_™E_JgHNSTONIAN - SUN, SELMA, N. C. — THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1942 PAGE FIVE telephones Day 3; Night 29-J SIRS. E. V. WOODARD Society Editor DOP4 Society DOBa telephones Day 3; Night 29-J MRS. E. V. WOODARD Society Editor _ Mrs E. C. Carroll, of Wake Forest IS spending some time with her daugh ter, Mrs. D. M. Clemmons. Kirby Rose, of Fort Jackson, S. C. here* end* with relatives Wilber Wilson ,of Newport News Va., was the week end guest of'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson Charles Fred Carty and Hugh Grant left Monday for Wake Fores.t College where they entered the Fresh man class. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Pearce, of Wil son, were week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pearce. E. ,V. Deans, Jr., of Cullowhee, spent several days last week with his parents here. He had as his guests for the week end, Woodrow Byson, of Cullowhee, and Berlin By- son, of New River. Mr. Deans re sumes his duties as a member of the Cullowhee College faculty this week. Miss Alice Ward, who has been visiting her aunts, Miss Julia Grant and Mrs. Stacey Canaday, left Tues day for Winston Salem where she is a member of the Griffith school facul ty. Mrs. Lillian Holland, of Buie’s Creek, returned to her home Monday following a week’s visit to her daughter, Mrs. E. V. Woodard. Mrs. Henry Johnston, of Smithfield, visited her mother, Mrs. N. G. Black man, Monday. Joe A. Creech spent Monday in Raleigh and Durham on business. Alton Stancil, of Fort Bragg, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Stancil. Miss Jean Davis is leaving Monday for Meredith College, Raleigh, where she will be a student for the ensuing year. Mrs. J. V. Anglin, of Hickory, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Diehl. Mrs. Anglin left Wednesday night to join her hus band in Boston, Mass., where he is stationed with the U. S. Navy. Lieut, and Mrs. W. H. Chapman left Saturday for Fort McClellan, Ala., after spending a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Earp. Miss June Jones has returned from Norfolk, Va., where she spent the week end with her aunt, Mrs. E. C. Moore. Cadet Jack Diehl of Duke Univer sity, who has finished his flying course there, arrived Wednesday to spend several days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Diehl, before re porting to Athens, Ga., for further training in the Naval Air Corps. Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Mozingo visited Mr. Mozingo’s sister near Tar- boro during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Peedin, of Wil mington, were week end guests of relatives here. Howard Baker returned last Week from Sandusky, Ohio, where he spent the summer with his sister, Mrs. Leslie Keller. Mrs. Bill Woodard spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Danielly, in Raleigh. She also attended a tea given by Miss Virginia Tatum honoring Mrs. Raleigh Travers Daniel. Mr. Woodard joined her for the week end and Labor Day. Sgt. and Mrs. James Oliver, of Washington, D. C., were week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Oliver. Their many friends are glad to wel come Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan back to Selma. They formerly lived here, but have been making their home in Darlington, S. C. for several years. Mr. McMillan is with the A. T. and T. Company. W. I. Godwin, of the Raleigh Air Plight School, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Dora Holland. Sgt. Yates Perry and Cpl. Fred Woodard, of Port Jackson, S. C’., are spending a week’s furlough with their respective parents. Mrs. Roby Baker has returned to her home after a two weeks’ visit with her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Keller, of Sandusky, Ohio. Mrs. Billy Aycock, of Fort Penn ing, Columbus, Ga., was the guest of Judge and Mrs. W. P. Aycock several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Woodard and Fred Woodard were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Woodard in Goldsboro Sunday. Attorney E. G. Hobbs made a busi ness trip to Asheville this week. Judge and Mrs. W. P. Aycock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Aycock in Lucama. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClamrock, Jr., of Raleigh, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Oliver. Mrs. Willard Whitley and Miss Mamie Watson shopped in Goldsboro Tuesday. Miss Anne Hood Hughes is the guest of friends in Coats this week. George Davis Vick, III, of Raleigh, spent several days last week with his grandmother, Mrs. G. D. Vick. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Vick, Jr., and Durant Vick were week end guests and took George, III, home with them. Mrs. C. W. Carr, Jr., of Wilson, who has been .the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Massey, for several weeks, is leaving Friday for Miami, Fla, to join her husband, Lieut. Carr, who is taking training there in the Administrative Depart ment of the Army Air Force. Those front Selma attending the Missionary Educational Conference of the Raleigh District in Raleigh Tues day were Mrs. J. T. Hughes, Miss Margaret Etheredge and the Rev. and »a»a Mrs. 0 .L. Hathaway. Mr .and Mrs. John C .Rose and daughter ,Nancy Lou, visited Mr. J. H. Griffin, Monday. Willard Whitley enlisted in the U. S .Navy Monday. Mrs. Whitley ac companied her husband to Raleigh. Mrs. Bertha Rivenbark has return ed to her home in Raleigh following a visit to Mrs. W. H. Watson. Mrs. Leon Brown spent the week end with relatives in Coats . Mrs. J. H .Griffin, Jr., and children, Melba, Billy and Phillip, of Belhaven, N. C., visited Mr. J. H. Griffin, Sun ' day. Mrs. Joe Parrish and sister, Mary Gray Price spent Labor Day in Raleigh. His many friends will be sorry to know Mr. J. H. Griffin is on the sick list again. Mrs. G. H .Morgan and Mrs. Viola White left Sunday for Wilson where they will spend several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Morgan. Mr. A. B. Brannan of Newport News, Va., spent Sunday here with Mrs. Brannan. Bill Martin has returned ito his home at 207 Massey St., after spend ing several days in Philadelphia, Pa., and Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Smith and little daughter, Eva Dell, of Charleston, S. C., are visiting Mr. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Smith. Billy holds a position with the Southern Bell Telephone Company. Miss Mary Colones has gone to Warsaw, where she will teach in the city schools this fall and winter. •OPfl Social Calendar Kenly News Friday, September 11 3:30 p. m.—Mrs. W. H. Call will en tertain the Friday Afternoon Book Club. Saturday, September 12 7:00 p. m.—^Junior choir practice at Methodist church. Sunday, September 13 1:30 p. m.—Intermediate choir prac tice at Baptist church. 2:00 p. m.—Junior choir practice at Baptist church. 7:00 p. m.—Meeting of Epworth League at Methodist church. Monday, September 14 3:30 p. m.—State Mission Program at Baptist church. 8:00 p. m.—Meeting of Eastern Star at Masonic Hall. Tuesday, Sept. 15 4:00 p. m.-—The Junior G. A.’s will meet with Bobby Jean Ray. Wednesday, September 16 7:30 p. m.—Meeting of B. T. U. at Baptis.t church. Thursday, September 17 7:15 p. m.—Kiwanis meeting at the Woman’s Club. 8:15 p. m.—Senior choir practice at Baptist church. 8:15 p. m.—Senior choir practice at Methodist church. Mrs. Woodard Hostess T0 Club Mrs. W. T. Woodard, Jr., was hos tess .to the members of the Delta Deka Bridge club at her home on Greene Street Thursday afternoon. Mixed garden flowers were effective ly arrangd in the living room where three tables of contract were in play. The guests were served ice cream with ginger ale and cookies upon ar rival. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Mrs. Ross Ingram; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. W. L. Norton. Top score prize for members. War stamps, went to Mrs. Floyd C. Price, Jr., while Mrs. Lytch Hedgpeth won high for guests, a pottery bowl. Those making up the tables, in ad dition to the foregoing, were: Mes- dames Hayden Wiggs, Walter Price, Vernon Wiggs, Rudolph Howell, Tal- mage Corbett, Hayden Mozingo, and Miss Bertha Woodard. Entertains At Raleigh Luncheon Mrs. W. T. Woodard, Jr., of Selma, entertained at a luncheon at the Tally-Ho Inn in Raleigh Monday honoring Mrs. Raleigh Travers Daniel, recent bride. Lace mats and bridal place cards were used. The centerpiece was an arrangement of late summer flowers and pink roses in a yellow pottery bowl. A two course luncheon was served. The honoree was presented silver in her pattern. Guests included Mrs. Daniel, Miss Frances Darden, Miss Addie Murray Darden, Miss Virginia Tatum, and Miss Ann Lydia Clive. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wiggins of Selma, Route 2, announce the birth of a daughter, Annie Pauline, on September 2nd. Mrs. Wiggins was before her mar riage Miss Mozelle Batten, Selma, Route 2. FOUND — NORTH CAROLINA Li cense plate. Owner can get same by calling at office of The Johnstonian- Sun and identifying same, and pay ing 25c for this ad. LOST — GRUEN GENTLEMEN’S wrist watch, in or around C. M. Stallings’ Service Station on High way 301, about 2 weeks ago. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to Grover Massey, at Stallings’ Filling Station. 2t. NOTICE ! On September 15th foreclosure suits wil be started on delin quent taxes for years 1939 and prior. Pay before the above date and save addi tional cost. ROSS INGRAM, Tax Collector for Town of Selma. Mr. and Mrs. Obedolph Bizzell of Princeton, Route 2, announce the birth of a son, Glenn Douglas, on Sep tember 2. Mrs. Bizzell is the former Miss Thelma Parrish of Selma, Route 2. HAY BALER FOR SALE — ONE Hay Baler for sale, size 14x16, in good condition. J. M. Pittman, Selma, Route 2. Selma Lodge No. 320, A. F. & A. M Meets Every First and Third ■Tuesday at 7:30 P. M. Visiting Brethren Invited D. S. BALL, Master W. T. WOODARD, Secretary Sgt. Carl J. Edgerton, of Port Jackson, S. C., spent several days with relatives this week. Mrs. Pattie E. Edgerton, of Wil- mington, spent the week end here. Horace Draughon spent Monday and Tuesday at P. J. C. Maxton. Mr. and Mrs. K'. D. Perkins and daughter. Miss Mary Faye Perkins and Leon Jackson all of Pikeville were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edgerton, Sunday. Dick Atkinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Atkinson left Monday for Oak Ridge Military Institute where he will be in school this winter. Rev. and Mrs. Tom Freeman are home again after a two weeks stay out of town. Miss Bertha Edgerton is spending this week in Benson with Mrs. L. L. Levinson. Billy Stallings has returned from Blowing Rock after several \yeeks stay. Miss Margaret Johnson and Miss Idaleen Ballance have entered Miss Harbarger’s Secretarial school Raleigh. Friends of Mrs. Paul Etheridge will be glad to learn that she is home from the hospital after a week’s stay. Miss Mary Johnson is again at Flora McDonald College, Red Springs. Ernest Wilkinson returned Friday to Oak Ridge Institute. Mrs. A. G. Hooks has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Roger Smith in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Jack Stallings, Mrs. Carl Lewis, Mrs. Eva Broughton, J. Dob bin Bailey a»d the Rev. G. B. Starling attended the funeral services for Bud Bailey in Rocky Mount on Thursday afternoon. Shirley Evett has returned from Woodard-Herring hospital much im proved. Darden Edgerton of Winston Salem has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Ross D. Edgerton this week. George _ Whitley of Rutherford visited Bill Stallings over the week end. Mrs. Hugh Jeffries and son, of Portsmouth are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Fannie Keene of Pi.tt General hospital, Greenville, is visiting Mrs. Henry Watson. Mrs. Caro Pearce and Mrs. Will Pearce spent Tuesday in Smithfield. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stallings, Mrs. Beulah High and Ronie High were guests of Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Woodard at their camp during the week end and Labor Day. — K — College Students Are Entertained Kenly’s younger set entertained at an informal dance Wednesday even ing at the Woman’s Club honoring the young people that leave soon for the various schools and colleges. During intermission, Miss Delia Swink Grady entertained at her home. Friends from several nearby towns were present. WilUam Bennett WaU Dies of Heart Attack a heart attack. Funeral services were held from the Corinth Baptist Church Tuesday at 4 p. m., with the Rev. Newell Stan cil officiating. Burnal was in the church cemetery. Surviving are his wife; three daughters, Mrs. Inez Alford, Mrs. Crecy Eason and Mrs. Sadie Batten, all of Wendell, Route 1. Wendell.—William Bennett Wall, 59 died at his home on Wendell Route 1, in Johnston County Sunday night *of Movement of orchard grass seed from farms continued active during the first .two weeks of August,-and by the middle of the month 69 per cent of the commercial 1942 crop had been sold. New Merchandise Shoes I Good Quality-^uy two or three pairs now—you will not be able to get these shoes in the future. New Hats 300 to select from. Some of the best styles. New Coats Harris Tweed Tweeds. and Harris Type NEW DRESSES In all shades, sizes and styles. The Corner Store Eunice Griswald, Manager w’*' f \t an itivestment isrft iiothii^else about it ■ Save the savings and loan way for safety and profit S.AFETY of each account is SECURED by many modern homes and ample cash reserves New Series Beginning October KENLY BUILDING & LOAN ASS’N. KENLY, NORTH CAROLINA Coats! We have Big Selection of Coats for women and children. We have Coats NOW the quality of which will not be as good in later arrivals. You can make a deposit and hold any article. Buy a Coat this year to use for the duration. i| ii • 'I * if I • DRESSES We have a big shipment of Dresses, good styles and patterns. All new merchandise. ‘i • SHOES ! SHOES! Buy two or three pairs of Shoes now—you will need these later. Miracle Arch and Craddock Arch, all good Shoes. Buy Early. Men^s Suits Men^s Hats Some All Wool 500 BUY CLOTHING NOW To Choose From Same Old,Price All Colors and Sizes A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Article Walt Godwin, Selma