. ■ = ■ . . . > I V.’»V ■^p ■ lv|:'l - i' ! »'4 5 ‘I iHI 1^ PAGE SIX THE JOHNSTONIAN - SUN, SELMA, N. C. — THURSDAY, FEB. 19, 1942 1942 Review of Progressive Neighboring^^^ GURKIN’S TAVERN Steam Heated Brick Cabins Located on U. S. Highway 301 be tween Selma and Smithfield, at inter section of Highway 70. Telephone County 9111, Smithfield, N. C. Their steam-heated brick cabins are equipped with toilets and shower baths, and are well conditioned. So Vhen the weather is hot, come spend the night in one of their cool cabins. But during the winter months all of their cabins are heated, so spend any Pight and you will be more than pleased. They also specialize in fried chicken and steak dinners, sizzling hot. Their oyster bar is now in full Swing. Try their steamed oysters once and you will be a regular patron. This writer has—and personally rec ommends them to the public. It’s a common expression, “Meet me at Gurkin’s Tavern”, which, of course, means that is a popular estab lishment. This is an indication of the great popularity of the place. Since being established it has gained in popularity until today it occupies the position of being one of the leading social centers in this section. The management of Gurkin’s Tav ern invites the people of this territo ry to pay them a visit. Gurkin’s Tav ern is known for good food. A repu tation sustained by the community as well as motorists and the traveling public. The courtesy and attention of the attendants is a feature that receives more than passing notice from the patrons. Mr. Gurkin, seeing the opportunity of the day, has established a tourist camp that is a real home for the family and car with all modem facil ities at popular rates. Mr. Gurkin welcomes all motorists .to Gurkin’s Tavern who wish to stay for one night or longer at his mod ern camp and can assure them that every convenience wll be placed at their disposal. This Tavern is co-oper ating in every way possible with the Defense Program of America. GUY-C. LEE M’F’G. COMPANY Phone 229-W Guy C. Lee Manufacturing Com pany, Smithfield, N. C., Phone 229-w. While it is always this company’s object to obtain a fair and honest profit from their dealings in lumber, building material and “Everything to Build Anything,” the guiding influ ence of this company has always been a determination to furnish the grade of lumber and building material best suited for the job at a reasonable price, so that the extension and beau tification of the community can pro gress rapidly in leaps and bounds. There is no one establishment in this community that has greater in fluence for the betterment of the building industry than this one. Con tractors and the public in general BRANCH BANKING & TRUST CO Phone 2105 We wish to call attention of the local folks that The Branch Banking & Trust Company is also located in Selma, and Goldsboro, N. C. Sixty-.three years of service. Un der the direction of astute financiers who have gnided this well known bank to substantial progress, evidenc ed by the large business it enjoys and its enviable reputation for safety to depositors. One of the institutions that gives stability to the financial and commer cial interests of the country is The Branch Banking & Trust Co. From the day .that it first opened its doors to the people it has always been un der the management .of conservative yet progressive men, of broad and liberal views in the matters of caring for their patrons’ needs, yet men who have carefully guarded the best in- ■terests of and demanding the fullest security and adhering to the cardinal law of finance. This enviable policy has gained confidence of the people of all the surrounding country and among its customers you will find the majority of the community’s most prominent men and firms. The Branch Banking & Trust Co., conducts a general banking business. I.ts service and advice are sought by the largest corporations as well as by the humblest individual, and in every instance the same courteous treat ment is extended and the same care ful attention given .to the problems Wilson, N G. presented. Its officers are men of high stand ing in their community, and are of sterling character and unassailed re pute. They have always adhered to the soundest principles of banking and are well deserving of the mag nificent patronage that has been ex tended to their ably managed institu tion. The Branch Banking & Trust Company is one of the most valuable of the section’s many valuable assets. All deposits in this bank are in sured by the Federal Deposit Insur ance Corporation’s plan up to $5,- 000.00. This bank is co-operating in every way possible with the Defense program of America. Located at 206 Masonic Temple Building, Raleigh, N. C. When you' purchase a car on time, new or used, suggest that it be financed through this conservative finance company. They make direct loans and refinance automobiles and trucks. See them for your needs. This is a concern which has many satisfied patrons through out this part of the country and ren ders a valued and essential service, being the foremost one of its kind. No review of the business, agri cultural and industrial interests of this section of the State would be complete without prominent mention of the Marlboro Finance Company of Raleigh, N. C., which adds in no little measure to the progress and prosper- CAROLINA PACKERS, INC. Phone 448 Smithfield, N. G. Located on Highway 301 South of Smithfield, N. C. They provide a su perior (juality of meat products which are in great demand not only in this section, but throughout the country. This leading meat packing company, located near Smithfield, N. C’., is one of the most substantial contributions to .the continued progress and pros perity of this whole community. Carolina Packers, Inc., of Smith- field, N. G., operates under the direc tion of a public spirited management, who is thoroughly familiar with ev ery phase of this essential business. It is a fact beyond question that adequate packing house service is es sential to the progress and expansion — of any community. Therefore, in de tailing the prospects for a Greater Community it is a feeling of satisfac tion that we direct your special at tention to .the Carolina Packers, Inc., of Smithfield, N. C., a local packing institution, operated by dependable and efficient men. It provides the very finest of packed foods. The public thus is assured of wholesome packing house products and of the highest grade. Thus this institution merits your consideration and the liberal support, both of farmers and the public. So it is suggested to .the readers of this paper that they ask for brand meat products. It is further suggest ed to producers of livestock that they get in touch with this firm and ship their stock to them. And this, coupled with the main tenance here of one of .the most mod ern and up to date plants in this sec tion, is responsible for the very sat isfactory service rendered to their patrons over the county and for the fact that every patron of the Caro lina Packers, Inc., is a loyal support er and consistent booster for it. The Carolina Packers, Inc., of Smithfield, N. C., is co-operating in every way possible with the Defense Program of America. COLONIAL ICE COMPANY Goldsboro, N. G. Located on North Center Street, the Colonial Ice Company wishes to announce the opening of their new coal yard, and that they have on hand an adequate supply for immediate de livery. This firm now has an up-to-date meat curing plant in connection with their ice business. They will cure your meats any way you desire, either with plain salt, sugar cured, smoked salt or with hickory smoke, the old style way. All the farmers throughout the country will do themselves a favor by calling around here and see for them- Phone 67 selves what an advantage it will be to have their meats cured here. The prices are of the most pleasing char acter and you are not taking the chance of losing your meats when this plant .takes them in hand. This is a home-owned plant for home people and should receive the cooperation of all the farmers throughout the section. 'fhe Colonial Ice Co., of Goldsboro, always take an active interest in all propositions that offer further im provement to the public, and they are to be commended for giving to the people a meat curing plant .that will ,w that reformation wilfb^l^^^^ given n„ they desire in the lumber and build- ,„>,pther you wish to buj have come to know iney uesiie in , ers supply line can be secured the Guy C. Lee Manufacturing Com pany of Smithfield, N. C-, ® knowledge that it will be of the highest grade, consistent with price. Lumber, lath, doors, sash, interior finish, cement, and “Everything o Build Anything” are furnished by this progressive firm. By purchasing to an advan-age when the market is right and em ploying experienced help, they are able to offer at reasonable prices high grade goods and encourage the extension of home and enterprise. The management extends to the people of .the community a cordial in- ratteTwhether you wish to buy at this time or not. We are pleased in .this edition to give commendable mention to the Gnv C Lee Manufacturing Company rqmithfield N. C., and assure the public that they will receive t^e^best Lrvice and any information tha- - desired will be given m a most coui- teous and obliging manner by this firm’s efficient employees and 've on ly wish that there were more such firms within our midst. This Jo-operating in every "-y possib e with .the Defense Program of Amei- MARLBORO FINANCE CO. Raleigh, N. G. ity of this section and is undoubtedly one of the most progressive and pop ular firms in .this section, and has many satisfied customers. It is a well known fact there is no business in the community that has met with greater favor from the pub lic than this well-known establish ment. By reason of the fact that the Marlboro Finance Co., of Raleigh, N. C., has had wide experience in every feature of this business and be cause of .their comprehensive knowl edge of every branch of the business, this establishment has continued to witness the increase in the number of their patrons. It is important in the return to normalcy that we have con scientious firms like this up-to-date Phone 4658 concern who will aid in the reduction of the price of living for the people. Their policy along this line will be interesting reading for many business men as through their policy they have built up their large and growing bus- There are no more public-spirited citizens in .the community than the management of the Marlboro Finance Co., of Raleigh, N. C. We wish to compliment them and direct attention to their business institution^ of the community as one of the reliable es tablishments which has added to the development and progress of this part of the State. This firm is co-operating in every way possible with the De fense Program of America. WAYNE POULTRY MARKET Located in Goldsboro, N. C., at the Planters Warehouse No. 2, on the Mount Olive Road. If you have poul try, eggs, or country meats for sale, you can do no better than bring them to Wayne Poultry Market in Golds boro, N. C. as they always pay the top market prices for these commod ities. Buy and Sell Produce, Poultry and Eggs While poultry and eggs and coun- ness. We are pleased to compliment try produce may not seem important this ^ latter day business ^ firm yet it is necessary to have an outlet und in this business review wish to The Wayne Poultry Market in Goldsboro, N. C., is one of the most valued institutions in the community and worthy of prominent mention in this review. They purchase poultry and eggs and country produce, and it is one of the very busy places in the community wffiere trading in all of its departments is carried on with promptness. for them and the people of this sec tion are fortunate in having a depot so efficiently managed. This popular firm has always been for honesty and straightforw'ard methods and very fair dealing with everyone who visits the place, consequently this establish ment adds much* to the efficiencies of the city. They have made a host of friends as well as patrons throughout the community and have always been courteous and ready and willing to give the best of service and the high est prices consistent with the condi tions of the market and good busi- direot your attention to the concern as among the important business places of this section. Shopping for. poultry, eggs, and country meats of the better class in this store aids materially in the solv ing of daily food problems. The poul try, eggs, and country meats, corn, etc., of the better class offered and the attractively displayed suggestions make it possible for shoppers to choose more readily and wdsely. For some time this popular con cern has been serving this territory with the best poultry, eggs and coun try meats that money can buy. Try them the next time you are shopping. mean a great saving to the people. They invite you to visit their plant w'hich is always open for inspection to the public. The management of the Colonial Ice Company are among the leadin,g and progressive men of Goldsboro and w'ill always be found .to be counteous and accommodating at all times. This is meat curing time and again w’e wish to impress on the farmers to call around here and learn the totally new advantages of curing their meats and the saving of them. This firm is cooperating in every way possible with the American Defense Program. CAROLINA OFFICE EQUIPMENT Phone 2337 COMPANY Wilson, N. G. Carolina Office Equipment Compa ny, Wilson, N. C., Phone 2337. They are known all over this section of the country as headquarters for of fice supplies, gifts, picture frames, printing and engraving and supplies of all kinds, and all that pertains to a modern and progressive firm of this kind. It is under able and widely exper ienced management and carries a tre mendous stock, being one of the larg est establishments of its kind in the state. It may well be said that no house transacting business in this part of the state has maintained bet ter heritage or has a higher standing as a leading merchandise establish ment than this well known concern. It features stationery, gifts, pic ture frames, printing and engraving, and supplies of all kinds. In fact it is equipped to supply you at all times of the year with the most suitable ar ticles for the office. This firm carries a complete line of office supplies. While this store is one that in point of extent of stock, qual ity goods, workmanship and attrac tiveness of appointment would com pare favorably with the largest es tablishments in metropolitan centers, the prices are most reasonable. It has been the object of this establishment to secure fair and honest profits, but never an exorbitant one. When making selections for office supplies, this up-to-date and complete store should be given first considera tion. It is prepared to serve you in the way of office supplies and we wish to suggest .that the problem of what to buy may be readily and satisfacto- rially solved by a visit to this store of many suggestions. This firm carries a tremendous stock and is known as one of the lar gest establishments of this kind in this section. Always try the Carolina Office Equipment Company, of Wil son, N. C., first if it is anything you find in any store of this kind you will find it there in the highest quality and at .the most attractive price. In charge is a prominent and well known business man of the communi ty whom we wish to compliment. LEGAL NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of an order of ■the Superior Court of Johnston Coun ty, made in the Special Proceeding, entitled, “R. N. Hinnant, Administra tor of John Campbell, deceased, ver sus Mrs. John Campbell, George Campbell, Mamie Campbell, Lillie Campbell Edw'ards, et als.,” the same being No. 1406 upon the Special Pro ceeding Docket of said Court, the un dersigned Commissioner will, on the l&th day of March, 1942, at twelve o’clock Noon, at the Courthouse door in Smithfield, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, that certain parcel of land de scribed in the petition of said pro ceedings, as follows; Beginning at a stake in center of Lowell Road in William Bass line and runs with said line S. 86 E. 46 poles to a hickory, Thomas Stancil’s corner; thence with said Stancil line S. 3 W. 42 1-2 poles to a stake; thence N. 86 W. 65 2-5 poles to the center of Low ell road; thence wdth said road N. 28 E. 47 poles .to the beginning, contain ing 14 2-4 ACRES more or less, this is the division of the Hillary Camp bell lands that descended to his son, Matthews Campbell, the ancestors of these portions. The successful bidder wdll be re quired to make a deposit of .ten per cent (10 per cent.) of said bid. This 18th day of February, 1942. CARL E. GADDY, JR., Commissioner, Feb 19, 26; Mar. 5th, 12th. Refunding Bonds herein authorized shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. That a statement of the debt of the Town has been filed with .the clerk and is open to public inspec tion. Section 4. That the holders of said Refunding Bonds shall be subrogated to all the rights and powers of the holders of the indebtedness refunded thereby. Section 5. That this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and shall not be submitted to the voters. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 5th day of February, 1942, and W’as first published on the 12th day of February, 1942. Any action or pro ceeding questioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after its first pub lication. M. R. WALL, Town Clerk and Treasurer. 2-12-2t. NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as Executrix on the estate of Mrs. Josephine Perry, deceased, hereby no tifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 29th day of January, 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of .their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate pay ment. This 24th day of January, 1942. MRS. RENA BLACKMAN, 1111 La Fayette Ave., Rocky Mount, N. C. l-29-6t NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. MOTHER & DAUGHTER STORE AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING $25,000 REFUNDING BONDS. North Carolina, Johnston County, in the matter of Aline McLamb Wilson, N. G. MR. S. LEVINSON, Mgr. Phone 2544 Located in Wilson, N. C., Phone 2544, this firm features a' full line of women’s and misses’ wearing appar el, coats, tailored and custom suits, and many specialties. Keep right abreast of the .times and offers the surrounding territory the newest fashions at prices that are most rea sonable. This is a North Carolina in stitution and not a national chain system. The choosing of ladies ready-to- wear has much to do with her per sonal appearance. It is a well known fact that when a lady enters a place where the people in charge under stand what manner of dress will fit her own style of beauty she is sure to go out well gowned. This is one feature of this establishment which has won for it the reputation of be ing a good store which comprehends the personal note in the selection of dresses. They buy from the best and most exclusive houses, the custom in creases with each season. In ladies’ ready-to-wear you have at your service those many little ac cessories of dress which characterize the attire of the progressive women of today, and one must look far and wide to find a stock more complete and attractive. One might devote much space to a description of .their modern and high- grade stock, but let it suffice to say that you would expect to locate in the headquarters of such an estab lishment as this one. _We are pleased in .this edition to give favorable mention to the Moth er and Daughter Store of Wilson, N. C.,. in their field of endeavor and to say that those who are particular as to their personal appearance can not do better than to consult this popular store which is gaining in cus tom daily. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Selma: Section 1. That the Town of Selma issue its bonds, pursuant to The Mu nicipal Finance Act, 1921, as amend ed, in an amount not exceeding $25,- 000 for .the purpose of refunding a like amount of the principal of valid subsisting bonded indebtedness of the Town of Selma, which indebted ness was incurred for necessary ex penses and was authorized by the vote of a majority of the qualified voters of said Town and is evidenced by $25,000 Improvement Bonds, dated February 1, 1912 and due February 1, 1942. Section 2. That a .tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said vs. John O. McLamb. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS—For sale at The Johnstonion-Sun office at 75 cents each. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Carl E. Gaddy, Jr. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Over Davis Dept. Store SELMA, N. C. Dr. W, B. Johnson—Dr. T. P. Bullard Consultations DENTISTRY PHYS-IO-THER-A-PY Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday! of Each Week SELMA, NORTH CAROLINA DR. R. M. BLACKMAN DENTIST — PHONES — Office 110 Res. 96-j MASONIC BUILDING Selma, N. C. Selma Lodge No. 320, A. F. & A. M. Meets Every First and Third Tuesday at 7:30 P. M. Visiting Brethren Invited D. S. BALL, Master W. T. WOODARD, Secretary The defendant above-named will take notice that an action has been commenced in Superior Court of Johnston County to obtain an abso lute divorce: said defendant take no tice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court at the Courthouse in Smith- field, North Carolina, on the 26th day of February, 1942 and answer, or de mur to the complaint or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded. This January 26th, 1942. H. V. ROSE, Clerk Superior Court Johnston Co. J. C. Avery Watch the label on your paper. INSURANCE — and — REAL ESTATE Property for Rent or Sale SEE J. C. AVERY Phone 86-J Selma,.N. C.