THE JOHNSTONIAN-SUN THE JOHNSTONIAN AND JOHNSTON COUNTY SUN CONSOLIDATED ^ VOLUME 14. SELMA. N. C.. THI RSDAY. .^:o^ 2H. IH.U. Recorders Ourl Has leniiant bounl to 'Superior court, un- Busy Session Again'.irr bond ..r $.moo. I state V... R. B. Hayes, white farm- Ji-hn»ton County Recorder'!' A TIIANKSCHMNC PKOCl.A.MA I ION IS ISSUED BY MAVOK W. W. HAKE Smithfield News Bentonville News ! havf* been .s|tared to witness another annual State »b. J. R. Driver, white farm-1 er, aged 42, for operating car with-1 out proper license tag. Guilty. De. , femlant to be confined in jail er, for a-Miult with deadly weapon., \VHFRE'\S rhich has been functioning i aUudged to ^w^rivol-! •phanksfrivinjf Day. awi have enjoyed liountiful harvests and oua and malieious aiid not brought devastating storms, or drought have swept our immediate in gooil faith. It I* therefore onier-: vicinity, and our City, rour County and our State enjoys remark ed ami adjudged that proi>ecuting' frt^om from Weather hazards, the earth alwavs yielding witn-e*. c. F. Thornton, be -taxed ' ^ fruitful harvest, and with the cost. , WHEREAS, barns are bulging with com. peas, potatoes and other staple food crops and the shelves in business houses are laden with food stutfs and counters weighted down with wear- ! ing apparel and other household necessities, however small our fixed at $100 00 I THLKLFORE, it behooves us as a God-fearing people to sute V-*. Wesley Brantley. J. R.! enough on this eventful day to render thanks unto Driver, and Woodrow Driver, for JV”®™ >s due. for all these wonderful manifestations of ,™ovirs .rep, b,t.n, 11?' !'?“*' “"J ' declare Thursday. ,nd .itheal aoUc, „c. Br».0.,-1 P’ President of the .ad Woodiaw Driver aot palUy .nd ' L™]” Jt>'j,the Governor ot North Carolina in which ilischarged. J. R. Drix-er guilty. De fendant to b^ confined in jail of Johnxton county for the term of for many yoam, rnniinues to At a iiKeiit session the following caes were dispotied of; Tueiulay. Nov. 17th. State vs. Will Covington, colonsl farmer, agetl 35. Violation of the prohibition law and carrying cealed weapon. Guilty of being pub licly d-unk and disorderly and tying concealed weapon. Defendant to be confined in jail of Johnston county for the term of 90 days and assignetl to work on public State vg. Harrison Harris, colored farmer. agel 30. for operating while intoxicated. Found guilty. De fendant to be confined in jail of Johnston county for the term of 90 days and assigneil to work on public roails. Appeal Bond fixol at 3200.00. State vs. Worthy McLeoil. colored farmer, aged 21. and L. W. Wimb- ley, colored farmer, aged 1C, Lar ceny of bale of cotton, value less than $'20. Both guilty. Defendant McLeod tu be confined in jail of John-tun county for the term of 12 months and a.«signel to work on public roads. Defendant Wimbley to be confinerl in jail of John-stun coun ty for' the term of C months anl a.'signetl to work on public roads. State vs. James Foster, Asyrian showman, ageti 40. fur larceny of auto tires, value less than J'20. and found guilty. Defendant to be con fined in the jail of Johnston county for the term of 12 months ami a- sisneil to work on public roads. No tice of appeal. State vs. John Kason. colored la- posses.sion of one pint of whiskey borer, ageil 30. for violation of the , Puldic highway. • Defendant prohibition law. Guilty of po.ssession ponfineil in jail of Johnston of one pint of whiskey, and fined guilty and .-aavea aiiu irie tjuvemor 01 NOnn L guiliv- Dc ' '* and perfect gift, the All W ise ood Our Father. dgned to work as sher iff sees fit. Notice of appeal. Bond ; fixed at $100.00. This sentence to begin at expiration of above .sen-1 State vs. Ramon Bowen, white | farmer, for seduction. Defendant'- , attorney, W, J. Hooks, makes mo- ' tion to dismiss on grounds that the ilant was discharged on sam*' count amt charge in a prior imiict-: t. Motion allowed ami ileremlant I dUchargel under this warrant. j State vs. Dock Anderson and Jack .Anderson, for trespa.-sing ami lar- '• ceny. Calli'd and faileil. Judgment of . sci and capias. Slate vs, R, B. Briggs, white la- ' borer, ogesi 55. for violation of the W. \V. H.ARE, Mayor Town of Selma. Selma Kiwanians Elect New Officers To Have Ladies' Night On Dec. 3. Future Meetings To Be Held Only Twice a Month—Sating ito Go For Betterment of Town. At the weekly ast Thursday eve eg officer- w c re 1932: Kiwani.s luncheon ning. the follow- eltvtetl for the HOSPITAL NEWS 310 a State vs. Ira fjuton, colored la borer, aged 20, for violation of the prohibition law. Guilty of posiies: of one pint of whiskey and fine«l $10 anil cost. Stau v>., Francis Parker, white, as d IS, for prostitution and a.s- sicnation. Guilty. Defendant to be cenfineil to jail of Johnston county for the term of 1*2 months and signetl to the farm colony for wom- State v.s. Herbert Holmes, colored laborer, ageil 17, for assault. Guilty. Fineit $10 and cost. In default of payment, defendant to be confinnl in jail of Johnston county for the ter.m of GO days and assigned to work on public roads. State vs. Arthur McLamb. white farmer, agetl 30. for violation of the pichibition law. Guilty of possession of wine and beer for the purpose of making whiskey. Defendant to be eeiifineil in jail of John.«ton county fnr the term of CO days and as- sigend to work on public roads. Jail. sentence ti he suspemletl upon pay ment Ilf $25 fine and ctwt. Time to I jail i county for the term of 60 tlay assigntti to work on public roails. State vs. Clarenee Stancil, white farmer, agetl 34. for operating car while intoxicated. Guilty. $50 fine and cost. Defendant ortlereti amt di rected ant to operate a motor ve hicle ag i n in North Carolina dur ing the next 90 days. State t». Waile Pope, white far mer, for assault with deadly weap on. Not guilty. No coal allowed. Stale vs. E. M. Pope, white farm er, for a—auU with deadly weapon. Not guilty. No cost alloweil. Slate vs. .Alvia Fowler, colored, for abamlonment of children lumlrr borer, ageil 2K. for abandonment and IG years). Guilty. Continu'- pt«ycr non-support. Guilty. Pr.iyer for judg-; for judgment upon condition. • mi nt i» rontinueil upon condition ■ State vs. Buil Smith, colored la- that defemlant pays into rnurt the ! liorer, ageil 19, and James Ttarhour, sum of $2.00 per wtwk for u-e of ^ coloreil laliorer, ageil 19. Larceny of and benefit of wife and children. i l>eas. value $1,00, Not guilty, pay. Stale vs. George Collina, while la- President—C. L. Richardson. Vice President—Geo. F. Brietz. Di-trii t Tru'tett—A. J, Holliday. Director.—Stanley W. .Arroitage. hibition law. Plea ,,f guilty of j ‘ session of one oio, of a-hi-U.- oo ^ Jeffw-l*- It wu- decided to hac- a ladies' “ , night Thursoay evening, December '“"D', 3nl. At this miyting all the mem bers' wive.* and a few othir invited gu-al* will enj-iy « fine luncheon and program which will be planned by a committee composed of Fred Waters. Charlie JacoU.r^i.*F'. d Dr. I. W. Jlayerberg. , for the t“rm of 30 clays and assign- e«l to work as sheriff sees fit. State V.-. Tom Jack Watson, col ored laborer, ageil 23. Profane ami indecent langaagr on public high way and resisting and interfering jg|j with officer in discharge of duty, i the club aUo decide,! to Guilty on both counts. (Plea). De- ly each month in the future; femUnt to b.- cnfiniHl in jail of Md the dues the same, and ’ Johnston county for the term of (50 take the saving on meals to u-e days and a.-signed to work on public » way ^ Selma i i this community a better place State v*. Cebert Roberson, colored ' which to live, laborer, aged 19, for ilUturbing re-! colored Boy shoot* State vs. Harrison Harris, sentenee a» assigned above is to be suspended upon payment of $50 and Stale vs. Annie Brantley, for lar- eny. Nol pros. Toeaday. Nov. 24th. State vs. Ralph Barbour, white farmer, aged 25, and iMtianl Bar bour. white farmer, aged 23, for vi olation of the prohibition law. Both plead guilty to possession of still outfit. Manufacturing whiskey, and possession of two ami one-half gal lons of whiskey. Each defendant to be confined in jail of Johnston coun ty for the term of 90 days and a.«signed to work on public roads. State vs. Haude McDaniel, color ed laborer, for embeulemeni. Prob able cause found and defejxlant if bound to Superior court under bond of $300.00. State vs. Robert Johnson, white farmer; William Coats, «h*te farm er; and I^wrenee Coats, white far mer. Lari'eny. nol pros. No cost to be paid by county. State vs. Tobe EnnL«, colored la borer, aged 36, for violation of the prohibition law. Guilty of possession of 3 pints of whiskey for purpose of sale. Defendant to bp confined in jail of Johrwtgn county for the term of 90 days and assigned to work on public roadN, Notice of appeal. Bond fixed at $200.00. State vs. Del Holder, colored la borer, for house-breaking and lar- Stale vs. J. B. Benton. Prosecut ing witness. Morris Miller, calleil. State vs. Claude Dixon, white mer chant, for careless ami reckless driv ing ami a.ssault with auto. Guilty $26.00 fine and cost. Appeal. Bond $1.00. Stale vs. Fred Watson, colored laborer, aged 23; Rosa Lee Adam.*, colored laborer, aged 24, for forni cation and adultery. Both guilty. De- fendtn Watson to be confineil of Johnston county for the term of 90 days and assigned to work public roads. TTie pra>-er for judg ment is continued as to Roea Lee Adams upon payment of all cost and upon further condition that the de fendant is not convicted of any crim. inal again in 2 years. State vs. Charlie Cook, white la borer. aged 23, for assault with a deadly weapon. Guilty. Defendant to be confined in jail of Johnston coun ty for the term of 80 days artd as signed to wi-rk at county home. State va. Albert Pilkington, white farmer, aged 20, for assault. Guilty. $10 fine and coat. Cotton Ginning Report For Johnston Countv There were 34.034 bales of cotton ginned in Johnston county from the crop of 1931, prior to November 14, 1931, as compared with 32,109 bales ginned to November 14, 1930. E. G. HOLLAND, Special Aft. and Kills His Pal James Smith, 17, son of Gus Smith, is dead anl Robert Bryant, also 17, is in the Johnston county jail a.* a result of a shooting af fair which took place at the horn* of Hezekiah Washington. step father of Bryant, in the .southern part of town Tuesday afternoon at I o'clock. Smith was .shot in tl left side, just above the tii'art, wii a single-barrel shot gun. the enlii load entering the body. The In livml until 3 o'clock when he lie-t in the home where he was shot It Is reportml that the beys fell ou over a game of ilomimx-. Thej- hai always been the best of friends an. were almost inseperall. Ohief-of- Police J. H. Howell arn-ii-d llrj-: a few minutes after the shooting and took him to the county jail. Coroner Kirfcman »1ew«l the body last night, but decided that an in- tjuest was unnecessary as there wa- an ey'e witness to Uie -hooting. .Accepts Job 1b Fremont. Mr. W. C. Toler ha* been electel superintendent of water and light* and chief-«f-poUce of the town of Fremont, and will assume his new duties on December 1st, Mr. Toler 'as superintandent of water ami light* of Selma for quite a while awl made a very efficient officer, regret co see him leave our I, but wish him well in his new field. Ten Cents Paid For Cotton In Charlotte Charlotte, Nov. 22.—Ten-cent cot- n has made it* appearance here. Through its local warehouse the North Carolina Cotton Growers Co operative Association advanceii R. W. Outen, of Pageland S. C., over 10 cents per pound on a large lot of cottor. The cotton -lapled 1 1-4 inch and graded middling and above. The cooperative was advancing 5 1-2 cents per pound on middling 7-B cotton, Hr Outen's substan- grade and sM|de premium brought his advame over 450 points above the straigM advance and about 360 point* above the average open market price en that day. Smithfield, Nov. 23.—Mr.-. Rajmon Howell, of GoliUboro, who under went an operation for appendicilB the 16th, returnetl tu her home Sal- Mr.-*. G. W. Jlangum, of Ben.«on, i* getting along fine, following an operation on an infevted foot, on the n:th. .Mrs. R. C. Bunks, of Selma, was aiimiitevl to the ho.spital for treat ment the 17th, ami 1,-ft on the IMh. -Mis.- Wilnui So.ssoman, of Smith- field. who umlerwent an operation for appendicitis, ii. recovering rap- i.lly. Miss Dorothy Harper, of Clayton, Route 2. vss hurt when a car in which she wa.* riding ran in a ditch, and was taken to the hos pital on the 17th. She left the hits, pital Wednestiay. ' Mrs. Leon Potter, of Selma, who underwent an operation for appen dicitis on the 17th, is getting along fin*. Ed Dixon(colorel) of Smithfield, umlerwent an operation for acute appendicitU on the 18th, and is im proving. Mr. Milton Austin is doing nicely following an operation for acute appendicitis, on the 20th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Joy ner, of Farmville, a fine boy. on the 22nd. .Mr. .M. J, Cameron, of Selma, is in the haspital in a critical condi tion on account of gastric ulcers. 5!r. Cameron entereii on the 22nd. nmi is now unconscious, IJttie GeraMine Branch, of ClayUm. underwent an operation for aiipendicitis Tuesilay. and is get. ting along all right. MR. M. J. C.\M$;R0N IN VERY CRITICAL CtlNDlTlON Hi- many friends here ami else where learn with regret that M. J. Cameron 1* critically ill the Johnston County Hospital Smithfield. Mr, Cainenin Is asi ateil in busine.-s here with Mr. W. R. Smith, in the firm of Smith t Cameron, and left the store on last Eriilay, going home and taking his bed. He grew rapidly worse was removed to the hospital Sunday afternoon, where he has remaineil in an unconscious condition since that time. He U suffering gastric ulcers. Mr. Roy Driver voluntarily gav- transfusion of his blood into Mi Cameron's veins Sunday nighL The R...I C'r..s.* .irive which wa- •‘tarteil on .Armi-tice Day under the effieient leader-hip of Mi— Ruth Wilson, ha. been a great -uceess, and result«l in about 1.50 memlier- .-ihip* in Smithfield. The postoffice force was the first Smithfield or ganization to display a 100 per cent membership card. This big cafii, which was poatetl on the office door of Postmaster J. C. Stancil on the first day of the drive, reads as fol lows : “We belong 100 per cent strong". The Red Cross Roll Call which is put on each year between Armistice Day and Thanlcgiving U recognizeil ever>-where a* a worthy cause. Smithfield and v-icinity during the past three week.* has experienced the most protracted spell of warm weather that anybody living remem bers to have seen in this section at the same time of the year. During the first week in this month there were a few frosty mornings, and most of the unprotecteii tender veg etation was killed. Since that time we have hail continual Indian sum* iner weather, many of the days be ing uncomfortably warm; and where i there was sufficient moi.-ture in the ' ground, vegetation ha> sprung up { ami U growing like -pringtime. Vol- ; unU-er iri.vh jMitatoes, -nap bean-, | lima beans, ami other plants are thriving where there is moisture. Colton plants that were protected from the frosts in the early part of the month are -till bliHiming and there are reports of fruit tri-e.s The thing lacking : places ha.- been moisture. There ha: lieen very little rain during the ... . tire fall. We had a couple of light I showers in September which were ■ not sufficient to bring up goo! stand* of fall .sown garden seeiis, unl p^acticall^^no rain has fallen during October 5]tm1 November.'Ss'* result ganlen vegetables are scarce, and there are nuiny complaints of scarcity of water for home use and for stock, in some section.*. Forest fires raging in various section* have done great damage during the past month, ami hare kept the atmos phere hazy with smoke. In some -actions of the coastal region the smoke has at time* been so dea*c that people could not see how to drive cars on the roads in the day time, and numerous wreck* have re- -ulleil. Sheriff R. H. Richardson .says that the 1931 tax notices have ail been mailel out, and that he is now col- leetlng .several thousand dollars each day. Tlii* show* that there is yet some ca*h to be found .•cattered o\-er Johnston county, regardless of the cry of “hanl times." In fact, if we ever should get to the point where the people of Johnston enun- Selma Had Big Fire Last Friday Night About midnight on last Friday night, fire was d^*co^'er«d burning house belonging to Hr. Joseph .Abdalla, in the western part of Selma. This fire wax only about a block from where Mr. D. M. Hayes' nice residence was burned only two nights before. The Abdalla house completely destroyeil in the flames. No one was living in the house at the time and the cause of the fire is unknown. A FOUR PAGE PAPER. In Older to take off Thursday for Thanksgiving, the management of the Johnstoman-SuD ha* cut the sise of the paper to four pages this week. It is hoped that our readers will concur with us in this action; and here U wishing each one a happy Thanksgiving Day. would he usele-* to took for it in any other agricultural county in North Carolina uixler similar conili- lion.*, as John-ton -tand* ul the hi-aii of the li*t in agriculture. The Bmithfi-Ii Methiali-t church i» to have a new pastor. Rev, J. D. Bundy, who ha* servisl the church here *0 well for the past three year*, ha- been tran.-ferreii to Meb- ane, N. C. Hi*'RUCce*.-or a* pastor of the Smithfield ehurch is to be Rev. B. T, Hurley. The following were among those from Smithfield and vicinity who attended the funeral of J. Millard Turner, held at Holland Methodist church in Wake county, at 1 o'clock lost Saturilay afternoon: Rev. D. H. Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. Garland B. Smith, Mias Emma Tomlinson, John 0. Ellington, Mrs. N. L Perkins, Mr*. L. L Turner, Miss Mary L Turner and Miss Mildred Young. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. E. L Hillman, of Green ville. assisted by Rev. D. H. Tuttle, of Smithfield. Interment was made in the church ceineterj-. The deceased, who was welt known in Smithfield and Johnston county, died at bis home in Greenville, N*. C., on Thursday night of last week, aft er an illness lasting several weeks. He was raised on a farm in the southern part of Wake county, and had devoted a good part of his life to teaching school. During the post 8 years he had mode his home with his son, David Turner, in Greenville, who is the only surviving member of hi* immediate family. He is sor- vivMl by one aUter, Mra. Robort N. Wynne, of Ralei^ ^ The B-nt'in'iil' T -wn-riii Sunday ; Schisd .A—ocialion will lie held with ' River SHe Bapt'-t Church in thia ; section next Sunda} afternuun, No- j vember 29t)i. at 3 o’clock. Several ; gooil .-‘peaker* are expected and a , gcHHi program from *ome of the school will feature the occasion. Ev- I ery Sunday school, regardless of de- I nomination, will be expected to be represented. Mr. J. A. Honeycutt, of GoM-v boro, was a visitor on Che Battle field Sunday. Mr. Honeycutt says he i* 87 year* of age and did duty on March 19-20 and 21. 1365. He «- listed in Company H-42 N. C., under CapL Hartsell in Stanley, his native I'ounty, St Big Lick, at Che age of 17. In -pile of hi* advanced age, Mr. Honeycutt 1- very hale and hearty ami say* that he has perfect health, all of which he credits to gooil behavior during hi* entire life. He *ay.- that he always dodged foul company and never was drunk but once in hi* life and then he wa.« a grown young man ami had to beg hi* mother's pan'on with a promise do so again, of which he hasn't. He exhibiteil a walking cane that wa* inoiie by one of his cora- I while conflnei in a Confeder- hospital woumleii during the made with a pocket knife and -ents a reeI cane, Mr. Honey cutt i> able to work daily, A gooil many farmers of this -ection have been heard m say of lute that they wouhi neither plant any cotton or tobacco next year. It begin* to look now that we will car- r)' out the “Live at Home" program in full for 1932. Me.-.-rs. R. P. Powell ami Daniel Lee and Juke Dunn spent Friday Rocky Mount where they sold a load of tobacco. These young farm- report good prices for their weeti. They receivel around 17 cents ouu„riicnored‘ b> John.ston Lawyere Smithfield, Nov. 23.—.At the close of the two week* special civil term of the Superior rnurt held here, the John.-ton County Bar .A.-soriatloa pa*.-ed a resolution of appreciatioa ami gratitude for the work accom- plihheil by the presiding Judge, Thomas J. Shaw, of Green.*boro. The resolution .*ays in part: “Whereas, the conduct of the trial of ease*, a.* well as the other basi- ne*s dispatched by the court, was most pleasing and satisfactorily comiucted by hi* honor. Judge Shaw; -bowing rare judicial ability and teaming and such enn-iderate treat ment of counsel, litigant*, witneaaes, juror* and court officials, that leaves with lawyers and other oitizens ot our county a fomi affection and lin gering plru-ant recollecttons, of hia visit to our county and presidinc over thi* term of court. Therefore, be it r. -olved by the liar of John*toii County u—embled in Court on thi* Novemlwr 21, 1931, that we tender to our di*tinguished and honorable jurist friend our sin cere thank- and appreciation for hi* laltor*." PROGR.AM OF Little River BaptiHt Ui HeM With Micro ~ Church. Sunday. 29th, 1931. ten. 10:56—Roll Call of Churches. 10:56—Reading of previous i 11:00—Basines* of Union. 11:10—Offering for Orphanage and expense of Union. 11:15—Sermon—Rev. Jrtin W. I am berL 12H)0—.Announcements—Rev. M. M. Johnson. Sunday Aftrmusa. 1 ;00—D ■votional Willard BrMm 1:20—Giving EveryboJy an Opyge tunit/ for Service in tha Kingdom’* Work *f our L'dA. Rev. Henry O. Pow. 2:00—The Prwer of Prayer in tte Life of Mon Today—Bev. C. S. Creoch. 2:15—U->und Table Edith Parrish. 2:30—Report of Con.mittaas Business. 3:15—Adjo*iraiiwnL I. T CBERCR, Q. H WATSON, ifiiiwi»n