PAGE TWO THE JOHNSTONTAN-SUN, SELMA, N. C., THURSDAY—AUGUST 4, 1949. Poor Richard live He that is rich need not sparingly, and he that can sparingly need not be rich. —B. Franklin. Wilson’s Mills Mr. HALF A HOUSE OKAYED Medford, Mass.—A building permit was issued here for the erection, of one-half of a house. The other half of the dwellin, will be just^ over the city line Wincheste: lA NOTICE OF THE OF SPECIAL ELEC- IN JOHNSTON COUNTY is hereby given that m e with the nrovisions r 1084, of the* laws of Carolina, Session 1947, rl of Elections of J«n- nty ha.s called a spBial jin Johnston County*for ose of submitting the the 'wine Notici accorda of Cha; North the B ston Cj electio: the p voters ,Sf .Johnston Count questi®s of whether or ni and Mrs. G. C. Youngblood, li''® and Mrs. Paul Weatherspoon have returned from a vacation at Vir ginia Beach. Mrs. Albert Corbett and (;hil- dren. Misses Nova Ann, Nancy, and'Master Andy Corbett. Misses Frances and Charlotte Steohenson, Mae Wilson are spending this k at Atlantic Beach. Miss Faye Massey and her father, Mr. Aubrey Massey, of Washington 'City are visiting Mrs. Clara Massey. Mes.sers Henry Stephenson and Noah Wilson, Jr„ went to Wen dell Sunday. They atten-'*>rl t'^e Union Meeting of the Christian Churches which met there. Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Barbour, and Mr. Carl K. Parrish, Jr., spent Sunday in La Grange. Mr. and Mrs. David Lamm and children, of Hertford, Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Wood and daughte ', of Smithfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Odell Wood and daughter, o*' Raleigh, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Grover Wood. Mrs. Jack Reaves and chilHren i of High Point, have been recent | guests of Mrs. James Uzzle. Mrs. James Uzzle snent the past week end with relatives in High Point. Mr. and Mrs. Ersilene Creech and children, of Smithfield, v'sit- Selma diinrehes SELMA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I Pastprate vacant. Sunday School 10 a. m., T. I Eason, Supt. Worship 11 a. m. Youth Fellowship 5:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Tuesday, 8:00 p. SELMA F. W. B. CHURCH Rev. R. P. Harris, pastor. Sunday School, George Parrish. iSupt., 10 a. m. I Morning Worship (1st Sundays) II a, m. I Evening Worship (1st-Sundays) 17:30 p. Hi. Free Will Baptist Leagues 6:1,h p. m. Ladies’ Auxiliary. Monday after 2nd Sunday 7:30 p. m. . Workers’ Council, WeVnesday before the 1st Sunday ,8:00 p. m. ‘*City chicken” centering the table, accompanied by a tang:y sauce and buttered green beans, is sure to bring favorable comment from your summer diners. These veal cubes, threaded on wooden skewers, are braised—dredged in seasoned flour and browned, then eooked with a little liquid in a covered frying-pan. Roots of Culture BIRTHSTONE •AND ITS MEANING and b, gaily ty, sa held 1949, provis: terms The open i the Co Registe: ginning 1949, a: tember This 1 C. H. Board ston Co; July21 28 ir, or either shall Jld within Jnhnsiot Special election) 20 day of S^ jn accordance ■ns and pursuaq Chapter 1084 egistration bi) nth the to the Iforesaid. will be ed Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Moore last week. Master Robert Moore has re turned from Rex Hosoital at Ral eigh where he received treatment for an infected foot, Mrs. William Proctor and son, Stevie, of Micro, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leste*' Barbour, ENTERTAINED CLASS all voting ty for thej ng qualifiq n Saturd lecincts of rpurnose of voters be- August 20, closing JBaturdav, Sep- , 1949. day of#uly, 3949. trown, Jehairman Ele«ons of John- ity, Jorth Carolina. 11 *9 CAN BLAMmUGUr NdpPie^lFligue? Mrs. Lester Barbour entertained her primary class of the Bantist Sunday School at her home Sun day morning. Ice cream and cake were served. Those members pre sent were: Eunice Atwood, Jean Garner, Matha Baker, Marvell Burgess, Larry Barbour, Gary Wood, Lena Holland, Fave Brown, Annie Stevens. Inez Adams, and Ereddie Barbour. SFPTEMBER-71HFSAPPHIRE. A1EN OP ALL TIMES HAVE CREDITED the DEEP-BLUE SAPPHIRE WITH GIVING ' POWER OVER SPIRITS, AND PROTECTION ^ 35008.C. "^'^^AINSTEVIL.^s^.^-^ THE STAR sapphire OF FAMOUS ORIENTAL TRA-. WELLER, SJR RICHARD FRANC/S burton Q82I-/890), EARNED HIM WILLING SERV/CE EVERYWHERE. FIRST F. W. B. CHURCH Rev. C. W. Kirby, pastor. Sunday School, W. H. Watson, Supt., 10 a. m. Worship, 2nd and 4th Sundays, 11 a. m. • Worship, 2nd and 4th Sundays, 7 p. m. Young Peoples meeting 6'30 p, m. Mid-week Prayer service. Wed nesday 7 p. m. Choir practice, Saturday 7 p. m Why Pay More? il and Automotive Necessities GASOLIME allons > GASOLIME- lallons - G.. Sl.OO-GREASING We Repack ONT WHEEL BEARII 50c Per Whej LD BE DONE EVERSlfe.OOO MILES Easin's Sesnee Station at Gorner jilffi-Way 301 and R. R, Street INGd^L PRODUCTS I Eason, Manager PHONE 33-J SELMA, N, G. SEPTEMBER PEOPLE INCLUDE MANY FAMOUS WRITERS. fTIDUfTRIAtlSTS, CHEMISTS, * ' ■ . DIETICIANS. T««, BlMk' iitiinM u liittcM feeUsg Blaek-Dnugbf uoally iirompt directed. It • dOH. Tbct’i Miler wltb feur bmbleil with n Vwittwti'iMiS'Efi IWEptbiaa arc due only to then fee whet Bl«k-Dr«iigbt Qet * paclutf 9 today. physleal hare that ^coastipation, laxatlre, U :h vhen taken penny or lesa been a best* I. Zf you art a# Jose ATTENTION VETERANS QUEEN-MOTHER MARY OF ENGLAND IS A SAPPHIRE CONNOISSEUR AND /{■ Selma MEET RO A.F.&A.M tY FIRS r AND TUESDAY 8 P. M. SMITH, Master RALEIGH H. GRIFFIN, 5«cretar> /'O Leave Selma 6:30 A.M. 7:30 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. 6:15 P.M. World War TI veterans tvish'ng to .sec>ir2j^_j5overn'me!it-guavan- to £?■ len.di|ig .instif'itiVin in going to a lender vou should t^ke vour original discharge naue’-s a^'i well as in’ormation on your plans and financial condition, such as fearnings, assets, exneditures, etc. It is not necessarv for the vet eran to annly to the 'Y.A firs+. ai- 'hough it is Prepared to furnish onv Pertinent ipformati*in bv applicants. The so-called G. O. T^oaPs are made bv the lendiug institution, not by the Govem- jment. A veteran who makes a ~jloan miisl be prepared to pav i+ back in full on the regular dates lust like anv other loan. Under the terms of the G. I Bill, the Veterans Administration guarantees up to 50 per cent o’' the loan, up to a maximum guarantee of $4,000 for a home or farm. Among the features of tho piin- ' anteed home loans is the provision that the interest rate shall not ex- 4 T-o.- ,4lso the Vetera" has the right to pay off par or all of the loan before it becomes due, if he desires. A World I'fa" IX vefopap v.-.- until .July 1957 to exercise his loan guarantee right. The same Plan goes as to a business, except the guarantee is $2,000.00. ' Q. T am a widow' receWin”' death pension for myself and m- daughter. My daughter will be 18 rears of age this month and is at tending business schooL Will T ''ontinne to receive pension foi her while she is at school? A Yes, if the daughter is tak ing a course of instruction ap proved bv the Veterans AdmioLs- *ration. Pension or compensation '•nav be continued after a child’s 18th birthday and until the com- nletion of education or training but not after the child reaches the age of 21. Q. I am the widow of a World War I veteran and have heard that I am now entitled to receive •pension. What proof should submit with my claim? A, There are three kinds of evidence you should submit with your application: First, proof of vour marriage to the veteran. Second,* proof that any prior mar miage of the veteran or yourself have been legally dissolved. And third, proof of the veteran’s death. The claim and supporting evid ence should be forwarded to the VA as promptly as possible. SELMA baptist CHURCH Rev. H. B. Land, pastor. Sunday School, Carl Worley, Jr., Supt., 10 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Young peoples choir practice, 2:15 p. m. , Baptist Training Union, 6.30 p. m. Evening Worship, 3:00 p. m. Young Peonies Fellowship meet ing, 8:30 p. m. Junior Choir Practice, Wednes day 3:30 p. m Mid-week prayer service. Wed nesday 7:30 p. m. EDGFRTON MEMORIAL METHODIST CHURCH Rev. H. B. Baum, pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m., D Perkins, Supt. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Junior Choir practice 2 p. m. Youth Fellowship, 6:45 p. m. Preaching, 3:00 p. m. Choir Practice, Wednesday o. m. TABERNACLE CHURCH Anderson and Sharpe streets. E. G. Osteen, pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m., Mrs Joe DaYis, Supt. Worship 11 a. m. Young Peoples Service, 6:45 p. Evangelistic service, 8:00 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Comer S. Pollock and Preston Streets. Rev. A. B. .Johnson, P-astor. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.. Prof, M. L. Wilson, Supt. Sunday School Teachers’ meet ing, Wednesday, 7:00 p. m. Mid - vjieek Prayer meeting Wednesday 8:00 p. m. Sunday morning worship, 11:00 o’clock. Baptist Training Union, Sunday 6:30 p .m. Senior Choir rehearsal, Thurs day 7:30 p. m. Junior Choir rehearsal, Friday 7:30 p. m. Senior Women’s Mission circle, Wednesday 2:30 p. m. Roberta Bunn Mission circle, Sunday 3:00 p. m. Young People’s Mission circle, Monday 8'00 p. m. PAINT SAME USED BY UILDERS TING NEW 3, ^ 0 :ial Price—Only i 49.00 IE DAY SERVICE - ind see our new oven that will [old a whole automobile. TIflIMPSON’S GARAGE Phone 215-W Selma, N. C. TRAVEL SOUTHERN RAILWAY To Goldgboro—5:15 a. m,, 9:55 a 1. and 10:52 p. m. To Greensboro—5:40 a m., 5:05 p. m. and 9:48 p. m. ATLANTIC COAST LINE To Fayetteville—2:33 a. m., 10:07 ■ a. m., 1:35 p. m. and 4:20 p. m. To Wilson—1:47 p. m., 6:07 p. m. and 11:44 p. m. The Tablets He Will Not Sell They are median miMpie, pharma,cist wiSlj^t seTthe' He knows they are dramatically effective against many in- tections : : : are saving thousands of lives each year ... but he also knows that, improperly used,'they may affect the kidneys, cause headaches and severe nausea, or product other equally uncomfortabl^fcnd undesirable reactions. When you^^hysician prescribes the sulfa drugs he watches — sisnis and can take prompt, effective steps to preven se^us complications. Without this supervision you cannot tak*ulfa drugs safely. The sulfa drugs are not the only drugs®*hich are unsafe for self-medication. There are same class which require the supervision of safeguard their use. They, too, are dispensed o, ugs . . . the sulfas . . . but your to you without a prescription. POOL ATTRACTS THRONGS For Charter Trips See EARL RADFORD PHONE 2-W Selma^ N. C. Dunn. — Dunn’s Memorial Swimming Pool is the most ponul- ar place in town these hot days, and attendance is • much better than even had been expected. Coach Paul Waggoner, manager of the pool, said. Wounded swans have been heard to make a musical sound as they sailed to earth, so “the death song of a swan” is not a myth. nut, ^ CARDBOaSO t 3/16’soft LD THIS WILLYS-OVEIKAND JEEP STATION WAGON GREYHOUND BUS To Raleigh—1:08 a. m., 7:03 a m., 9:16 a. m., 11:03 a. m., 1:08 p. m., 4:18 p. m., 6:28 p. m., and 9:16 m. To Goldsboro—6:57 a. m., 8:42 a. m., 11:27 a. m., 2:42 p. m., 5:17 p. m., 6:17 p. m., 8:12 p. m., and 11:1?; p. m. Dear Dad; Junior probably isn’t old enough to drive th^e family car but with IZ' "f f” you) can have loads of fun driving” this tU inch electric motor driven model pat- JooP Sta tion Wagon. It IS powered with two, Eveready No. 950 flashlight nfht 3= ° ^ flash light case. You can steer this car remotely — make it turn to the right or left or even back up! Here’s how It works. An ordinary 4 to 7 cable speedometer cable_ runs from the rear of the chassis to the battery case. Thus ‘o the left or In’" j ‘^an turn the wheels in the desired direction. Varnish in- wire running from the sulated Eveready batteries to the small wWli" “v°'' the rear wneew. Your local radio renair shop stocks the special switch and your"hoblf^‘^\^°‘’ "All® your hobby shop carries the balsa 'You «'®ctric motor. Y.ou can build this car from these plans and instructions and ; you can obtain additional information fro'Ti the August issue of Mechanix Illustrated magazine. The car is made in two sections, the chassis and the body. Using the dimensions shown on the plan, cut the chassis from the prescribed balsa, mount the axle units and i motor. Note the speedometer cable, ob tained from any car parts store, is permanently attached to the rear of the car. By twisting the cable the front wheels are made to turn in the desired direction. The elec tric wires to feed the motor are taped to the outside of the speed ometer cable. After^ the wheels and steering inechanism are installed and the electric circuit tested, build up the body as indicated. Follow the and you^Ii have a model that not only looks like the real Jeep Station Wagon but its just as rugged and easy to “drive”, ... Good luck, Zb0444^ TRAILWAY BUS To Wilson—8:05 a. m., 11:43 a m,, 4:00 p. m,, 6:35 p. m. and 10:35 p. m. To Fayetteville—8:17 a. m„ 1:03 p. m., 4:50 p. m., 8:13 p. m.’ and 10:10 p. m. SPECIAL TRAiLWAY BUS To Sanford—leaving Selma 4:50 \ p. m. Arriving in Selma from Sanford 1:40 p. m. STARTING AT HOME Chattanooga, Tenn.—The city has begun issuing “warning tags” to residents who did not remove their empty garbage cans from the streets promptly. One of the first to get tagged was City Com missioner P. R. Olgiati, whose de partment enforces the ordinance. others in physician on presc: Reme: over his tions on damagi dangero; greatest Your you use one pha: Reprintei Parks, D; THE appr: rug direc ts your protection againstJKnowingly r this: your pharmacist will never sell nter unless it is safe to take according ti te label. That ' our heallji . . . and it’s his refusal j, drugs except on prescription th; “otecticn. ai^acist is responsible fo^jpGr safety in the drugs n he takes his obUgl^ seriously. This is but bf your pharmacisFg^ribution to public health, from a copyrigi - 1 potentially ves you your „ X n sdYertisement published by s & Compam||P5troit 32, Michigan. association BSPsPONSORSHIP of this MESSAGE Hurricanes are officially desig nated as winds with a velocity of more than 75 miles per hour. Wanl & (liwli drug to. Registered Druggists Selma, N.C. I; V \