when it is a well known fact that the Democrats have done the same thing; and likely much more of it, as they have served longer in office. The laws of our state provide for the County Commissioners to sit as an equalizing board each year for the purpose of e(|ualizirig the prop erty values, and it is right that they should be equalized. The right thing is what we should all stand for. If the Republicans were guilty of everything that the Democrats have charged against them in this cam paign, and the sum and substance of the whole thing was set down by the side of the Democratic record ■for the last 30 years in Johnston County, I think the Republicans would then be fully as well fixed as the Democrats are at this time. Now my Christian friends' and fel low citizens, these things are not pleasant to talk about, or to think about ,but when we go back and look at the past records, we have to face the facts as they are. I came near leaving the Democrat ic party during the days of the red shirt mobs. My old friend George Wilson was also about to leave and hundreds of others did go over to the Republicans because of the bad things done in the name of democracy. In 1924 the voters turned the County over to the Republicans and when the records of the former Dem ocratic officials were checked up by the expert accountants, and they re ported shortages in the public funds of more than $160,000.00 in the clerk’s office, sheriff’s office, and Register of Deeds office, and W. T. Adams, former Register of Deeds, was sent to the state penitentiary, that gaye me the greatest political shock of my life, and it caused me to think more seriously than ever before about what my duty was as a Christian and an honest and pa triotic citizen. In 1926 the Democrats came back into office with another batch of fine piomises and we surely did expect that they would keep straigh for at least two years and try to econ omize, but they immediately began raising salaries, creating new politi cal jobs and then made a great raise in taxes, some people’s taxes be ing about doubled. A little later there began to be complaints similar to those that were common several years ago about drunkenness and neglest of duty in connection with the Register of Deeds office, and this gre-w worse until a few weeks before the 1928 election when Neil Barnes whose sal ary had been raised from $3,000.00 to $4,000.00 a year, got out, or was put out, lea-ving a reported short age in his marriage license account with the state of North Carolina Amounting to about $1,400.00 and it is understood that about half of this is yet unpaid. Previous to the 1924 election it had been the boast of the Democratic politicians that no shortage had ever been found in the accounts of any Democratic County officials. The publishers of The Smithfield Herald never tired of repeating this as their glad refrain, and warning the voters aaginst taking any chances, on changing their politics for fear of making a mistake. They used that sort of stuff right up to the 1924 election, and the publishers and every Democratic leader in the County must have known of thd shortage existing in the various offic es, and especially of the hidden re port of A. M. Pullen & Co., who had audited the clerk’s office, which re ports was said to have been hidden away in a vault instead of being published and letting the taxpayers know that there was a shortage in that office of more than $37,000.00. Now the question arises, if these Democratic leaders and publishers deceived us tjlen, what reason have we now to trust them or to believe what they are saying about the Republicans ? They stand before the public discredited by their o-wn records. It is not reasonable to expect the Republicans to undo in two years all the mischief that the Democrats had done in 30 years before the Republi cans came into office. Vie were already loaded down with Demo cratic debts when the Republicans came in. To every voter I want to say. Consider well the issues before cast- your ballot. If you are not satisfied that the Republicans are the friends of the taxpayers, go to the court house as I did and see for yourself what the records there show. Don’t listen to this talk about taxes being higher. Go and see about it. We all know that instead of reduc ing taxes the Democrats have kept on putting them up higher. Now that we have in office men who are giving us some real tax re duction, let’s not let the Democrats by false and misleading statements divert our minds from the facts or cause us to vote aaginst the best friends that we, as taxpayers, have ever had in the court house. I fear that a great many people will allow themselves to be fooled into voting the Democratic ticket who will later find out that they have voted against their o-wn interest. We need in politics more love, truth, and honesty. ^ To the boxholders I wish to say on the 4th of November give us a fair deal and then you will be able to lift up your heads and number the Republicans among your friends and to taste the pleasure that it will bring, you will then be able to sing. How happy are they Who the laws obey And tongues cannot express the sweet comfort and peace of a soul in its earliest love. That sweet comfort is mine When there favor I find And fall at his feet And the sweet story repeat, That the w,orld is under His feet. Who Are Respon sible For High Taxes ? Tax Question Chief Issue The chief issue in this this campaign in the tax question. If you want higher taxes vote the. Democratic tick et, but if you want lower taxes vote the Republican ticket. The Republicans have this year given us the first .tax reduction we ever had. BE SURE TO VOTE NEXT TUESDAY. VOTE EARLY The new balloting law will require more time to vote than usual and for that reason you should go to the polls early and cast your ballot in order to get through with it before the day is too far spent. If you wait too long you may not get the chance to vote in this impor tant election. The good citizens of Johnstou County are discussing among them selves the different issues that the two political parties are bringing be fore them, and my observations of the whole matter is that our Demo cratic friends are seeking office, not on their past record in Johnston county, but are raising lots of gos sip about taxes. That seems to be the main issue. Well, let’s see who is responsible for high taxes in Johnston County. Have you good people in Johnston county forgotten who it was that valued your prop erty in 1927 when tax values took another leap skyward ? I ask you good people if the last one of them were not Democrats ? Certainly they were. The people in my o'wn town ship are now, and have been grumb ling over hig'h taxes and it has reached the point under such high valuations on real estate that the taxes are more than they can bear. When the valuation on our porperty was placed there by the Democratic appraisers themselves without con sulting we land owners about it. I own a very small portion of real estate to compare with others, I know, but the taxes I pay now have increased over twenty times since 1910, and each time these values have been raised they were raised by Democrats just as has been done in the case of every other tax payer in Johnston county, as the Republi cans have never valued our real estate. The Democrats have been in power in Johnston county ever since I can remember with the exception of 1925-26 and from December, 1928 up until the present. When the Republicans came into power in John ston county in 1924 they found the affairs of our county in the rotten- est condition of a.ny county in the state, so far as has been revealed. From the clerk of the court all the way down the line there was short ages in the account of the county officials running up to about $170,- 000. I don’t blame them to go from house to house, repenting before the people asking the people to give them another trial. I have always stood for a square' deal for every man, regardless of his political affiil- iations, because it has always' been a custom in the United States to have two political parties, and it should be the desire of each party when in power to give the people the best service they possibly can, and this the Republican party in Johnston county has tried to do. The citizens of this county are entitle to good roads and schools, but when we arrive at the point where we can’t pay the required amount of taxes to maintain them, what will be the remedy? We see what is happening in Wake county where people’s homes are being sold for taxes and will not bring enough to pay the taxes on them. The Democrats promise to reduce taxes, but they never have, nor never will. The Republicans cut salaries in the administrative offices of Johnston county over which they had absolute authority, but the Dem ocrats refused to co-operate with them in their economy program. The Democrats went before a Democratic legislature and had a law passed fixing their salaries so that no cut could be made by the Republican county commissioners. As Road Commissioners for the Fourth District I have done my best to see that all sections of my district has had an equal share of these road taxes. I have not dis criminated against anyone on ac count of his' or her political affiilia- tions. The employees in my dis trict have discharged their duties re markably well. Some shifting of employ was made on account of booz-e, but I didn’t think too much booze would meet the approval of our good citizens in the county. I like to see people stay sober when they are drawing a salary from the county. Mr. Taxpayer, on November *he go to the polls and vote for i ;4i Ml>s 1 I '1 \ MI. VMIJ The above picture is that of Miss Luma McLamb, who is the very efficient Register of Deeds of John ston County, and who is again run ning on the Republican ticket for re-election in this coming election^ Miss McLamb’s work has been very efficient throughout her entire 'term and at no time has the Register of Deeds office been better kept or prompter service been given through that office than during her -term. She states that all papers filed in that office each day are promtiy recorded the same day they are re ceived and ready to be returned to the owners of same, which is a rec ord to be envied by any Register of Deeds office, as it would be hard to find another to measure up to this point of high efficiency. Miss Mc Lamb, during the past two years, has begun and has haif completed, a new typewritten indext system which she says she expects to do nate to Johnston County when she retires from that office, if she is retianed two more years. Before be ginning this work she asked one or two concerns who do indexing as to what they would charge for a sys- tme such as she is putting in and was told that it was worth about $3,300, so it ■will be seen that if she completes this work and give it to the county free of charge she is rendering a great service to the tax payers of the county. 4th, the men you honestly believe will give you the best administration, and if you’ll do that, I am sure that Johnston County will remain in the hands of the Republican party. WALTER BATTEN. Micro, N. C. W. H. MASSEY The above is a photograph of Wil liam Henry Massey of Princeton, N. C., who is a candidate on the Republican ticket for Clerk of Su perior Court of Johnston County. At the present time Mr. Massey is engaged in farming and practicing law. He was bom and raised in Boon Hill Township and still lives there. Having served the County two years, 1925 and 1926 as Solicitor of Recorder’s Court he is 'Wisll kno'wn throughout the County. If elected he will of necessity have to move to the County Seat and devote his entire time to the duties of the office. Realizing the fact that the Office of Clerk of Superior Court is one of the most important and busiest of all public offices in the County, and realizing that the office requires efficient and honorable per sons to fulfil and discharge the duties of said office, Mr. Massey is highly recommended by those that know him in common, to be capable in every way and deserves the re spect and support of the citizens of Johnston County on November 4th when they go to cast their ballots. The confidence and support of the people on election day will be gratefully appreciated by Mr. Massey and he promises if elected, that he will serve the people with the very best of his ability to do so. ■il'