\ September 25, 1944 istoric School Year Ends special Ninth Grade Edition June 9, 1945 Dewey Greer Receives Large Majority of Presidential Votes The coming fall will see Dev/ey Greer inaugurated the next presideait of J. H. S., Bobby Younts as vice president, Sara Barrier secretary and treasurer, Evelyn Nance clyur man of public relations, and Marilyn Robinette, Junior I^int er editor. Dewey Greer, the new student body president, the boy with per sonality plus, hails from 204. A well liked student \of his room, he has served cn the ^student council during his previous two years here. He is also a member of the Senior High School Band. Bobby Younts is the capable new vice president. He has the qualifications for an eagle scout and room 207 is very proud of him. He is good in his school work and takes an active part in school activities. He has brown curly hair, a pleasing personality, and is liked by everyone. That cute little blon^ from |05, Sara Barrier, is our n^ slQ^ptOTy and treasurer. Sara was chairman"^ of the Lost and Found Committee last ter. She makes good is well liked by all her. Evelyn Nancej^hiV girl with the Pepsodent stniteis our chair man of public ^laVons for next year. Evelyn honor roll stu dent and her favorite subjects are math and music and her hobby is collecting records. She is five feet six inches and has brown hair and brown eyes. She is very popular and oijfstanding with all who know Ihe: obinette, ^pular stu- deht'JoY 215 and our new Editor in Xhief, is a former student of Ray Street school. Marilyn excels in her studies, is a friendly brun ette, five feet one, and is an active member of the student body. Principally Speaking . . . It may be that never again in one school year shall we see so much world history unfold. As a school group you have done your part faithfully and well. I have sincerely enjoyed work ing with you and for you. Many ccmpliments have come to you this year from visitors and from neighbors. That makes it an hon or to be a member of the Junior High family. More than four hundred of you are graduating and we who re main will miss you. Continue your education; you will need it in the Post-War world. My best wishes go with you always. May all of you, both faculty and students, have an enjoyable vacation season. MR. THAYER. Letters from ’44-’45 Presidents • • I would like to say to all you 8th graders who next year will be enrolled in the ninth grade of Junior High School, that your next year will be full of bright opportunities. In the last three years I have attended and visited many schools and I can assure you that never before have I seen a school with any better edu cational, physical, and student government facilities than this one which will next year be run by you. To Dewey Greer,' and the exe cutive committee I would like to say that you are lyery fortunate in having Mrs. Ross as your council advisor. I am sure you will find her very co-operative and helpful in many ways and will receive the same»^co-operation from our principal, Mr. Thayer. But boys and girls, remember this. Next year you will not be kept organized only by your ele cted leaders, but by ’each stud ent’s individual participation and cooperation with every member of faculty and students. Sincerely yours, TONY TEACHEY. yeen a m(? been a Junior Pointer PUBLISHED BY STUDENTS OF HIGH POINT JR. HIGH SCHOOL VOLf?fVII, No. 8 HIGH POINT, N C., FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1945 25c A YEAR food Looking Bunch •> •> New Executive Committee Don’t You Think? These five smiling individuals seem pleased over the mandate they have received to head the student council next year. And well they might, as it\s a proud tradition which will be theirs to uphold. They are: Bobby Younts, Sara BarijW, Evelyn Nance, Marilyn Robinette, and Dewey Greer. Mrs. Kimrey Resigns Her School Position All-Columbian Honor Awarded The Junior Pointer has receiv ed national rec^nition in tiiej'-summer. If your job is with an y form of an All-Columbian award for its feature's writing. The *^^^d was given by Columbia of the so Columbia The Jun’- tinction of bfejn^the only school paper ,ii^ the^^uth of its classi- associationj^part of journalism of •ersity.^ \j Pointer has the dis- Attention! Get Your t of the Seniors and the nde^raduates will work this industry, you must get a social security card. To do this you only have to go to the nearest office of the Social Security Board and ask for a card. But until you have a promise of a job, do not apply for an account number. Why do you need a social se curity piiyiber ? Because you want credit3or every dollar you earn. The receive someday wfe^ depend upon the ficati^^iy^^i iC^ceive this honor, . otherLivvimers of awards bein^ ii^ record that is kept for you r> ~L yy "RfiQVrl Students of Junior High, It seems that I’ve speiit so many pleasurable and proritable, days here in Junior High fliaAi way I hate to leave, but'^t^feel sure th^ next yeiufJiiDii will all get benjnd Dew^jf^reer and comijiit\ee, f^d work earne; ou will b6~prc!ud to^ I aVji^^^fom, Juniir Him Because/ thj§ paSTjsetne/ter has enjQjm^^ onti;^ hag' easiire^o take tWs op- portunitLpjl^ behalf of the Stud ent Council to thank Mrs. rtosST [ who has been our faculty advisor I and in so doing helped us in I many, many ways. Also I would ■ like to thank Mr. Thayer for help- I ing us put on cur many activi ties. i In closing I wish to tell you ; that I have appreciated your splendid cooperation, and I am sure that you will give your- new president the same cooperation. Sincerely yours,' ' PAUL FRIED .MAN. With a dfeep feeling of regret, the Home i^onomics Department announces thV resignation of its director, Mrs.\Lillian P. Kimrey, who recently Wcepted the ap pointment as ai^stant Home De- mons^ation Agent for Guilford Coun mrey' served’*Jmil)r Lgh s. opular withWflTe stu- rsj Kimnw gave freely e/tlKiI».Jtarious social Junior She ^^ill—.alwhjps be ed for her fine s^rit of ;eration and it wasK through IV^. Kimrey’s untipifig efforts nat Junior HiglK^chool reached well over its' quota in the recent Red Cross drive. \VTtIfNhe'r’’artistic and creative ability m designing costuihes, Mrs. Kimrey "brought many char acters to life’ in the plays that Were given during her years as Director of Home Economics. Too —who could ever forget the de licious refreshments at all the parties and tea dances? There will Be many things we won’t forget, Mrs. Kimrey — we are going to miss you. Our loss is Guilford County’s gain, but we wish you every success and hap piness' in your new endeavor. There is just one last request we should like to make — dOn’^ for get us and come back to gee us whenever you can. ' Ne\v^ork, Pennsylvania, Ne Jersey and California. The All-Columbian award is given to newspapers and maga zines for outstanding work in each of several fields of journal ism, such as typography, head lines, news stories, editorials, sports, and features. One publi cation is selected for each field. Nancy Greer, Betty Jo Hedrick, and Irving Silver are feature writers for the paper. ocia^KeMrity Board. Here are tj^t _you should remember 1. Get a card if you^^mejl or 2. Do not get a card unlesg^ou plan to work. 3. Take care of your card if you get one. 4. Ask your employer to copy down your name and account number. 6. If you lose your card, get a duplicate. Always use the same number. HONOR ROLL SEVENTH GRADES Ralph Brown Hal Davis Dick Swartzberg Barbara Bartsch Janice Murphy Barbara Short Mary Auman Mildred Campbell Rosa Danford Peggy Green Joyce Leonard Nancy ► Peace Van Boyles Paul Paulkenberry Robert Ladehoff Jack ^Marion Bill McGuinn Doris Craven Rebecca Dowdy Helen Gay Patsy Johnson Nancy Oglesby ' Sarah l^ag'e Nancy Perryman Susanne Slate ■; Betty Solomon Betty Jean Carter Rose Marie Delgrego- Katherine Jones Joanne Rothrock Carl Martin Nancy I^ewls Ijen,a Stout Peggy Ann ITodgin Nancy Monroe Lucy Ann (.hoggins Joan Jnvengood ' , Jean Armfield Tommie Lentz Dianne AVagger Barbara Whitson Ldline Hall Barbara Steele Helen Jacobs Patricia Blair George Davis Betty Joan Cusworth Marcia Ann Church Fred Farmer Colon Chandler Margaret Jennings Becky Dunn Marjorie Srexton Lois Sink Annie Ruth Nobles Libby Moore Peg'gy Hinkle Carrie Boyles EIGHTH GRADES Vernon Taylor Rebeccai Dickens Grace Ann CruV' * ' Nancy Hughes Elon Nixon „lVIaxine Freeman •Billie Susan -Sink' Evelyn DavLs' Dorothy Black Donald Thurber Patsy Cloufelter Mary Ella Coffey Pat Tlroome Jean Kearps . ■^"Mary Lou Plummer Betty Claire Soljulthesis ..Barbara Smart ‘Alary Strickland'^ Johnsie Bryant Mary Alice- Edwards David Lee Teague • Betty Ituth SaTtz William Fost^^r Bobby Hopkins Bobby Padgett Joyce Burrows G^iynelle Sea,rs : - . Anne Shlpwash Charlene Thomas Betsy White ' Margaret McAllister Doris White Betty Baucom Alma Fisher Mildred Jeffers Temma Leyton Doris Blankenship Marjorie Hall , . NINTH GRADES Betty Lee* Dickens Bill Friddle Betsy Bolling June Rose Campbell Sarah Shaw George Freemap. Louise Hutching" Ann , Athanas ..; Ilelen Wilson • JJachel Griliam Irving J^ilver ' Ralph Tilden Jean PespernTan Amanda l^ekjis Betty Jo *Hedrick Joyce Kearns M Doris Jean IJndsay Barbara Lowe ; Anne Marlette •; Clariann Massey ;,v. ' Judy Mower Jane Roaph - Joe Aaron Jerry h-iirr . , Charles ‘Ateredith Leonar4, Shpaf , . . Ovid Kearns Mary McNaiunra. Phyllis Lucas Jean Brp\vn . Jean Clary Basilia Cavarnos .