ii R i' 4' ) THE JOHNSTONIAN THE JOHNSTONIAN AND JOHNSTON COUNTY SUN CONSOLIDATED SELMA OFFERS YOL MANY OPPORTUNITIES I'OL. 16 SELMA. N. C., THURSDAY. FERRUARY 16. 1933. NUMBER T President-Elect Barely Escapes Assassination Durward Creech Severely Burned standing' on the running board of' Mayor of Co'cago and Tour the shiny black automob le in which; Others Wounded by Assas- Mr. r.oosevelt was in the back, j sin’s Bullets; President-Elect ‘‘topped to his knees in the fusillade. i Tai-g-ef of Six Shots Fired At the Eloiitla Power and Li2-ht 1 Conclu.sion ot Speech At eompany, was struck as she .stood' Miami Reception—An Italian on the outer fringe of the crowd Brick Layer Says He Aimed about 50 feet from the car. Shots At President-Elect. Itoosevelt owes his life to the fact tliat a split second before the Proceedings County Recorder's Court state vs. Jack Maibley, colored laborer, aged 38, for violation of the prohibition law. Guilty of pos- fSess.on of whiskey for purpose ol sale. Defendant given !)0 days on shots were discharged he had low- ro-uls Miami, Fla., Feb. 15.—Six shots ered him.-elf down to the rear of o4. ' i- ■ i i V 1 . T, • ] *. 1 .t I 1 ■ 1. Tr 111 1. ,■ fetate vs. F si.x Alford, colored were fired at Piesident-elect Frank- nis motor. He had been standing, : i . i . , i . . 1 ir 11 u. i • 1 1. 1- ■ 111- 1.1 1 '’’laborer, aged -14, tor larceny of pis- lin D. Koosevelt tonight wounding oraced bv Ins arm r on the lowered Ii , , \ ^ i 1-1.1 value less than S20, and for iF'e person- including Mayor Anton top ot the car. , . i i -n. ,, , 1, . TT . 1- carrying concealed weapon. Guilty Cicnnak, of Chicago. He was in the proces.s of si ding u n t i • . n -1 1 , , ■ ■ 1 ■ r 1 • 4. I i 1 1.1 Ooth counts and given 4 months the President-elect was uninjured, into h .s aecii.stomed seat when the , , , , , -1 1. 1 i 1 I 11 r 11., 1 1., • roads. Appealed. $200 bonii Ihe assa lant, who w'a.s captured bullets cut through the air ' by a rush of secret sei-vice men, po- No sooner had the shots been I required. 1- I , • n 1 -1. 1 1, 1., ,1 ,1 btate vs. James Sm th, colored hoe and shernl s omcers, was cle- tiie i, it .seemed, than the Koosevelt , , , , - n , „ . .3- ii • 1 laborer, aged ii, tor assault with scribed a- Guisseppi Zingara,-an car wa-: t'lrovni into gear by the , i, J, , , i. , 11 1- 1, • 1 1 * Jt • -i 1 i, ir 1 -i. 1. • 1.' deadly weapon. Guilty, and defend- Itahan brick layer. He was spirited chautteur, and it was sent into mo- • -n , . . ., , ^ . 1 cint O’ VPTT >n I M v'l.; m Tin iiiirl si«_ away by officers to save him from tion through a path cleared by po- an angry crowd. Police said he ad- lice sirens. mitted he bought his gun with tlie i Mr. Koosevelt was heard to re intent to kill Mr. Koosevelt. ;mark, “I’m all right.” He waved The shooting took place in Hay h’S arms to tlie crowd as an imii- F'ront Park here a few minutes af- cation that lie had been spared. He ter Mr. Roosevelt had come ashore was driven to his special train on from the yacht Nourmabal on which a siding of the Florida Ea t Coast he had been cru'sing through th-; t’a iroad, and later to the hospital, Bahamas. The Pre ident-elect was where the wounded were rushed, responding to a welcome of 10,000 After ui g'ng that all possible people gathered in the park when comfoits lie given the victims he tt'.e crack of pistol shots cut sliort was diii-en Iiack to the Nourmahal his speech. whei'o but a few hours ago he Zan.gara was said to have admit- laughed and joked with the news- ted that 10 years ago he was party iniiiermen vdio boarded tlie yacht to a plot against the life of King .greet him after his absence. Victor Emmanuel, of Italy. j Kenoits brought back to the train (An attempt W’as made in 1911 on Robert H. Goie, a member of the life of King Victor Emmanuel Koosevelt paity, laid that hos- aad the a sailant • was imprisoned P tel authorities expected - Mayoi until 1928 when, at the King-’s or- Cermak to die of his injuries. der, he was given full freedom a general amnesty). in Mrs. A J. Cross, of N. W. Sec ond street, Miami, was standing The injured in aildition to May->r ■ to Zingara as he arose from C'ermak, who was shot through the chest, the bullet coming out his back and who may be fatally Tvoundod, were: William Sinnott, of New York, detective, shot in head Mis. Jos. Gill, wife of the Presi dent of the Florida Power and a crouching po.sition w'th the gun in hi hand. She sensed the im pending tragedy and tried to wrest the wieapon from his hand. He climbed a chair to g’et an accurate aim. He was about .35 feet from the Roosevelt automobile which had Light company, shot twice in the ' stopped to allow the President-elect abdomen. extend a greting to this city. Mrs. Maiygaret Keyes, of Newark, | wounded wore place, N. J,., ,-liot in the hand, an automobile belonging to the ] ^ged 19, for larceny of bicycle Russell Caldwell, aged five, H®'®Ption corainittee and hurr.ed t -alue less than .$20. Plea of guilty. Cocoanut Grove, Fla., slightly in-i^’®, Jack.son Memorial hospital. Statg vs. Bill Pearce, colored la- jiired. ! Shout.s ot “'lynch him,” and ‘“kill II- . 1111 1., 1. I went up on all side.s a.s soon First reports had been that a so- , „ , , , i . . , . 1,1, te' ''■'6 vast crowd sensed what hac cret service man na'med Brodneaux, ... , . , -u 1, Ti ■ I 1 1 I'-'Jii'en place. .\n American Legion- who was with the Pres dent, had r, ■■ ,i , I- 1 • .1 1 1 , 1 , ga’.e Z ngara a sma.slnng blow been shot i.n the head. It developed. , i-i i • a *. T , Hi, , , , , . tece With h;s fist as he wa.s however, that he had leaped to a ! ijgj,,,,. pos'tion in front of Mr. Koosevelt ' to shield him and then had joined I ant g-iven GO days in jail and as signed to - work at county home. State V-. Les Smith, colored la 'ooror, aged 45, for assault with a deadly weapon. Guilty and defend ant given GO days on roads. State vs. B H. Richardson. Called and faded. Capias for defendant and subpoenas for State's wdtnesse:-. State vs. Pre s Alien, white far mer, a.g'ed 5G, for violation of the •prohibit on law. Guilty of possession ■)f still outfit and 3 gallons ol ivhHksiy for purpose of sale. Defend- •int g.ven 3 months on roads. .Vp- pealed. Bond 8200.00. State vs. Jes e Williams. Defend- nt in couit for violation of terms n original judgment. Defendant to ■eia-e remainder of original sen ence of 12 months. Wednesday, Feb. 15th. State vs. Wdbert Gialiain, coloieii aborer, aged 22, for violation oi pi'oiiibition law (pos.session of vvhis key for purpose of -ale) and va- ■grancy. Guilty on both count.s anu J.efendant given 4 months on roads. •\ppealed Bond $200.00. State vs. John Capps, white la borer, for larceny of bicycle, value le.ss than $20. Plea of gudty and lefendant under Hi years of age, -•ase is remanded to Juvenile court or disposition. State vs. Cecil Vau e, white lalior- Smithfield, Feb. 14.—Mr. Durwood .ireech, well known young man of thi.i city, was severely burned about his legs this mo.niing wlien the em- balm'ng room of J. D. Underwood & Company, undertakers, caught fire about 9 o’clock. He was rushed to the Johnston County Hospital and i - said to be .getting along splendidl.v. The embalming room of the un dertaking establishment had just , 'oeen painted and an oil stove wa.s placed inside to make it dry faster. ■V can of gasoline which had been j used in the painting- was turned over and some of it ran under the oil stove, catching it on fire imme- liately. The whole room bur t into lames, tiapjung Mr. Creech inside the room. He was overcome by the gas and smoke and was drag'geii mt by S. B. Jones, a member of the firm. In response to the alarm, the fire ■lepartraent arrived quickly upon the .scene and extinguished tlie flames before they could get any headway. \o seriou ■ damage was done to the ''uildin,g. [t was smoked badly and the little embalmuig' room, which s about 7 by 10 feet in area, was uined. The ariibulance which was parked next to the embalming room >vas damaged somewhat, the top having caught fire NEWS OF STATE, I TOLD IN BRIEF* KEY. F. .M. KOY.VLL Ylr. Lawrence U. Bizzell Died Sunday a ragged off to the Miami I jail for (|uestioning. As the news spread to all (|uar- m the ru.sh to captuie the would-, , , i- , .i^eis ot the city a tew hours after be a sas.sin. In the confusion ,t had!..i,, it,' ,,,,,,,, , I Hie shoot.ng, a crowu gathered m seemed tnat he hg.d been shot. i- + -i ■ i, ’ ! trout ot .ivLami s 17-. tory city nail Mr. Roosevelt cancelled plans for land jail. ’ ' his return to New York tonight. He | Tlieie w-ere muttering.s and dies v,dll remain heie at least another day. He will spend the night aboard the Nourmahal, Vincent -Astor’s yacht, on which he had returned earlier tonight from an 11-day trip The President-elect had just com pleted a brief addre.ss of welcome to thou.sands of cheering winter re sort residents, in a setting' that was colorful and keeping- with the occas ion when the shots, six of them, split the air. Mayor Cermak, who had been Ol “ let us have him.” Seen Along The MAIN DRAG (BY H. H. L.) EUGENE TERRELL is small in statue, but he is a man all right. He was 21 years old the day be fore Valentine Day—JOE BILL AUSTIN says he is going to Chewy right from now on—Dr. DEANS has been missed from the Maindrag this week, ““Flu” victim—EDITOR STANCIIi going to depot to board Southern for Greensboro to attend Lincoln Day dinner—OSCAR CREECH still carrying' his arm in a sling—got it broken some time ago—R. L. TYNER mo '•■"ig over Johnstonian-Sun office—COUNTY AGENT SIiACK advertising poultry, car—ROY LANE with bundle Ne.ws and Observer’s. HOOVER DEEPLY SHOCKED BY NEWS OF THE ATTACK Washington, Feb. 15.—President Hoover is.^ued a statement tonight saying lie was “deeply shocked” by news that shots had been fired at President-elect Roosevelt. He described the incident as a “dastardly act”. Mr. Hoover also sent a telegram to the Pre-ident- elect rejoicing at liis escape and asking for the condition of Mayor Cermak. In his telegram to Roosevelt, Pre.sident Hoover said: ■‘Together with every citizen J rejoice that you have not been in jured. I shall be grateful to you for news of Mayor Cermak’s condi tion ” The President-elect replied; “1 deeply appreciate your mes sage. Mayor Cerrnak is resting but his condition is still serious. I will wire you in the morning after T have been to the hospital.” MRS. ROOSEVELT HAS NARROW ESCAPE Mr.s. Fi'anklin D. Roose velt, wife of the president elect, had a narrow escape from being killed by a train in Ithaca, N, Y., to day (Thursday). Prompt action on the part of a by stander saved her life. jorer, aged 22, for assault with leadly weapon on mother. Gu Ity, [Defendant given 2 years on roads. State vs. Barden Pearce, colored ’ariner, for tiospassing-. Xot guilty State vs. Flank Gang-er, white la lorer, aged 2G, for ojierating motoi ehicle while intoxicated. Plea of fU'Jty. Fined .$,50 and cost. Defend int ordered not to ojierate a motor vehicle a.gain in Noith Carolina during next 90 day.d State vs. Howard 'Marlow, white laboier, aged IS; Car! Parrish, white iaboter, aged 2L; Er\dn Hamilton, '.white laborer, aged 43; Kobeit Green, white laborer, aged 27; Ervin Wall, white . laborer, aged 23, for larceny and receiving 4 chickens, value less than $20 Carl Parrish not guilty and discharged. Other defendants ■ guilty. Continue prayer for judgment upon payment of one- fourth of the cost each and on fur ther condition that defendants re main of good behavior during next two year.s. Cost to include $9.50 for use and benefit of W. G. Stephen son. Howard Marlow given 60 day- on roads. State vs. L Luey Hinnant, white, aged 30, for operating motor vehi- ■cle while intoxicated, publicly drunk and disorderly and profane and in decent language. Not .guilty of op erating’ motor vehicle while intoxi cated. Guilty on charge of being publicly drunk and disorderly and using profane and indecent language on public highway in pre.sence of .3 other per.sons. Defendant sentenced to 30 days in jail to be worked as sheriff sees fit. State vs. Lonnie Corbett, white laborer, aged 25, and W. D. Strick land, white laborer, aged 34, for assault with deadly w’eapon. Both guilty. Sixty day road sentence for each, to be suspended upon payment of $10 fine each and one-half co.st each. Both defendants appeal. State vs. Isaiah Ashford, colored farmer, aged 34, for assault with .deadly weapon. 60 day road sentence to be suspended upon payment of $10 fine and cost. Smithfield, Feb. 15.—Mr. Law- -■ence U. Bizzell died Sunday at the Veterans’ Hospital in Johnson City, Tennessee at 5 o'clock P. M. -Vlr. Bizzell had been i.n the hos- lital for some time receiving treat- leiit for injuries leceived in the vVorld War An acute heart attack mded his life. He was. a ineiubfit. if the American Legion and was 15 years of age. The parents of the deceased are >oth dead, Dunn having been their lorae at the time of their deaths. The father of the deceased, H. N. lizzell. Was once chairman of the Hoard of Education of Johnston j'ounty. His mother wa.s thg elde.st lister of Mayor J. D. Undei-wood of •his city. Before going- to the Veterans’ ilo.spital, the deceased had made Dis home for leveral years with ^Irs. C. M. Grantham, a sister, in ialeigh, who survives him. Other iving relative.s are another sister, virs. Julius Culbreth of Falcon, N. k; and a brother, James A. Bizzell, vho is profes-or of chemistry at 'ornell University in Ithaca, New York. The body arrived at the Under- •vood undertaking establishment last light, where it was prepared for 'nirial. Funeral sei'vices were held today at tiie home of his sister, Mrs C. M. Grantliam, in Raleigh, ind were conducted by Rev. J. ’’owell Tucker, pastor of the First Bapthst church of Raleigh, and in terment was made at 3 o’clock in Memorial Park Cemetery in Ral eigh. Wake Forest, Feb. 15.—At the •same spot in the river Jordan, Hethabaia, Pale.stine, where John The Baptist bajitized Jesus Chri.st almost 20 centuries ag-o, F. M. Royal ,above. Baptised missionary .-and graduate of Wake Forest Col- le.ge, is .'hown pei-forraing the cere mony with a nati\'e convert. The Reverend Mr, Royall graduat ed here in 1891, in the same class with President E. W. Sikes of Clem- son College, S. C. He is at present director of the American Near East and Holy Land Mission at Shiloah, Ha'fa, Palestine. For several years he had a chapel and tent on Mt. Cannel near the ,-cene of Elijah’s conte.st with the priest of Baal. “T have baptized more, than 1,000 Christians in China and other places,” he said, “and have preached the Gospel to people who hatl never seen a white man before nor liad ever heard of God until told them.” Wake Forest ha.s 45 other-mission aries in foreign hand-. They are in BANK ROBBED Y egg-men forced an entrance to the PaiiK or Spai'ta Thursday nignt and roubed tne safe of appro.ximately .$1,500. fciUtrance to the uuiUtiiig was ga.ned through a rear door and the safe apparently was opened in the usual way by lire combination, with out resort to explosives. The yeggs made a .smooth get-away, leaving no clues for officers to trail. AFTER ROBBERY CLUES Four po.stal insi>ectors sought clues Fiidaj- to the identity of three meji wlio held up a truck at the Sacra mento, California, po.toffice Thurs- ilay higlit and took a registered pouch containing- approximately ^>233,411 in bonds, $810.90 in cur rency and checks and $120 in jewelry making a total of $234,- 341.90. Louis Vienna, a shoemaker, wJio wa-s 111 his. sliop opjxisite tne postoffice, saw the men. WILKES MAN AFTER GARNER’S POST Oscar Dancy, a native of VVilke.s county, IS a candidate to ,-ucceed Vice President-elect John N. Garn er as representative from the 15th congressional district in Texa.s which became vacant when . Mr. Garner resigned to become vice- president. Mr. Dancy is Judge of Cameron county comt. BROTHER AND SISTER KILLED Miss Janie Barnes and Charle-s Barnes, sister ami brother of Mrs. Gordon Finley, of North Wilkesboro, were killed in an automobile acci dent at Jackson-yille, Fla, Friday. Details concerning- the accident were not learned. Mr. Barnes was instant ly killed and Miss Barnes died soon after reaching a hospital. ARRE.STED FOR ROBBING STORE Burch Brown, of Morganton, Cal Watts and Bud Watts, of Charlotte, 'ivere lodged in the Newton jail Fri day on a charge of entering A. R. Miller's store at Claremont and every continent. Its first rejiresenta- stealing about $150 worth of goods, tive was the great pioneer, Mattliew I The men were arrested in Charlotte T. Yate.s wiio left here for China in !846 and did a work at .Shanghai which compared with that of Jud.son and Carey in other lands. “The Howler, Wake Forest College year book, will be dedicated this year to him. Tobacco Specialist T 0 AddressFarmers Mr. E. Y. Floyd, Tobacco Specia list from State College, Raleigh, will addre’s a mass meeting of Johnston county fanners in th-; couithouse, at Smithfield, Monday night, Feb. 20th at 7:30 o'clock. All tobacco faimers who are iiiterested in getting the latest information on the growing of good quality tobacco should attend this meeting and hear what Mr. Floyd has to sav. and Mr. Miller went identified the goods. tliere and WANT OEEKE ABOLISHED Lincoln county commis.sioners in their meeting in Uncolnton adopted a re.solution asking Lincoln’s i-epre- sentative in the general assembly, »V. H. .Sigmon, to abolish the office of county treasurer at the end of this term. Besides taking this .step the board decided to cut salaries of every county official efective July 1, 1933. The amount of the cut has not been determined. FOOD SUPPLY FOR STOLEN NEEDY IS Thieves Get Meat And Chickens Too Selma Kiwanis Club Entertains E'armers Smithfield, Feb. 15.—Thieves en tered the barn of Robert G. San- ilers at his farm in the .suburbs of Smithfield last Friday night during a heavy rain and sleet storm and carried away a quantity of meat and at the same time they got all hi> chickens, causing a loss of not les.s than $100.00. The thieves used an automobile or light truck which was parked a short distance away from the buildings. Mr. Sandens had 40 fine black Minorca hen- which he prized very highly, and he kept them locked up in a tobacco bam at night; but the thieves broke the lock and got them all. He kept two locks on the door of his other barn, but these too were broken and 26 pieces of meat, including 20 nice hams, 5 shoulders' and one side, were missing. This meat is understood to have been from hogs weighing- between 100 and 200 pounds each after being dres.sed. There were 60 pieces of meat in the bam, but the thieves probably could not carry it all at one trip. Fort unately for Mr. Sander-s, who raises quite a lot of meat, for both home use and for market, he had moved the greater part of his meat to his residence in town. Mr. Sanders was at hi.- home sick and the theft was not discov ered until Saturday morning. A large number of farmers fioin various sections of Johnston county were guests of the local Kiwan:.-. club on last Thursday night at a most 'delightful banquet. Kiwanian Harper was toastmaster for tlie oc- ca-ion and called on cjuite a num ber of the vi.-iitors for talks. Among- those responding were Count.v Agent J. B. Slack, of Smithfield; Monroe Pittman, Jesse Barden, Freeman' Kroadwell, all of Selma R. F. D., Rev. L. T. Singleton, C. W. Scales and others. The principal address of the evening was delivered by Dean Tom Brown, of State College, State Direc tor of Vocational Education. Mr. Brown was introduced by Kiwanian Singleton and made a very interest ing and helpful addre-s. Prof. W. B. Cmmpton, of Lumber- ton, formerly head of the Selma schools, will be present tonight (Thursday) and speak to the club. CONVALESCING. Mr. Sam P. Wood has been indis posed for several days, but is now able to be out again. Mr. E. V. Deans has been con fined to his home for several days, suffering from an attack of “flu”. The friends of Dr. Vick will be glad to know that he i.s much im proved. He has been confined to home limits for several days. His many friends are glad to welcome Rev.. D. F. Waddell back home again from a Norfolk Hospit al with renewed health. J. H. Ro-e, superintendent of the Greenville .schools, says he has dis covered the “meanest man” in the world. Wednesday night a, thief ent ered the soup kitchen at Third street .school, stole half of the food supply in the pantry and then es caped. The food wa- being used in the feeding of the children of the poor and consisted of meats and a large quantity of canned goods. NO CLUES FOUND No trace has been found of the three men who held up the night clerk, Plez Mar.shall, at the Log Cabin Filling- Station just out of the city limits of Newton Wednesday morning. COND UC'l'O R I N.U Ht EI) His skull fractured by a lump of coal alleged to have been thrown by a negro hobo, Capt U. G. Ward, of Asheville, Southern railway freight conductor, is reported i n a serious condition in Hendersonville hospital. Willie Smith, negro, was arrested on a charge of throwing tlie coal which struck tlie conductor. TOO MANY COMMISSIONERS Davidson county only neils three county commissioners ami three board of education members, in the opinion of the five now cinstitut- ing the county board. Hence they have forwarded a resolution to the county’s representatives in the legi- lature asking that both boards he reduced from five to three. WHISKEY SEIZED IN E.\GLK’8 LODGE The lodge rooms and buffet of Carolina aerie, 1171, Fraternal Order of Eagles, in Wilmington, wag raided recently by a squad of feder al prohibition agents with Louis Goodman, president of the aerie and fonner United States commissioner, and A. M. Stone, steward, being ar- re ted on charges of conspiracy to violate the prohibition law. Agents said an early count showed 36 gal lons of liquor and about 20 gallons of beer were found and confiscated at the club. GEN. PERSHING’S DEAD BROTHER James F. Pershing, 71, younger brother of General Pershing, died in ■a New York hospital Thurstiay night of heart disease.