// r The J ohnsionian Single Copy 5c number 7. VOL. 25 JOHNSTON COUNTY CO-OPS TO MEET War Birds in Their Nest on Pacific Smithfield, Feb. 11. — Johnston County stockholders and pa.trons of the Farmers Cooperative Exchange and members of the Cotton Associa tion will gather in the Legion Hut here Thursday, Feb. 19th, at 2:30 p. in. for their annual joint meeting-,. Jack Edwards, manager of the John ston FCX Service, announced here to day. Principal speaker at the meeting will be M. G. Mann, general manapr of both the North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Associaticm an the Farmers Cooperative Exchange, who will report on the past year s op erations of both cooperatives. In a dition a complete report on the opera tions of the Johnston FCX Service ivill be given. , , , ^ The program will also include the selection of an advisory board aroun ’the. local FCX for the ensuing year and the election of delegates to at tend the Cotton Association distn meeting at which candidates wU be nominated for director of this distrm^ The present local FCX advisory hopd is composed by M. C. Hpks, ton, route 1; T. C. Barbour, of Four Oaks, route 3; R. H. Lassitp, of Fsp Oaks, route 3; Rufus W S^^^ders, oj: Pour Oaks, route 1, and J. B. of Princeton, route 2. rmblic The meeting is open to Mr. Edwards said, inviting all inter ested in agriculture to attend^ view, however, of our go anneal for all of us to save tires anU oil and gasoline and wear and tear pointed out that the meeting schedule has been a^o^^ed early « the hope that ers can plan one ot . they to Smithfield in such a that t^^y can attend without having t extra driving. iSELMA BOY DIES IN WAR ACTION Parents of Kennit Notified He Was Pacific Zone. Stallings Killed In Allen, Murderer of Three Persons, On Trial For His Life -^The parents of Kermit Stylings, Selma youth who had been m Pacific service with the U- S. Navy, ^ ” W/'/^o ficiaiiy natified of their sons death Rntmer Towoship Farmer, Was on December 7. - lyir Herman Allen, oan hIc Rmth- The 22-year-old youth, _son of Mr.| ^ ^ fUf- Murder OI H-IS ttrOm and Mrs. William Clem Stallings of Selma, route 1, was reported oy the Navy Department on December 21 to he missing following action m e war zone. The young man had served with the Navy for two years and was a fireman first class at .the time o his death. The final telegram, just re ceived by the parents, was ® ficial Washington declaration confir ing the fact that Kermit had died while in performance of his duty. Surviving .the youth three brothers, Roger, J- • Willie Stallings of Selma Route L and four sisters, Mrs. J. B- Cap^ ot 5plma Route 1, Mrs. Elton E. Boykin of Kenly, Route 2, and Misses Mamie ' and Louise Stallings of Selma, Route 1. [erman Allen, Banner , Placed On Trial For the Murder ol His Broth erdn-law, Grady Lee, In Johnston perior Court Wednesday Afternoon — Judge Jeff D. Johnson Is Presiding. SMITHFIELD, Feb. laborer of Banner township for the ^ee. der way today f -20 tne defendant, was mother of the slam 1 1 f o Ti «! aircraft carrier ready to take to the Planes on the deck of a . ■ ^ j Japanese air or sea forces, air on patrol duty, '»•/'’JV.fVu S navy offensive patrol force some- This picture v^s *n^de with - y^^ action, but were where in the Pacific ocea . ^ ,^_„yed for publication by navy.) “looking for the real thing.” (Approvea lor pu „ FIFTY YOUNG MEN GO TO FORT BRAGG County Ready F or New Registration ~~ ~ ^ ~ All Men Between 20 and 44 Who 1 SELMA MAN BUYS Hav» N,»t p«vi»udy I pBREED HORSE Father of ‘Fast Time’ Visions 2-Hour Pushup Have rsioi tered Must Do So Monday At Points Indicated Below Roosevelt wiH asm loi Time—a two-hour pushup of --h tion’s mechanical timepieces—o s probably late in Apr 1 fand, “father of daylight saving, pre '’'Silica Pittsburg introduced leadership States and in token SS Cdrow. Wilson and President Franklin D. Rooseve ScSy signed the 1918 and 1942 forecast the move to sfe still aimther hour of sunshine on hee s °'nf'^pTedictthat the President vvRl .eel ?o advance the clocks again in tatter's" «.«• UTurcniu ^11 came to to Washington and that tney uct some agreement. i,een on Great Britain, X out- Xl^’^Vw^rl^ War^ Ih/X ■•■“\?ri?thnrtaS time, Sw/S summer penoh If o- clocks were advanced anoth^^ '’'difference between British and rierica?clocks would be restored throughout the year. All men between the ages of 20 and 44 who have not previously register ed’wth some draft board are requir ed to do so on Monday, February 16. Just when the men who register nexs- Monday for the draft will be called is not known, but since the serial numbers will not even be a-^ailable March 9th, it is notexpected ,1.^^ ,.r4ii \\cx wiitn- Chicago.—Jasper Pittman of Selma recently purchased a young Percheron stallion from the Whit ey- Davis Farms of Qayton. The stallion is named King Oberon, is a sdky grey and will be two years old on Blay 1st. Sales of Percherons have risen con siderably during the fall and winter months, according to the records of the Percheron Horse Association at Chicago, and prices now are much Sovf ’those of the 1940-41 levels. before marcn uui, n- ‘"'.rT' -ti, than any of them wall be ca e wi. _ the 194U-41 ievei». io the next.30 da^s.^^ men XelL-s^pXX increasing demand - Mr.nHavwill iFpir ton horses. Dr. G. n. -, county: Courthouse—Smithfield. Old ABC Store—Bensom School Building—Four Oaks. School Building-Cleveland. Community Hnt-Pleasant Grove. Community Hut-Wilson f-Wl®- School Building—Peacock s Cross ’Xentonville—Beasley’s Store. Johnston County Draft Board No. 2 announced Saturday J^XlowiX would he conducted at ^e foRo g points within the Selma Draft Boards ’"sit-Office of Local Board, with ^SytlJn-VoXXtwithJ.T.Page ’"cSh-Holder-At CoHnth-Holder school building, with R. E. Larp "’'K?nly-Band Hall, with Paul D. Grady in charge. The law requires that all male p sons who were horn on or ^fter jeh^ ruarv 17 1897 and on or betore ne cember 31, 1921 to register for possi ble military service. Radio Commentator To Speak At Court House Breeders reporr an » for their top horses. Dr. G. H. Hmes, of Hume, 111., for instance, says that heY'gekng fifty dollars a team more for his Percherons than he did two months ago; C. William Pearson of Mitchellville, la., reports the sanie increase holds true in his section of the country. While this increase in sales and nrices is due in some measure to the rationing of f^es and parts many breeders feel that the rise also can oe attributed to the fact that current draft horse breeding m fb® ™d States is far below normal replace ment requirements Selma Man Promoted To Corporal In Marmes PINE LEVEL PEOPLE hurt IN ACCIDENTS W E. DehnXX^s f nimentator, ’ » • fV«o rourt h.ous6 will speak in the cour -,-iock if ^rWveRomed by many who ,\t^‘gVew‘into one ’'IftefhirtShe will conduct an XXffrShfw^ taken to Duke After his talk, ^ bm ^he eye was removed. Miss Gladys Pendergraft, of Pine L.“r‘tridiS days ago when a pie_ce^oJ^ kmdling. ask itliGin. ^ iiTid.GV th© Mr Debnam is coming ^lo+inns — - . chairman. The United States Marine Corps is pf ud to announce .that Wilham R. Watson of Selma, route 1, was pro moted to the rank of Corporal m United States Marine Corps After Watson completed his recru trails at .the Marine Corps Train ing Base on Parris Is and, S- C.. he wfs sent to the Naval Air StaUom Pensacola, Florida, where he is ^'clrpoval Watson is qualified as e pru“thfuSf ?'tb: hXiX Watson’s rapid promotion with the the service but also to .- 1 who enlist now an opportunity to rapidly in the ranks. morning by the local Selective Service 1Bo™No."2, for P-XXu"brg"- ina,tion. and all wbo pass will be g ’■ en classifications and called for inuu aywfrth Ba, T.H D.vi. Mncrton Wootow S. Baffin S™T,e.n,Sett™.«.lXX'S,ta Gurley, r'XX 'i„Lu Fruiklin Daughtry, Selma, w Barnes, Selma, Rou e 1 Osca jTalton. Renly, Pmute ,_ a. . c-rd. Wendell, Wilkerson. Crocker, Ken y, .House, Kenly. Rou e ^ Ja^we Pine Level, Willian colum- Boykin, Wendell, Boute K Dt bus Batten, Selma; Paul Pete i Xd'Tupp^rt Shehdan aayWn;^^^^_ ly. Route 2; James R.attle ’^evel; ^iSe^s'^T^mpson,’ Smithfield, Leon Sanders Richardson, Route 2, Jesse .^Riiam Allen Wendell B^ro ’te 2; Benjamin El- Broom, Kenly, I Route 2; Allen bert Batten, Route 1; Raymond Barims, ^ jeii, Rt.' Tsador Baynor Williams, |l; Nathanml Wilson F 13; James Llarencex n’Neal. of Route 2; Furope^ Alvin'Orvis Peedin, Wendell, Route ^ person Eason, Selma, Ball Wallace Hol- S:K;"r>^X^FlDal^C^n ton Joseph Sugg, Prmceton. Selection of a jury which begun Tuesday afternoon at o ;30 was completed at 11 :o0 whem the 13th juror was selected- Comd. Donald T. Giles, U.S.N., VtlXn'Sn”’. Hta live in Annapolis, Md. FORMER KENLY MAN assistant TO NYA Raleigh, Feh. 11.—The appointment of Thomas H. Broughton of Dunn and Lenoir, as administrative assistant to the administrator of the b-ation Youth Administration for b,orth Carolina was announced ■ today State NYA Administrator, John a. Broughton will direct civihap de fense activities of the NYA for North Carolina, serving as liaison tween the State NYA and the Oftice 'of Civilian Defense. .Tbro^gbJocal NYA advisory committees Ibjou„ out the State, the work of the NYA Xl be coordinated with activities of local defense councils. The NYA is cooperating vitb civilian defense agencies throughout i Cth Carolina in the production of arm bands for civilian defense ^ohln 'teel workers, surgical dressings em- erglnwy stretehers. blackout curtains to more than 75 other articles and Ltatee. for clvili." Prior to joining the State i staff in May 1941 as Sector o^in- j’^xe-iM-rmirSK ton, of Kenly. Mrs. Lee testified that she- Grady Lee, her daughter, Mrs. Her- man Allen, and Rufus Massengill, 10- vear-old son of Mrs. Allen by a for mer husband, were at her home when Allen arrived around 6 a. m. e knocked .twice, then went to the w n- Lw and shot Grady Lee, who was sit ting at the breakfast table eating, and told her that if she did not operi the door he would shoot her. She said she went .^0 the bedroom and woke up her daughter telling her that Herman had ’"’’she^atfshe heard Herman say, after shooting her son, “You’ll open fV)p door now will you. ^ „ * *j Mrs. Lee testified that he would open the door and that she was afraid and left, going to the home f Carl Lee and from there coming. IS Ms So" to Smithfield for officer. Before getting out of home she heard her daughter calU^ “Mama” but she was afraid After coming to Bmithfiel , turned .+0 h er home and saw Graay Lee lying on the kitchen ftao^^Se he had fallen when shot, with his face covered with'bload and hlopd over the '’when asked if her son gave her trouble Mrs. Lee said he was just as ‘‘'¥to"fecond .Itne., little Rufus Massengill, 'Mrs. Allen got away and ™n out about the smokehouse. He said Allen W At him and he fell to the ground S. Id™.l.y kot ,p and »„ ™d.r (Continued on page eight) Seen and Heard Along the MAINDRAG :By H. H. L. ‘ o -iiScru^AHier Former Kiwanis Head ^ £!ed In Accident Puts On ^ Program ^ t;.--™.... virranis President, the Rev. Smithfield, Feb. 11.—Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Register of Bn'ithfleld were no tified today by Army offi ers^ at SnrJoe^pSlsttr! had been Injured in a motorcycle accidenL Former Kiwanis D M. Clemmons, w-as progra at the local Kiwapis club on last Thursday evening. Papers were dis tributed to each Kiwanian anda^iL «■- irri.mr.Ss G. W. Grier, funSmhh^or OSCAR D. JOHNSON Eddie Ballinger, 40-^®^? anTye dent of Pine Level, also lost an eye recently while splitting kindling. A olelrof wood flew into one of his eyes, necessiatting its removal. "T operation was performed at Duke Hospital Local A. T. & T. Co. Men Now In Charlotte cle acciuem. was"a£ to ans’^ver certain questions The message stated that Sergeant p^ogranichairma , SSXtir : - answ. . * . i-V\£k Funeral "’as held Sunday afternoon n«car D. Johnson, o> ox > for uscar u. . route 2, who ^led at h Meadow CalvLy Bap- « TViP rites were at noon. The Johnson- JiUV/li.. — "ee ceme^ry, near the home. e,“n«U- tr-ta cntt|« XTUTd was"treated by Dr. E. N. Booker. Lt. Henry A. Lassiter Returns From Iceland Mr G H. Younger of the local Mr. G. , & Telegraph American ieiepnone char- company, left Wednesday for Char^ lotte, where he will take a cours „Wype^mai„M^.X, Telephone and Telegraph company, has gone to Charlotte, where he will l!elie?e the engineer outside ptofo^ the 30th district, comprising and South Carolina'. anu Biio* - if fboir son at tbo camp. Wealt Register is the twin broth Serg rViorlp^; Refdster, who er of. Sergeant Charles was .injured an a ■rhr.ta.rScr,m.d tro-m hi. inih. Both brother, are stattoned at Fort Jackson. Selma Youth Gets New Rating At Fort Jackson COTTON MARKET ir- f,r./1ov’s cott The following is bv °'^the Prin Son of Sel- ""sWct‘’Middlihg “ Middling - - ..Q o.4c Strict Low Bright W 3 Strict Low Dark livestock Lt Henry A. Lassiter of the United States Marine Corps who has recto ly been wRh Mrs. Lassi- X, r --h Renfrew. A .ener^Xr^nTaltoToto, • some rime iX wRh'i;. Lassi-1 St|ly X, the former^Jg Sntof W C. State College Ex- He ®^P®®^"X/s Lassiter wfill motor tension Service^^____ to^Ln Wego, California, where Lt. ^ drafted for War ilaSr^'SectB to be stationed Buy a Bond, some time. propounaeu uy eiving the answer by number. ^ A nrize was offered to the one gi “.rald'tSrSrKSr^r^- 1 ard forthwith presented this to M s., ^rtov^f’to be a “interesting and educational contest, and was en- the club will meet at 7^30 .that by sun time the ho , same as usual. P F (Pete) Strickland, son of Mr. rl Mrs R F Strickland, of Setaa, X r..VLi™r.e„i.r. rhr'hee‘;'';s&^fofo.fj“,- Pete sayf he^'is'gertlng along fine and S?lined ,.heut «« “ weight. He is with Hq. battery, Bn.r 113th Field Artillery. New Grand Jury Sworn In For Six Months 1 li T rt a, t i i i * J 1 ^ J ,A" . f '.'Y.e li ^ \ • I ^''7 w"te7 'willilmrof'CKveland j.™» “““s: WALT GODWIN seen buying toma to seed—WALT says he’s planning to set out five acres in tomatoes and Plant ,iwentv-five acres in vegetables plant fowe . looker, m com- Xth’^LAWYER HOBBS, while in.»fo fop*«- "““'■Si'; nvpr a fine Plymouth Rock hen, kill X the Sicken-DR. BOOK^.R stop^ This car went to the home and knoAed 01^ the door-a farm t^man milwered his knock and the good doc- ,tor informed her of the bil'mg of her chick—“I want to pay you for your Vipn. he told her, i rilfyo^te d°oTto put tha°token back just like it was before, she torn LhnJvhy, that’s impossible,’’ said \L doctor, “looks like you that f™,.,,-ou.id Je, BOOk'eR, Ind ta “|y%AYOE Ks%id:htaj-.j.:xss 11 o’clock it was still in session nt 11 0 Vv /4-ir irj town wss ifor;S-tS..tfo a on hand to ®®® i . g__“a few more rlA'o»“id%.tahd,EMEEYMN- chJtt hS “, “ThftaS “TSoN—e'v. nPMNY was one ot the nebi ivi • ’ Rantist ministers m the Primitive Baptist m gj,^BR state-g ad to bave u 5ed by the Quality F^od Store m riSVthe local 1 the REV. aud MRS. GADD|, P of Attorney CARl. GAuy , Maindrag Tuesday evening - come ■m '".I 'f-.m

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