1 ■ '' - fel / N THE JOHNSTONIAN—SUN, SELMA, N. C. Selma School News EDYTH AYCO('K and PAUL McMILLAN Editois-in-Chief P. L. S. The Poe Literary Society met Xo- her 12, 1930. Many memher.s :)f our society were absent, there fore we had to substitute some otL e; inember.s in their places. By do irij-v this, we presented the follow ing program: 1. Song by Society —■ “Mistre.ss Shady.” 2. Debate- -Resolved, “That the 11“ Amendment Should be Abolished.” Afirniative — Jame.s Fulghum, James Easom, Willson Mayer- berg. -N'egative—Billy Smith, Billy Ay- cock, Ernest Godwin. The Negative side won, which said that th«t I8th amendment should not le abolished. 3. Song by society—“Sing a Ling, Ling. After the last song, we adjourned until the next meeting which will be ■."ednesday, November 19, 1930. FHESH.MAN NEWS We are very glad that the Seniors won in the beauty contest. For it i> thoir last year with us and they will have that to remember the rest of the High School for voting for them. On Monday, November 17, at the iift'. period our grade mother came and left us a basket of fruit. We were all pleased with it. For She benefit of the farmers of John.stors county the county school Iward has decided to teach school on Thanksgiving Day. It will be vf’ry difficuilt for the pupils to learn on that day, but we must pas.s it on as another day. The Freshman English Class is now taking up the study of adjec- live.s and adverbs under their En^ gfish teacher, Mr. Jeiwu's. We have Just completed a study on Nouns, Verbs and Pronouns. i-r. Jervis hasi organized an “I. Vv, V(. Club” on Friday afternoon for ih." pupils who misbehave. The eighth and tenth grade tied M the last meeting of the Parents s'l'j Teachers. The prize of fifty ur.s wa.s given to both grades’. Thij mafce.s the third time the Freshmen -have won or tied. The eighth grade sponsor has or ganized .a basitetball team, electing f icyd Wa.ston, Jr., captain and Billy Blackman manager. The- Biology classes under the in struction of Miss Boliek, has just heaj'vi their grades on an “exam” on insects. There were some splendid grades. The Parent-Teachers Association met in the auditorium of the high .school Monday afternoon, October 17. The meeting was opened by a hymn, “My Jesus, I Love Thee,’ fed by Rev. Mr. Betts of Raleigh. The minutes were dispensed with i'uo a report was given by the presi dent of the P. T. A. State Congress ir ffigfi Point. rfie .second grade was again aw'ard- ■eif the- pennant for the cleanest and neatfesf roojn. T.he attendance prizes went to Mi.ss SpivsyV 4th Grade; there was a tie between the 10th and 8th grades. Mr.s. May Dixon Thacker, of Shel- iiy, Kras the guest speaker and her subject wa.s “The Cross ” A a'cret was rendered by Rev. Jlr. Betts and- Kev. Mr. Waddell. (ALHOI N LITERARY SOCIETY The Calhoun Literary Society met last Thursday afternoon, Nov. 12, in the auditorium. Son,g—Society. i’aper—“Life of John C. Calhoun,” lElsie Earp. Debate—Query, Resolved; “That, the Eight enth Amendment Should 'Lc Repealed.” Affirmative—Lloyd Foster, Hen ry Grice, Doc Oliver. .Veg-ative—Ervin Fulghum, Paul McMillan, FIoyM Price, Jr. Song-—Society. The- negative side won. Dr. Wade H. Atkinson made an- Mhcr talk to the high school last Ti-ee.k. His subject was “France.” He ■explained the conditions of France iuday, told of the silk manufactur- and the arts of this country. There are three million more wom en m France than there are men; ji.crefore a larger part of the work Sr ..HDne by womem The peasant cla.ss is the same as fanning class of the United .•-i - ;“'.s. There are many .small farms -fi -Vam-e but few large ones. Vine- :.T.nis ...ecm to be one of the largest p'--"iuccionsi. T(ie-things of beauty most notice- in- This country are the Ca- • 'irals and the Chateau.s with their gardens of flowers, shrubberies, ■S'-iTOes and fountains. SENIOR CLASS NEWS I Ruth Hood and Billy Blackman were the winners this year in the Popularity Conte.st. These are the numbers of vote.s each contestant received; Loui.se Blackman—21. Fuller Suber—21. Marie Stephens—108. Paul McMillan—106. Amy Ashworth—99. Elwood Parker—100. Ruth Hood—217. Billy Blackman—216. We wish to thank you for your cooperataion in this effort to raise money for the invitations of the Seniors. Wednesday nite the Seniors enterr tamed the contestants at a theater party at Smithfield. The picture was “Liliom,” co-starring Charles Far rell and Rose Hobart. On Decembe'r 12, the Junior and Senior Clas.ses will give a “Stunt Program” in the auditorium of the liigh school. Each grade will parti cipate and a prize will be given to the best stunt. The admission will be only ten cents. Do not forget Before I started taking Black- Draught, three years ago, my health was very bad,” writes Mrs. C. C. Carson, 945 Concord St., Beaumont, Texas. "I suffered constantly from constipation. I had headache when I got up in the morning, and I felt dull and sluggish. I hardly ate a meal that my food agreed with me. Frequently I would have gas on my stomach, and felt awful. "I read about Black-Draught, and I thought it might help me. After I had taken it a little while, I felt much better. It relieves constipation. I keep it on hand so when I need a laxative T will have it. In the three years I have been taking it, I have never found au3ithing as fssd fsr con stipation.” ♦ ♦ WANTED—500 CHICKENS OF ALL ♦ =7HE0F@BD!! ^ri:CBNSTIPATiaw= |^JSEST!GM,=BiL!0«SNESS: TCostsiOhl^l^^tUalPo^ Hl-165 I WOMEN who are run-down, nervous, or suffer every month, should take ^^ARDUI. Used for over 60 years. Y - . t X ^ A A4LA W a _ t Thanksgiving ! Business may not have been what we had rather it should have been, but when we eonsider how bad it could have been we feel that we have a great deal to be thank- ^ ful for during these days. I am taking this ^ method to express my thanks to all my ^ customers and friends for their patronage ♦ and wish for them all many happy returns ^ of the season. t G. N. Siler I Thanksgiving! The Selma Cash Feed Grocery wishes to thank you for your patronage during the ^ past year and invites you to visit them Y ♦♦♦ when in need of anything in their line. Y Selma Cash & Feed Grocery " W. W. CUTHRELL The War Still Goes On I am offering special low prices on Meat and Flour foi Saturday. Don’t fail to pur chase your needs. All Goods Reduced. Busy Bee Store Thanksgiving ! At this season of Thanksgiving we pause to take notice of many blessings that have come to us during the past year, arid as we begin to count them we find friends and customers in countless numbers who have contributed to our well being and financial success, and take this method to express our deep appreciation for their patronage and support. Smith & Cameron 'W t sizes, and colors. See The Gro. Co., Selma, N. C. SEWING MACHINE.S (’LEANED, oiled and repaired, T. P. Suttonj Selma, N. C. ll-20-3t WANTED—500 shelled corn Spot Gro. Co., BUSHELS WHITE in bags. See The Selma, N. C. KE-MNANT wanted—Sse Grocery Co., SEED COIT'ON C. A. Corbett, Spot Selma, N. C. SEE THE SPOT GRO. CO. FOR prices on Flour and Feed. Selma, N. C. FOR BEST PRICES HEAVY AND fancy groceries, see The Mercan tile Company, Selma, N. C. WANTED—500 DOZ. FRESH EGGS. See The Spot Groc, Co., Selma, N. C. FOR SEED OATS, RYE AND wheat. Phone 199 or call on Smith- field Mercantile Co., Inc. Smith- field, N. C. FOR SEED, RYE, WHEAT OR oat.s, call to see the Smithfield Mercantile Co., Inc., Smithfield, N. C. STAIGHT SALARY: $35.00 per wjsek and expenses. Man or woman With rig- to introduce POULTRY MIXTURE, Eureka Mfg. Co., East St. Louis, III. FOR FEED, SEEDS, HEAVY OF fancy groceries, fresh meats, fish and oysters call on the Smithfield Mercantile Co., Inc., Smithfield, N. C. “DOC” IS HERE — S.4TURD\,Y, Nov. .29, for the treatment of Corns, Bunion.s and Ingrown jN'ails ■without medicine. Godwin’s ;i)ept. Store, Selma, 9 A. M. to. 5:30 P. M. t Today’s Good Telephone Service Must Be Better Tomorrow Not long ago very few long distance calls were handled while the calling subscriber remained at the telephone. Today more than 70 per cent are handled that way. Today the average time required to complete a long distance call is only 2.4 minutes as compared with 7.5 minutes five years ago. Similar improvements have been made in your local service and errors now average less than two in every 100 local calls. These achievements are the result of new inventions, improved operating methods, new equipment, combined with the skill and interest of experienced operators, line men and engineers cooperating with an army of loyal workers, many of whom are technical experts. Proud as they are of these accomplishments, the tele phone organization is not satisfied. There is no standing still in the Bell System and every day organized effort is directed toward making your service even better to morrow. Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. (INCORPORATED) Thanksgiving ! It matters not how much others may owe us, we feel that we are due our customers and friends an expression of gratitude dur ing these Thanksgiving days for their liberal patronage during the past year, and we hope to be able to enjoy a continuation of the same when you need Groceries. Etheredge & O’Neal Flour, 24’s ;...v.'.75c Flour, 4S’s .|J.45 Flour, 98’s $S,.85 EVERY BAG GUARANTEED,' THE MERCANTILE CO. .SEL.M.A, N. C. STRAY iMULE — BLACK MaT£> mule. Came to my house Tuesday | night, Nov. ilth. Owner can ged the mule by paying me for feed-j ing and caring for same ^d th^ cost of this advertisemenf". hje’irt house to Allen Wall place on ,High way 10, about one mil,®' from Selma. Julius Stokes.^/ 11-20-lt. 21 BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS card.s in a handsome box, all envelopes lined, the prettiest assortment you ever saw, would sell at any drug store for 10 to 1.5c each, for only $1.00. Name printed in Old English type for 25c extra. Address H. H. Lowry, Selma, N. C. is a doctor’s Prescription for COLDS and HEADACHES It is the most speedy remedy known 666 also in Tablets. Mr. Harper of the Selma Drug Company wishes to take this opportunity to thank you at this Thanksgiving Season for your liberal paronage during the past year and extends to you a very cordial invitation to visit the Selma Drug Company when in need of anything in the drug line. Selma Drug Co. Christmas Cards $1.00 Ten Beautiful Christmas Card.s That Sell From Fifteen to Twenty-Five Cents Each, With Envelopes. Cards That Are Distinctive and Different. Send Money Order or Check, Maryland Card Go. 2622 Huntingdon Ave. Baltimore, Md. Selma Lodge, No. 320, A. F. & A. M. Meets every first and third Tuer^ day at 8 p.m. Visiting Brethri invited. Geo. H. Wilkinson, W. M. W. T. Woodard, Secretai NOTICE ^ The undersigned having qualified as Executor on the estate of Mrs. Mary S. Massengill, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said -estate to present the same to me duly %Tified on or before the 20th day of Nov., 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate pay ment. This 14th day of November, 1930. J. W. MASSENGILL, Executor. Marion G. Lee, .Attorney. ll-20-6t pd ■V