ii- - jui*~ r •S-. ■ 21, 1932. THE JOHNSTONIAN—SUN, SELMA, N, C. :es Task Ing Money Mark Siillivl inffton to Trlls of W' (VS t ) Pj fcirt-Illation-'3 lino: From Wasli- loro Daily News, |«f the Proposed lire .Voney Into I" .Washmg-t^ff,- '^Pn. 24.—Eeginntng ' I /ne 'tbi.s weelj, 'the /next phase of the, ' ^-ork .of .ypngrfesR will 'deal with ef- irts fo' achjel e mcrea.se of our. ^ -■rp\ ancP ^rKljt The importance of it in relation ^.o\ the depression ■ i.s very great. Triatment Of this suB- ject by CongT|.ss i.s always accom panied by ou^tandmg controversy, pebate will b^in with con.sideratiOn 'the banlcinJ bill proposed b'y Sen ator Glass of ( Virginia-which, it i» '■rpeeted will be l^iS before the lenate on or,; Wore Thursday. , ':’i ■ease ' of 1 i;ufrency or cre'tlip’ is '■,y felldd “inflation.”. The worT'® u.sed at thisvtinte is ^ mis •bmer. “Inflation” ilftscribas the in crease that take.s' pjkce at the top of an already,_great enlargement, a.s .'ih 1929.^\t'pieseiity'wh's.n there has 2,fee^ 'an'_,extr_em$ and exaggerated -if «X.''eie'dit,^ the phrase lb- ^’ha't. is afout' to be at- tfc 'dne used t>y Presi- b last week,-’“stop defla- consiitt o'f . ^mple ■'attempts: to ■i.ssue flat money djrectly wn^putTny .se curity at all, or etherVise bring about “cheap money.” Such- a meas ure i.s already broUght forward bj Cuiigre.samau Patman' of Texa.s, v.fto icj.at -weeK proposed that the govei-iipiem print '$2,200,000,000 of aaj.c.oi^l vuiiency and give it to • ete.cOi.-,. ,'liieie are many other jj.opo.-,als ot thus type. .Another ef- fptL .Will caKe tne form of attempts' to increase the currency by free coinage of silver. Such a measure ha.s. already been introduced by, dmd'ng several other.s, . Senator "Wheeler of Montana, whose bill re peats the ■ old Bryan formula de claring that 16 ounces of silver shall be treated as equal to one ounce of gold, and that the government shall issue silver currency in that pro- portibn. Unles.s increase of currency and credit by a sound method and with in safe limits is achieved by the Glass bill when passed, it can be anticipated that what is broadly called the “money (luestion” will come to the front in the coming presidential campaign. (29 Billion In Budget ’ Bills Before Congress The Washington Post recently compiled a li.st of bills and resolu- tion.s introduced during the firsr three weeks of the present session of -Congres.s calling for expenditures during the next five years over and above the budget and they reached the gigantic total of 29 billion dol lars. Here is the summary as pre sented by the Post: Increased expenditures upon Federal employes $ 514,000,000 Irrigation and reclama tion 275,000,000 Public works, buildings Personal Appeal! and parks Public roads ..; Army Navy .., -A.id to Indians ' Aids to agriculture.. Unemployment relief 7.933.000. 000 8.525.000. 000 25,500,000 411,200,000 28,000,000 1.931.000. 000 577,000,000 General welfare 8,201,000,000 Veterans 637,000,000 Teaching* Swine To \ Be More Sanitary statement of so com- ie must necessarily omit lefties. The political and lets of the question be- yijfact that with pi-ires IS ^ .present l.ow' level, ■ bps ^s^ debts tMf caiir i ,A familiar exai'^pje, lirand over in, Congres.s. !fe,?*tump,_ is that a farmei- vyed When wheat was a b'shdl cannot pqs.sibly re- p cent wheat. ledies -&r this situa^ proposal ,is that l-.sjbe reduced by statute ided/'bs? Tiwi-a-toripm. The i’%een "nearer than it __ _ fpttfempt at this kind of At ' ofte . time "during; ^he to' Stale gb'vemments consitl- i.peplaring. moratoriums on ufi- ■ iebt*. Since , Gbngres.s Began in mber, some' liO propo.sals for tioh ■ af debt or moratoriums tieen debated in Congress. One, iuced" by Senator J. Hamilton Illinois, took the startling 'of authbri2in,g state and fod- courts toi. su.spend actions for Iqsure of execution of debt. !.s, and most" of the similar pfo- Ivefe introduced as p.menrt- ‘b Tfe.sident HooverT^reiief, ■these proposals were voted mgre.ss. The main reason lie '.at' this tmie'i was wlite p :age of' the moment, "the- at- g,’-s in this way ve’r, only on debtor.s" way. Of M6utin2:s Field At Smithfield, Ben son and Meadajv School and C’on- siderable Interest biepilayed by Those Fres.enit. Durinji' the_ past three days, County Agent,- J. B. Slack, availed himself of the services of Dr. A. A, Hiissman, Assistant State Veterina- ftap., N'orth Carolina Dept, of Agri- .cuKhfe, in conducting Swine Sanif ■tatkfn Schools in Johnston County. "A meeting was held on Monday at Smithfield Court House in the morn-- ing. In the afternoon a meeting was held at- the farm of J. W. - Stephen son; also,, at the farm of D. U. Thompson. On Tuesday, at Meadow High School' in the" morning, and ;tiie afternoon was SpAnt' on the ifarm.s of J. L. Lee and G. O. John- $o;n. On Wednesday, at Benson Hi.gh School in the ijiorning, and at S. P. .Honeycutt’.s farm in the afternoon. Subjects discussed were breeds, feeding, housing, and more especial ly the care of .swine to prevent par asitic infestation. Each ty.p'e of par- .asite.s affecting'swine was discus.sed a.s to their life cycle, prevalence, and damage done, -At Ui«) meetings ■lietd on tne farms, pie-s affected witn jSfra^ces were aucopsied and -their location and damaa-e jdoner. earKtulfj'" demonstrated. The totaf attendance at, these^ meetings ."fi'afi- ovef j5w(k .y keen interest- wS (ftsp1a"^jdf't>^tlhosfe In at,f.eiKta.nce. and ^t "was. 'qTidiffir t -our ■ .swih^ T-ai?Wr.s ■ hav^ conie leflio'dJ; Total $29,0-28,000,000 It is noteworthy that none of the ^ bills in question makes any provis- j ion for raising the revenue that is to be expended. Commenting editorially upon this disclosure the Post says: “Presumably 'each of these bills | has been offered in good faith. Cer tainly no senator or representative would admit that he had offered a bill for the purpose of deceiving his constituents with false hopes, or that, although knowing his bill would drain the Treasury and in crease taxation, he had -offered it merely to gain notoriety or to em barrass the administration, and with out thought that it would be enact ed. —, , , “Some of the chief critics of President Hoover are the authors of bills •which, if enacted, would bank rupt the Treasury and increase tax- Senator McKellar, for example attacks Mr. Hoover for extravagance in making up the budget, and yet Mr. McKellar proposes to make ap propriations aggregating $860,000,- | j 000 beyond the bu’d.get, ' ' ' j ‘Senator La Follette, an advocate 11 of unemployment relief, would exact | j from taxpayers the .sum of $5,750,- 000,000 without provision against their conse(]uent destitution. j “Senator Norri.s, a mtie of admin- j -istration efficieno.V-. Offers to heln bv i i ng the ^rea.sury of 8S.izo.0u0.- NEWSPAPERS ARE FEELING THE DEPRES- ^ SION JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. WE ^ HAVE SOME PRESSING OBLIGATIONS TO MEET RIGHT AWAY, AND IN LOOKING:--^ OVER OUR MAILING LIST WE FIND QUIT^i^V; A FEW OF OUR SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE SUb3 V : SGRIPTION HAS EXPIRED OR IS ABOUT TO expire, and we want to make this A3T' A PERSONAL APPEAL TO YOU, IF YOU ARJ^x ONE OF THOSE WHO HAVE NOT RENEWED FOR 1932, TO LOOK AT YOUR LABEL ON TH^i^; FACE OF YOUR PAPER AND SEE HOW MUClf ^ YOU NEED TO PAY TO PUT YOU AHEAD A FEW MONTHS OR A YEAR. THE PRICE OF THE PAPER HAS BEEN CUT TO $1.00 A YEAR AND THIS PUTS IT IN EASY REACH OF ALL. ADVERTISERS ARE BUYING LESS SPAGE AND THIS FACT MAKES IT MORE NECES^ SARY THAT WE GET WHOLE-HEARTED SUPPORT FROM QUR SUBSCRIBERS. WE" WILL BE GLAD TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE RE NEWAL OF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IN OUR^ NEXT ISSUE BY PUBLISHING YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS IF YOU GET IT TO US IN DUE TIME. WHO WILL BE THE FIRST? f JV- M. L. STANCIL, Editor and Mgr. ’T’ ^U.0 0 realize .that: thg pi-q^nt >f .swine raising rnust^oe rarticafjy line chansed. ■ it we are profitably. Tnae is. the iVicijean Count .-0 rai.se noes ve must adopt Systen Swine Sanitation which is summed up in the one -word—Sanitation. OOQ wwefi ib'idoe.s not po.sse ,S-v'iSto.r Eraokuary;-yearns Tor ag,i'^fcmtu-re.- apft vete^a: ■annexffeiil,- tfiiit He ■'sv.oum .th? .deficit, ny "f 3",5ffO.O0&.dl3(| ' Gan, it.-'bfe, the la^^uniTing- dg- niaMst-coati^meu ini tni.sufl-isti aw the . rwnuo-' j'f f carelul' thou^hjfe"-on the l .part .01 T'he./ author.^-".' -Itave thav' .S^tiajert the state..el-,.the 'Treasur?'1 and -the- reveniie.s. and -tnerl to ad- ! juat then, proposals tb tne condition , Of the taXpayer.s ; It so. they reveal themselve.S to be utterly , ignorant and incompetent. “Where value can be attached to the opinions of a legislator, on any .sufij^ct, if he destroys public confi ne by demanding appropriations pet projects equal to or ex entire- budget of the iivernment ? of these pro- liayers of the ;a picture of Pre.sident iJjeep the igisla- dly to US. THEWISE. ^Wl SAYS : ' ^ Every Description is^ D - ''if*' Better and More Econoimcally at The JohnstonHlll Office, Selma, N. your Printing, Problem Johnstonian-Sun Pub, Co. /?= ish Paid For Liy€i , dc'“ .'f'' J, Wiirpa^^^sh for your Chickens afcT a that one. c'ondi- ,s present when a , e upset, a starling ailment. Cqnstipa- 1) lo-wards relief is ' of impure -wastes, hing is better than n!" Castorid is a pure rralion made specially ; childrer#.''rhis means gentle; that U contains ^js, no narcotics. Yet it r results! You never have ildren to„take Casloria. ■ alwaysTiears-the name: n L ■ . ;^.-;vIN SELMA " ^ V SATURDAY, JANUARY Fr^i 10 A. M. To 3 P. ' .‘.Located on vacant Lot next to4|3^l||'* Branch Banking & Trust . Prices to be paid are as follows: Heavy Hens, Plvmouth Rocks and Reds... ' Mixed Chickens .Tea'll ^ S T O R I A Leghorns Roosters Turkey Hens Old Toms Young Toms ...: Guineas, each Geese, lb. CAROLINA POui le -haft boon dift- Bgach bvery Judge Pax- ■ exicita^nt Mo.sh dairymen think it is neceS'i ■sarj»' 01 *Ht lea.vt de.sirafal^ ' beet pul 11 before feeding InvestJgsa'l^' Dairy Ex' •yille, Md, feave-as Patec. ''wba £0® 1 ."wtit palp *fia - 'dnilfu'-

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