--■'if' THE JOHNSTONIAN—SUN, SELMA, N, E. THURSBAr., MAR. 'iJ', '{932, ■ ;h s ^:vminuiiomiiiimic]mimiiiMaiimtiiiiiiniiiiiimiioii(immicHimiiiiiitaiiimiiim[;}iiiiimimatiii;iiiim:]iiitminiKjimi(iiiiiiQmiiiiiiiiic I I SELMA SCHOOL NEWS ll ,S T A I- F; K(liit:ir-iM-Cliicr— llosahelle Hinton. Senior Class Reporter— I.illie Mae .Munden. ■Iiinior Cla.ss Reporter— Bessie Hatcher. Sophomore Cla.ss Keporter- Lucile Crocker, hi’eshman Class Reporter- -Mary Wiilets. Literary Club Reporter— 'I'hanie StallinKs. ii f’-ARKNT-TEACHKR.S .MKKTING j and inappropriate clothing for high The Selma Parent-Teachers’ As- j school wear. We wish to thank sedation met Monday night, March | the firm of Smith and Cameron 21, in the school auditorium.' The ' very much for the u.se of those exercises began with a song “Wei- 1 dresses in the demon.stration. come Sweet Springtime” by mem- After this, Miss Kverette gave a hers of the seventh grade. | short talk on the projects of the The minute.s of the last meeting | club, was then read by the secretary,^! Light refreshments, con.sisting of Miss .Anne Spivey, and attendance wa-s taken. It was found that the attendance prizes were won by Miss Jenkins’ 5-A and Miss Whitaker’s Tl.h Grade. Ftdl'owing the stated reports w'ere given reports from the Welfare Committee, by Miss Margaret Eth- credge; from Ways and Means committee, by Mrs. Holliday; and from the Finance committee by Mrs. Scales. Those on the lioom Inspec tion committee reported that the winners of the neatness banner were the Sewing Room and the Lunch Room for the High School, and Miss Winn ami Miss Adams’ P’h-st grade, /• r the lower grades. The P. T. A. had offered a prize 01 $2.00 for the best essay writ ten on the subject: “Why My Par ents;: Should Read the Child Welfare ifagazine.” The prize winning es says were announced at this month’s meeting of the .As.sociation. Mary Gulley of the Senior Class wiis awarded first prize for the best es say written and Mac Norwood, of tie .5th grade was given second prize. After the awarding of the.se ;rize.^-, Mrs. R. D. Blackburn, Sen- i'or Class Sponsor, mad" a report on the caps and gowns which will he worn for the Graduating Exer cises by the Seniors this year. The .speaker for the evening, Mr. W. P. Aycock, was then introduced. He made a, very interesting and instructive talk on the subject: “Advantages of Our Public Schools a.s compared with those of 25 years ago.” At the conclusion of Mr, .Aycock’s addre.ss, the audience was dismissed with a prayer, Idd by Rev. L. T. Singleton. tea and cinnamon toast, were serv ed. Games concluded the very de lightful club hour. Hume Economics News. A very delightful dinner was served to the Kiwanians Thursday night, by the Home Economics De partment. They were complimented very mush upon the excellency of the menu. It was as follows: Baked Chicken dressing giblet gravy string beans Baking powder biscuits Butter Potato-Tomato Salad Fruit Jello Coconut Macaroons Coffee ■Marionette Show 'To Be Given, A Marionette dramatization of “Treasure Island” will be presented Thursday, March 24, in the school auditorium at 2:30 p. m. The play will be based upon Robert Louis Stevenson's story, and is divided in to seven acts. will be given by Clemens’ Marionette. Mr. Clemens has presented several marionette' performances at this school, and they have alway.s proveil a novel and interesting spectacle. This time the entertainment promises to be esjH-eially interesting'. .Admission will be 10 cents. Debating News. The Selma Negative Debating Team of the-State Triangular miery, 'Resolved, 'Fhat the U. S. Should Adopt a .sy;slem of compulsory un- 'mpfoyment Insurance", engaged in a practice debate with Pikeville’s •Affirmative Team, Friday night, March 18th. The debate was bield in Pikcville. The teams wore as follows: Selma—Bes.-i Now For .A Snow Man Look! Hurrah! it.-. ■ snowing, Th' wind is hardly blowing. And I am going' out to play. To make a snow man, hooray! 'I'he snow is falling more and more, HaU'her and And 1 now am going out the door. Ro.sabefle' -Hinton; Pikevilie—Fanny Roberts and Enim.y Gray Edmuncl- yor!. As it was a. practice debate, there was no deci.sion, liut the Sel ma 'i'eam appreciates the opportu- !>ity given them to gain both e.x- pcrionce and new information by thi.- fehate with another school. They aiso wisli to e.xtend their Vhank.s for the warm hospitality ihow'ii them. The following Freshmen Debating team.s have been given to the stat ed Senior Sponsors, whose duty it is to coach the Fre.-hmen teams in the formality of debating and to arrange, delaate.s for tliem, both amorifc' themselves and with other •'duso'is; Billy Aycoc.n, Spon.sor—Ruby Sas ser-, Liiffite Dog'g’ett. James Woodard, Spon.sor—Helen D. Massey, Helen Kirby. Bosabelle Hinton, S))on.,or—Hilda tlarp, Helen Jones. Paul McMillan., Stion.sor—William ■Adams, Frederick Fason. fidhert Suber, Sponsor—Irene SuUi- ■van, Vick Branch. .Mary Gulley, Sponsor—Jlildred Sea- well, Mary Wiilets. Edna .Mae Cameron, Sponsor—Ruby Price, Ethel Batten, The Fre.shman Team, Ruby Sas ser and Lucile Doggett will debate the Sophomore team, Rachel Keever and Ellen Singleton, in Chapel, .April 14. The query will be “Re- iatred. That the State, of North Carolina. Should .Adopt a 1 per cent Sale.s Ta:J.” The affirmative will be upheld by the Freshmen; the nega- “tive by the Sophomores. Not to go to play in the hay. But to make a snow man, hooray! I am .going- to make a snow man. Not to .go t-> pluj' in the sand, Its not time to go swimming in the hay, But to make a snow man, homay! hora.v! —Thomas Woodard. 4-H Club Meets. Tiie 4-H Club met Thursday morning, March 17th, in' tlie sew ing (aboratory. Miss Everette, of Srra’ihiSefd, was present once more. SJie seemed very much pleased with the progre.ss of the club. The pro gram on the part of the students consisted of a discussion on “The Selaction of Cl'othing for a High School . Girl,” by Clarine George,' and a demonstration of appropriate Reduced Prices AT WHn"E HOUSE Cafe 3 Meals $1; Maxwell House Coffee ^ f With Every Meal '! BARBECUE 6.1c POUND —SERVICE— i ANt) QUALITY FOODS Selma, N. C. T. C. JORDAN Registered Optometrist Will Fit ITou With , Good Quality Frames, with Ground Lenses for $10.00 . Until January 1st. .SMITHFIELD JEWELRY 'STORE 3 Years To the first lUU peop; $1.20 each we will send ONE YEAR AND THE '#1 THREE YEARS This apiplies iiew ®r aid subscribers alike.. LIMITED NUMBEl of subscriptions to^ the Southern: Agriculturist so act quickly if you want to get in on this offet. The Johnstonian-Su] at tbiis price, BIRDS. When i go to bed at night, 1 -ilcei) and dream of many things. -And when 1 wake in the morning the birtls are singing all about me. That I enjoyed all through the day. For I love the birds and their | sweet merry song,-.. They are build- I ing their nests on the plate of our ! porch, and when there are little ones I can feed them with worms. .And then they will grow and .go flying about, and sing for me in the morning and make me happy and bright. —Rubv H, Gurkin, 4-A. Four Oaks Drug Store Is RaitJed by "I hieves Six J'housand In Sfnek and $32,000 In tnsiirancc Policiiis .Stnlen, Also Fight of Meat- Four Oak', March 21,—The Four Oaks Druk Company >tore here was entered by thieves nMnit 4 oVlo-k this morning, who stole the sa!‘-\ containimr thousands of doUtirs' worth of stock.' ant other valuable papers and about 3T425 in casli. Charles C. Lee of Four Oaks, -saw .he robbers but thou^^’ht they were .'U-kine' a doctor whose is- ov- ."-r the druir stnrv’v He said they U'ft n the direction, of Smithfield in, a larg-e touring’ ear- U. C. Canaefay, proprietor of the 'tore, said tlVe safe contained' more Luan SdOOOi worth of stocks, in insurance p ’ficles and' other val uable ne?i.otiahIe papers. Fi,e-ht hams hnnp,-ins- iu' the rear of the .store also were takeny. as were some liruji’s and o(;’i)fates. !'HF SFLMA rRFSBYTKRJ AN, Services Next SiindaT. I 1. The Selma Church 11:00 a. m. i 2. The Oak Grove Church ^ p. m. ,, 3. The Mripfah Church-7.Til. ?l, m..'' Fverybodv most cordialh ' inv.tled.. i Wayne Republicans To Launch Campaign G'ddsboro, March ^t.—Rnpubli'canci. )f^ Wayne county will begin their campaign with precinct meetings to be held at the various- voting- plas.-es in the county at 3 o’clock Saturday afternoon. S(KN.‘tat business, to he transacted at these meetings wiit hi the selection of delegates to tlu- county convention. The county conventioni will be held in the courthouse in GohD- boi'o at 2:30 Thur.sday afternoon,, March 31. ■ A CARD f)F THANK.S. I want to thank the members of the Methodist, Baptist and Pres byterian Churches and all other Christian people who helped me on last Monday night. I receiveif lots of food^ and some nice clothing for my children, all of which was bad ly needed, and I sure did appre ciate every gift. Wit^iout your kind ness I don’t know ho'w vve could have g'otten along, anii may the Lord bless everyone of .vou, is my prayer. Yours in Christ, —Mrs. Lena Hicks and Children. Ea.sier Sundaj. Next .Sunday is Ea-sti i- S'unda.'f,-. j The day Uiat we all celi-itoite the rcpre.sentative day on. w.hicl) o-vc , Lord arose from the dead.. Cha.s is | a time fhat every man, woiaaxi; isn-d , child owght to be at worslap- stv-ite- j where. H-.;'.vever hard and' cohi TOtjr : heart may be worship i the llvin^g Sa- i vior somewhere next: Suitiiay uaarn- j ing; We love it hecausc- it pmnts I forward also to a day wbem cur : bodie.s shall collie forwair,)! ausd! put on' I'tmnortality. l.et vjpe- urge you agi.iSli to make every- Bpissitjle effort,: to worship sonnewhere? next Sunday.' Easter Ifageant Sunday. There will be an fTa.ster Pageaat. liwxt Sunday- at the- Selma Presby terian Chiwch. Everybody invited. The subject is “The Garden of: I.ight.” is alw ays la* PHiiUPS; ForTrouWf due lo Acid INO.GtSTlON ACID rtEARTBORN headache GASES'NAUSI^ Unless you see the name Bayer and the word genuine on the package as pictured above you can never be sure that yon are taking the genuine Bayer Aispirin that thousands of physicians prescribe in their daily practice. - The name Bayer means genuine Aspirin. It is your guarantee o£ purity—your protection against,tie beware of imitoHons imitatiotis. Millions of users proved that it is safe Geauine Bayer Aspirin proaspUy rolieves: Headaches Colds Sore Throat Rheumatism Neuritis Neuralgia . Lumbago ims Toothache No hamiful after-effeds follovo iit Mse. It does net depress, ihs heiuL 'V' ir y Colored Man Dies Suddenly In Selma Lester Lewi.s, colored “.-ihine boy” at the Selma Barber Shop, died suddenly from heart failure at hks home here Sunday night. -Le.ster, when a small hoy, fell from' a wag on breaking, his back and leaving him a cripple for life. He was well respected by both the white , and colored {\eople of the town. He was about 40 years of age. Too Mucli ACID M any people, tw» hours after eating, suffer iadigcslinn as they call it. It is usually excess acid. Correct it with an alkali. The best way, the quick, harmless and efficient way, is Phillips’ MDk of Magnesia. It has remained for 50 years the standard with physicians. One spoon ful in ■water neutralizes many times its volume in stomach acids, and at once. The symptoms disappear in five minutes. You -will never use crude methods when you know this better method. And you -will never suffer from excess acid when you prove out this easy relief. , Be sure/to get the genuine Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia pr^ribed by physicians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. 25c and 60c a bottle— any drug store. The ideal dentifrice for clean teeth and healthy gums is Phillips’ Dental Magnesia tooth-paste. EASTER EXCURSION Southern Railway System ONE FARE PLUS $1.00 , " / ROUND TRIP f BETWEEN ALL POINTS IN SOUTHEAST Including: WashingtQrt, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Mekphi.s, New Orleans, Atlanta, Birmingham,. Vicksburg and Intermediate Points Dates of Sale: March 23, 24, 25, 26. . Final Return Limit 15 Days. Consult Ticket Agents, or Address F. H. POSTON, Division Pas.senger .Agent 301-5 Lawyers Building Phone 621 Raleigh, N. C .M' v'p-,

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