mi The J nhnstonian-Sun Selma Graduates Received Diplomas Monday Night MAN SECURES RIDE; HOLDS UP DRIVER Hitch Hiker Draws Gun On Driver At Underpass Near Clayton—Was Later Caught And Lodged In Jail. Raleish Minister To Conduct Revival Here — To Conduct Revival T5 ^ Pari Wnvlev Jr., Mildred D^r- SENIORS-Readmg leftto r^ht hour, Jean Davis Dorothy Chestnut, Doris Turner, Green Phillips—-n^ivpv ===^ Smith, Billy Oliver, Franklin Dri^ Dr. Booker Elected Legion Commander At a meetiniV^ma Post 141^0^1 the American ^ Jght the Legion building on Tuesday rngn folUng officers were gected.^^^_ Commander—Dr. L. i • ^ 1st Vice Commander—E. B. Creec Vice Commander — IN. a. SATURDAY, MAY 23 WILL BE POPPY DAY] 2nd Branch. ■ 3rd Vice Commander J. Willard O’Neal. Adjutant Finance W. Officer- Service Officer- Guardianship D. Perkins. -E. H. Griffin. _W. L. Etheridge. Officer — John H ^Tergeant-At-Arms-H. D^ Benson. Chaplain—John Q. A. Jeffreys. Historian—O. A. Athletic Officer—E. B. breech. Welfare Officer — Hunter Child Price. Americanism Officer—J. M. Peele. Registration Officer—C. A. Graves State Officer—C. H. Grant. Boy ry x>o> _ _ Memijership Chairman A. Hen- Publicity Officer- Chairman Bailey. R. A Sons _W. D. Perkins, of Legion—C. A. -p A Jones was in line for the H' f i-Vio Post hut since if-arjr.. Ind Xn the^ ®e?vicf Dr.^ Book- ■SdXrL'post from tinie they felt that the least they ^ was to elect him as their er had to time, could do commander.- COTTON FESTIVAL AT SMITHFIELD MAY 22 The Smithfield Kiwanis Club The J^’^vai, com- STltyle Show, Baby Show and bining Dog Dog Show, to be held at the ^old !,.( Warehouse MW, MW ^ 8,0» p. m., Tt* tXSvileg.d AM- Dimes, quarters and dollars drop-1 ^ ped into the coin boxes of the Poppy b Girls” this year mil aid t^e victim of the present war, as well as those of the first World War. According to the Selma Unit of the American T,pof,''on AuxiliS'Ty. , . - The Auxiliary is rapidly completing arranaements for the annual obser- , vance of Poppy Day on May,23^ ^'^hen „„„ml PoM* t S2y throughout the city y ,„i,,r,tpers members. A large corps of voluntj^^ is being formed to work the en.-ire day bringing flowers of Pat-otiy- membrance to everyone m the city This year the poppy not only honors and aids the men who defend ed America twenty-four years ago fndXir families, hut ajso those de- fpuding America today and families. Funds collected on dX wm be used in the work the Legion and Auxiliary are doing f the disabled of both wars and for the needy families of men m the service twenty years ®"'P^g“°^ep"ndents. QpT’vic© m©n S-Tici V They are able to make every dohar do maximum service in Their volunteer workers have h W training and know the quickest iSarv for aid, and we want to gXXem the benefit of our service. The increased burden calls for creased funds. We ^op® that the will be generous on voppy Dav this year because from the con Day tuis y poppies comes tributions made for ^ for the principal means of PP our work during tne entire y ahead. Last Saturday afternoon a wffite man who gave his name as Guy tiiu Lew,Is of Kinston, stopped over at | the store of Barney Mooneyham near Clayton, and later when Mr. Mooney ham had to make a trip on his car to Clayton, Lewis told him he would like .to secure a ride to Clayton m o 4er to catch a bus to Kinston. When they came to the underpass on the western outskirts of Clayton, Lewis is alleged -to have drawn a pistol on Mooneyham, telling him to “drive on or he would kill him.” Mooneyham grabbed the gun and m the scuffle lost control of the car which ran mto an embankment and turned oyer. Three marines passing at the tmie m tervened and tried to halt Lewis shot back at them as he ran tovaid some woods nearby. ^ rio,, ■Mooneyham was carried to a ui y •ton doctor by the Marines "'tio ""tn fi’ed the police. He was treated tor bruises about the face and ^ead and a bite on a hand. He was not ser '^aXXo minutes later the police found Lewis, attempting to hide m some hedges, in the yard of Mrs^Ron Gower, about 200 yards_ from where the car overturned, resistance. He had emptied the pistol chamber of cartridges. The arresting officers were Joe Turner Barnes, Garland Young and Otto Mayor Arthur of Clayton at a Mon day morning hearing ordered Lewis bomd over to a higher ®®”t on charges of carrying a concealed wea pon assault with deadly weapon and fnterfering with an automobile driver .causing a wreck. , ‘ Proable cause” was found y Judge Larry Wood in Recorders I court Tuesday and Lewis was bound over to Superior VluSv jbond. He is now in Johnston County jail. The Rev. R -H. Satterfield of Raleigh Will Conduct A Series of Evangelistic Services At the Selma Baptist Church, Be ginning Sunday Morning, May, 17th At Eleven O’clock. REV. ROBT. H. SATTERFIE1.D JOHNSTON MAN IN AUSTRALIA Plans have been made for a pries of evangelistic services to begin at the Selma Baptist chmch Sunday morning, May 17th, at H o ®Dck The meeting will continue with two serv ices each day for about ten days, ac cording to an announcement by the Rev. D. M. Clemmons, pastor ot tne church. . J • „ The morning services dur.ng the week will be held at 9:30 and the evening services will be held at J o’clock. . . The music for .these services will be rendered by the three choirs of the church, under the direction of _Mip Naomi Smith, who taught music m the local public school during the term ju&t closed. . .. j The publ-x is cordially invited to attend all these services. Come, and share these good things with your family, your neighbors and your friends. Sgt. John H. Goff, of Princeton, Veteran of 21 Years In Army Now With Gen. MacArthur s Forces In Australia—Brother of Major F. Goff, .of Princeton. Clyde L. Standi Speaks In Sanford SALV AGE PEN TS ERECTED NEAR BANK DR. E. N. BOOKER Officers In Johnston Capture Liquor Stills for benefit of dren. Smithfield, May iff J. Monroe Parker reported th^ raiding of two bootleg liquor stills in lower Banner Township, near the Sampson County line on Wednes a. ^^X*Hrst, he said, was a copper oil- burnfng still of about 60 gallon capa- iS X the next, about a mile away was a galvanized outfit known as a “submarine,” made partly of wood ' and Xtly of tin. They confiscated ifbarrels'of mash at the firsL mne at the last, and found abound ten gal Ions of whiskey hid about 50 yards 'T..S.“Ske‘r'ta Ih. »ids ".J T-v 4.- A! T Whitlev? Frank Hood, ?’c ani m Barber, th. .ab; t iTtmtS jailor and ’•‘Snrtabl. Joe Koydl reported the Barbour. A pen, enclosed with wire ,was erected this week near the Branch Banking & Trust .the purpose of receiving all kinds_ ot scrap rubber, scrap iron, scrap wire etc K you have any of these articles on hand that you do not need don t throw them away but place them in tMs pen, as Uncle Sam has need for C E. Bingham, chairman of the Johnston County Salvage commit tee announces -that all tm tubes col lected by druggists and others m the county, are to be shipped to their drug wholesaler when the amount has reached five pounds or more The shipments are to be made by mail, 'tb.nJiX'rLn will deliver to the smelters designated by the war department. Selma Man Chosen As Navy Instructor Five men who w'ere enlisted at been selected for service school in ''T^lrare Callie L. Stocks, Ayden; Woodrow W. Parker, GoWshoro, Dan iel T. Blue, Jr., Laurmburg, Grover P. Temple, Lillington, and, WiUis M. Barbour, Selma. ^ First Sergeant John Henry Hoff, so! of Mrs. Betty Goff and the late John T. Goff of Princeton, and veter an of 21 years in the Army, is wi_ General MacArthur’s Army forces m entered .the Army aviation ser vice at Pope Field, Fort Bragg, m 1921 as a member of the 22nd Obser- Xmii Squadron. Army aviation was than comparatively in.its infancy and it was the time when the famous Lih erty-motor amSBed people by deve op ing 450 horse-power and had a cruis ing speed of no miles an hour The present Bell aricobra horse- miles per hour and has 2,000 horse ^°Hr'then served seven years m the infantry at Fort McPherson Ga., but deceived an appointment and re urimd, tn the Air Corps at Kelly Ixlu. « . was among the first contingents to go ro pSph Field and from there he XXnfto the Southteastern Trmn insr School at Maxwell Field. Aia. FromXre, Sgt. Goff went to Merid ian Miss., where he took charge o the’ motor transportation unit of the Sn'Coff was assigned to duty with a supply unit several months ago and mailed for Australia. -r^ r, cc .-.r Xis a brother of Major F Goff of pri-ncHon. who served with the 30th with the y/.- class and participated *^® ^^er, Lhe “Order of Purple Heart", ,;r--VM»VMe£.” aud "received a I tatiou from Goreuliat- Anolb.r brcrtb.rt G. »■ f '"„i„ .S,^“|f*prdl?urw.rb.„«.u Naval construction. Sanford, May 8.-Clyde L. Stancil of Smithfield, State Councilor of the Junior Order United American Me chanics, and Forest G. Shearin of Scotland Neck, State secretary of the order, were speaking guests at the semi-annual meeting ^®f of the 17th District of the Stare ^°In°the absence of S. J. Husteth of Sanford, district councilor, W. M. Thomas of Broadway, councilor, presided. T. L Riddte of Sanford is district secretary W. G. Sugg of Sanford was reelected trustee of^the Junior Order Orphanage, at Lexington, representing the district. Legion Auxiliary To Meet Friday Night Selma Unit No. 141 of the Ameri- ran Lesion Auxiliary will meet rn day night May 15th at 8 o’clock _m the Assembly Room of the Legion Buildtr with Mesdames N. A. Branch Herbert White and W. H. Creech as hostesses. Miss Mamie Bailey will have charge of the ^ election of officers will take place Sd delegates to the State Conven tion in Asheville will be aPPon^eL Plans for Poppy 23rd will be completed. This is a very’ important meeting and all mem- hero are asked to show the.r patriot ism and be present. RUMOR ABOUT BIG DRAFT ORDER FALSE democrats to meet SATURDAY Army Coal Bins Are Being Made At Angier County Chairman A. F. to'LetXsXhfield Satur day at 2 o’clock in convention. 'Approximately $50.00 m P^f ® AB entries will be taken care of at tL7Slmu Co. Sml.bb.ld. Bablea and sponsors rtd ' b .jj Vara fireuised in cotton, tne Dames _ t Sed into two .groups: from m- fancy to 3, and from 3 W 6. There wfi^ SrirTAX^w?into The "y^iiiis Austin, son Mrs M. Edmund Aycolk, Mrs. r Smp ha. entered • 1. Creecn.) son oi hj-l Mr’s L Durwood Creech; Johnnie iSs-rwXxrsSLt tered her Spitz dog. Smithfield Church. Adds 40 New Members kenly students SH I . WAR BONDS attention- bicycle RIDERS! Eleven new members were received into the First Baptist church in Smithfield by baptism at the r®^iar evening worship service recently, five XA'candidates for t>aP^ ^ ^ere unable to be present at the time will be immersed at anotner baptismal service to be 1 ■“‘"‘ir.he" cS. by CtS comvng into the cnurca • 24 other persons have had the names added .to the church roles since the start of the current church year last October. The membership now stands at 450. You’re not working very hard un less you're thinking very hard. Kenly—The Kenly school project to sAl War Bonds and stamps prov^ very profitable. Interest was sho^ by all the stuuents in school f*’®™ ^ first grade through the senior class. Bobbie Winhorn and Lula Atkmson, with the assistance of Mrs. Elwm Watsom had charge of the campaign The total sales to $150.20 with Mrs. J. B. Long s "u™'vnbrrnUr.Ew“ purchase of $lb.4U ana mi Watson’s ®lf ®^^^, |rf2®5. with a purchase , » M8 75 There were seven bonds of $18-7& value bought and two ^®«ds oi $3L50 value, making a total of f “®i^| converted to national ® ®^ . ^ig^ students and teachers at Kenly nign school since January 27. Owing to the increase in bi cycles in Selma, it necessary that we call your Sntion to the necessity of refraining ®^ of sidewalks m the town Selma. To nde on the side walks endangers the- Me or small children, and older peo Die of our town. The pdewalks were made to walk on, and therefore, we ask the co-opera tion of every bicycle owner and the the older people ot our town in this underiaking. There is a Town Ordinance against riding bi^cles on the Sidewalks of the Town of Sel ma which ordinance will .be Sfir«d. We trubt that It wd not be necessary to fine any one for violating same. H A HENRY, Mayor. H. B. PEARCE, Chief Poline. Coal bins for use at Army camps ... being — fXs.“ iSStSb Work on the project has already started and is scheduled to be "’^SSilSoA'shop is employing from 16 to 20 men on the construc- rion job. Bins are being turned out at an average of 25 a day and shipped by truck to the camps. Much uneasiness spread through- oufAohnston County a few days ago when the talk became draft officials in the county had an nounced that 643 men were to be taken from Draft territory i„, B.avd. No. 1 'X.J7.' be°'a XS“.™, bo-eve^ X'‘ .TtrtlS "l'™Sn »v“.led tb.t . ,m.ller number of men wouM b. called for that period. [ASTERN PART OF STATE VERY DRY Remove False Teeth In Raids, OCD Urges Mrs. Dora Holland and Mrs. Carl Gardner and Mrs. i rea Gardner to Ft. Bragg Sunday to visit Fred Gardner who was inducted into X army Saturday. They spent Sun- fiav nie-ht in Whiteville wifh Dr. and Mrs C L. Wooten and report a severe many sections' due to the rainfall. 'M Miss Jessica Womack Y. W. G. A. President -rt 1 o .Toca-.i New York, May 12-“f 7^® atore teeth in the event of an air raid” is the warning just released y Si oSo. of Civilian D.f.n», Bn Douglas B. Parker, speaking to the New^York State dental convention _ at the Hotel Pennsylvania Tuesday. A hit on the head or a stumble in the dark,” the warning added, ‘ may cause a person to swallow his false teeth and suffer greater injury than any of the bombs might cause. , Louisburg, N. C., May Womack, Selma, was recently elected as president of the Louisburg 43 Willa Mae Cherry, Washington, wasi elected vice-president. The U. S. Army announced _that Manuel Quezon, President of the PhSpine Commonwealth, has arnv- S in San Frano^co en route to Washington. He was his family and enecuUve staff. . .. K'Sl

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